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General Discussiondepression thread

depression thread in General Discussion

    Just fucked up my maths paper 2 by making 2 of the easiest fucking careless mistakes and losing 4% and this is O levels...why am i so fucking careless all the fucking time....i wanan kill myself...thank god for the all mute button on dota 2 now


      That escalated quickly


        i dont think dota 2 forums are the best place to discuss your mental health or school performance...


          School performance is directly correlated to Dota 2 considering the worst I do in school the less dota I get...look at it like this..not that you would care but its the only place i can cry about it to ._.

          waku waku

            i've been skipping university for like 5 months due to lack of motivation and energy in life
            this is going to lead me nowhere, my parents will probably hate me for it and crush my dreams even though they easily could help me make them come true instead ;_____;

            Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

              Well , I would think of a less obvious title, inb4 wave get's ahold of this thread.

              waku waku

                dota is life


                  i did 2*4=6 in my Hl maths paper


                    PRO^ lol


                      i once transposed every determinant question in the paper.Best 50 marks ever


                        All I can say to that is "fuck off".



                          Honestly it does get really hard, between juggling work, kid, gaming, and university, certain aspects of my life really started to suffer. I didn't do that great in my O'Levels and I know it is a blow at first but no one really cares once you hit a certain age, my uni studies did pretty good which I was shocked about cause I didn't really study at all but I guess that is the charm of doing a degree in something you are already proficient and self-taught. If you are finding it hard to make the time to study or put enough thought into it try and commit a period of time each day in small amouts to studying at least a bit, it will become habit and you will find yourself with a lot more time on your hands if things are scheduled. What was your final mark?

                          @community toxin ♥

                          Don't do can be really fucking annoying to have to go to university but it will all be over soon and you don't want to look back and wish you had done it right the first time round. Also, I don't know about where you are but universities will allow you to take breaks of up to two years if you request it.

                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                            Thanks alot for the tip and advice Havoc Badger, id love to implement that in my life...I also do not know my final mark yet because today was the 1st day of my O levels ....At this point I can get a maximum of 31% out of 35% for this paper and Im happy with a 30% knowing I understand all the other questions clearly...The good thing about this is theres another paper consisting of a total of 65% and If I manage to get 50% I think I can secure myself with an A...thanks for the tip again


                              I think how I did it was..

                              Work 9-5
                              Study 6-7

                              ....then game as much as I wanted but it ensured I got at least an hour in. Like I said don't worry to much about your scores they have little impact on your future but it is always good to achieve high where possible.


                                Losing 4% and wanna kill yourself?

                                Like losing 4% WR I would understand, but this ?



                                  extended essay on frozen is gonna be pretty weird to write

                                  4000 words on let it go

                                  nah, i've written 110,000 of fanfiction 4000 is easy


                                    It's true how these little mistakes wont generally affect my future at all but my parents pay RM33k equivalent to 10 000 USD for my education per year and it would be utterly disrespectfull and dissapointing If I dont get good marks

                                    I'm just going to go with Dota gave you more attention than your parents did

                                    GG | dudutsai

                                      I can help if you want yiran


                                        Yo @Yiran.

                                        My school doesn't even offer HL Math. :P

                                        (I also don't need to pay for any of it)


                                          Dude, I was taken to an army for a year next day I finished my university by writing a graduation project (that supposed to be done through like 4 month) in two weeks, after solving my study "debts" for like 12 study classes (like exams and stuff) in one summer, while working in the Internet provider company callcenter, where every client sure you're his personal antidepressant and he must tell you all bullshit of the world regardless of want you to hear it or not.
                                          What was your problem, again?

                                          Този коментар е бил редактиран


                                            When someone appeals to his lack of effort and energy, I generally think he's just deluding himself for his own sanity. It's possible that you're just not smart or social enough for college.

                                            Your first step is realizing this truth. The next step is to cut the waste and start your new life. Drop out of your school to pinch the flow of wasted money, find a type of work you can manage, and do it.

                                            waku waku

                                              Truth is, i don't think i want to study here as i feel they are teaching me boring and useless bullshit instead of the trade i want to learn. Only things that coukd hold me here is that a part of what they are teaching me is useful, i got into this university for free, this could be my chance to move up in the world, (and i don't even know how!) i might get drafted into the army if i get kicked out, and my parents might give me a very "warm welcome". Oh yes, i hate them, so being away from them is a benefit too. And yet, it does not seem to be worth it for me. But what could be?


                                                @op I'm not sure its any help but if you want my advice you should kill yourself as you mentioned. Just dont overthink it, find the more comfortable way to do it and do it without looking back.

                                                And im saying that from my own experience. The only way to deal with depression is suicide.


                                                Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                  Life is a journey
                                                  School is a part of that journey

                                                  i focused so hard on school in the last year that i didn't enjoy it and i would have done better had i studied less and enjoyed it more.
                                                  Over focusing (stressing) limits your creativity and lateral thinking.

                                                  Overall, to this stage of my life being 43 yo, school has been a part of my development.
                                                  Other more important aspects are; your attitude, networking (people) skills, interests, personal development (you always are learning physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually - not just studies and exams) and improving your outlook generally.

                                                  Those moments I felt so down from high school or mistakes made during uni ... they are a drop in the larger ocean of my life.

                                                  Take it as a learning experience or stuff happens. You have a passion because you are evaluating the how's and the why's. Just from that you have a great starting point.

                                                  Persevere! The ups and downs are part of the game.

                                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                    Holy shit school costs so much in malaysia? I got off with 200sgd/year in secondary school. ..

                                                    Studies first, doto second, though I myself need to practice what I preach. ..

                                                    Low Expectations

                                                      Most of the stuff you learn in school is useful and practical. You need basics in maths, english and your native language. The other shit is to spark your interest so that you know what to do later on with ur life. Overall school is just a stepping stone to your job and future earnings. The diffrence is do you rather earn loads of money (lawyer, doctor, engineer) and work 40h week and being able to travel or do you rather have mediocre job salesman etc and earn less but not be able to travel. choice is yours


                                                        Can anyone look at my match history and tell what's going on this week?


                                                          10k usd per year? holy crab.


                                                            The UK has become pretty expensive for studying, while up to A/O levels is free unless you are privately schooled, university cost me about £27000 for the full three year wack.

                                                            Damn education.


                                                              ^Goddamn thats huge money

                                                              Vanity  ツ

                                                                I'm attaining my university admission certification with "hl mathematics" for free here in Norway :)


                                                                  ^ i don't know what that means but i'm also going to a uni in Norway this fall, which university do you go to?


                                                                    thanks for the positivity guys :D helps alot

                                                                    .  .

                                                                      Take it this way – anything except IMO, ICHO, etc. doesn't matter. You can get 4 GPA or 1 GPA and it doesn't make a difference at all. Either you're the very best or a nobody. Same with unies, either you're in top 10 world or it's completely irrelevant.


                                                                        ahaha I wish that positivity from dotabuff could help me :D


                                                                          I <3 Wit.Hin_T

                                                                          Does that help? smoooooooooooooch


                                                                            nuu :(
                                                                            and you can't even type my nick properly.. am so depressed right now :(

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