General Discussion

General DiscussionZenoth

Zenoth in General Discussion





      Terrorblade took a decently big hit, even I don't play him anymore.


        hes still 53% in vh


          He is still played but not quite as much as he now requires a lot of protection even in late game and most high skilled people don't like to play with or on heroes that require to much reliability on the team doing well or their willingness to protect farm.

          Plus that being said the fact remains that people on VH could make even the weakest of heroes work (at least most of them)

          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            People are looking at the STR nerf as a very big deal, but in reality, it just makes you lose 19 HP every 2 levels. 19 HP man, how much can it even change? That's 228 in the late game. The real nerf was refraction duration. Most people didn't even max it, and now the STR reduce makes you want to take stats even more. But I don't know, it's still a good spell.


              most people seem to get at least 2 levels seeing as 2.5 seconds of slow is pretty worthless lol

              just bandwagon mentality, getting 1 additional bracer early game would solve the hp issue

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                regardless of ur opinion this nerf was needed badly since TB was a fucking cancerous hero and would just play like a lycan with strong laning presence + excellent late game dps, and half the time he would be razing down ur towers while his team fights 4v5.

                now that more and more tb pickers are skilling 1, they're forced to engage in fights more which makes them less useless PvE machines who click 1-2 buttons to win the game

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                  TB is still as strong. I never really liked Reflection anyway, in lane only stupid offlaners would die to you, while in teamfights getting in range to cast Reflection was often suicide. The STR nerf sucks but is pretty minor in the long run.

                  I haven't been playing TB since I joined a team that needs me to practice certain heroes, and TB isn't in CM. Don't have the time for solo ranked either - dropped out of the leaderboards for lack of games played.

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                    Tb pre-nerf, refraction gors through bkb. Now can't, thats why less tb picker nowadays. Good for us.


                      ^ fewer lycan games for u too :D


                        Finally I don't see this darn hero in the top games anymore, pre-6.81 it felt like 75% of the top games included a TB. Even one of the worst TB abuser have stopped played him, matrice.


                          We'll see more Broodmama picked tho, not sure which one i dislike playing against more.


                            Darn! Well one or two games might be normal.
                            @flop: This is how is used to look like:
                            (and some couple of pages back)

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                              broodmama? get a radiance and make her life hell


                                how's matrice one of the worst abusers, he's got 6k+ mmr even without "abusing" him

                                We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!