General Discussion

General DiscussionDid i do something wrong or was it really my team for 1 time [Matchs ...

Did i do something wrong or was it really my team for 1 time [Matchs analyse request] in General Discussion
Mac_Lilypad [NL]

    So this is me playing Ursa, I went mid cause Sky fucked me up, Zeus mid sucked and i could kill him, went snowballing, but than viper got to much fed and we lost, anything i could have done better

    what i know i could have done better
    -Buy gem earlier
    -Don't go 1 vs 5 just to stop viper


      - Shadow blade instead of blink
      - No items to prevent yourself from getting raped by viper ulti (linkens!! Even with BKB it's good)

      Those are the mistakes I can see. Just buy looking at the numbers your team is definitely at fault, but it's bound to happen sometimes.

      Mac_Lilypad [NL]

        I bought shadow blade cause at my level nobody buys detection and thans it gives more cause 1) it gives damage + attack speed and 2) you can escape with it
        Linkens whould have been good, i also bought my bkb way too late (i think it was my last pickup)
        Thx fort the tips, i was just wondering if i could have done anything Elise
        Stille looking for some more if you guys have time

        King of Low Prio

          I will watch the match, keep in mind that I am very critical to every small mistake :)

          Quick maffs

            Blink is too good on ursa man

            King of Low Prio

              replay unavailable

              I will base my criticism on items stats and skill builds

              -blink dagger is always better (thinking about escaping in fights rather than thinking about winning fights will always hurt your chances of winning the game)

              -Vipers ulti goes thru BKB you needed a linkens and if you still wanted extra immunity you can get both (It is not aways one or the other you can buy both if the game requires it)

              -Based off your skill build it looks like you where a jungle ursa, doing this in pubs can lose your team the match because it weakens all of the other lanes

              -Taking kills is great and all but kills MUST be followed by taking objectives (Rosh,Towers, Rax etc.)

              Mac_Lilypad [NL]

                I actually started mid for some reasons, but zeus was noob and i outfarmed him

                King of Low Prio

                  why would not put any points into shockwave until lv 11 if you where mid?


                    you went mid, but you didnt max earth shock or get a bottle. if you're lnaing as ursa, getting points into earthshock is the best way to go because it gives you better kill potential than just maxing fury swipes and overpower.

                    edit : in the mid lane specifically, it gives you a way to push the wave to secure the rune too.

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                      wrong items

                      Mac_Lilypad [NL]


                        Not really sure, i didnt had a gap closer early town, so my kill potensial wasnt really high, and i wanted to make sure i could rosh asap

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                        King of Low Prio

                          shockwave gives u lane control


                            There is games you're not supposed to win indeed, even though these games could possibly be won do 0 mistakes and outplay your lane (something you totally can't do with a jungling Ursa, ~don't blame team in the first place if you're planning to do this.)

                            You can add me and steam and we can talk if you want, I'll watch the replay later tonight and try to point out things, however writing paragraphs about your game on dotabuff isn't my thing, so just add me.


                            I did no major mistakes, had to 1v1 against Clinkz with an Enchantress that was afk in the jungle the first 10 minutes.
                            Later into the game 3 of my team-mates (Enchantress, Pudge and Mirana) kept going full-xboct which made a game that could been way easier, hard.
                            If you look at this game, you'll probably feel the same as you did in your Ursa game, sadly Ursa can't win by himself (obviously unless it's ursakings, chris ma nigga<3).

                            ~make plays dududu, don't pick ursa for jungle dududu

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