General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to increase GPM on heroes

How to increase GPM on heroes in General Discussion

    ^ Ganking and killing doesn't help, and farming surely doesn't help either.

    I want to be able to finish the game with a decent K/D/A ratio and high GPM. Thoughts?



      King of Low Prio

        kda and gpm is useless if you lose the match

        King of Low Prio

          I was on the phone and I was not very active at all towards the team winning the game but I just didnt really die much....


            u sat back and let clinkz carry you


              Yeah same thing here except I was mainly telling drow off in the match.
              Carried like a boss but still had a weak GPM.
              my last hitting wasn't that great cause drow fed necro hard and we were getting ganked left and right. I had to ult so we can actually get shit done with lich and SK


                play luna doom gyro etc

                King of Low Prio

                  my point was in that match I had a 15 kda with doing jack shit all game :P

                  stats are good to look at but are not really all that important

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                  Jason > David

                    Play Furion, get Midas, buy Dagon & ē blade. Tp around map spamming ult and Dagon. GG


                      ^ THAT VANGUARD SLARK

                      1k mmr??


                        when you're in low skill brackets, no one knows how to farm well, so there's less chance of games where you lose because you let X hero farm for 30 minutes and then s/he beats you late game.

                        try to stack camps every minute, since starstorm hits an infinite amount of units in its radius just like flak cannon. if you have the aoe damage to deal with the increased number of units, then you farming speed is increased since you do more damage in the same space of time. .i.e. you could farm 100 creeps just as quickly as you could 4 creeps with starstorm.

                        even if you can't currently farm it, you're storing gold to be farmed later, which increases your gpm in the long run even if doesn't in the short term because you miss some lane creeps. if you're killing a bunch of neutrals and you're not sure whether you can kill off a camp and not block it before it respawns, take the safer route and just stack the camp. losing 7 seconds of dps because you were stacking isn't nearly as bad as losing 150g because the next camp didn't spawn.

                        dying when you're snowballing is a bigger deal than when you're not - you have a higher level so your respawn time is longer, meaning more time spent not farming, you lose more gold (gold lost is level x 30, gold gained for a kill is independent of gold lost btw), your items are generally better so the potential farm you lose due to not being able to use those items to farm. so not dying obviously increases your gpm indirectly.

                        move around the map efficiently, more time spent moving around is time spent not hitting creeps. when you're in the safe lane as someone who can also jungle while the lane is pushed out, even something as simple as killing the lane or jungle creeps in the wrong order can lower your gpm.

                        quelling blade indirectly increases your gpm with it's tree cutting meaning you spend more time attacking rather than moving, even if it didnt give bonus daamge, a good example of this is the radiant small camp, the dire hard camp near the radiant top tier 1 tower, or the medium camp near the other hard camp.

                        another thing is items - buy farming items if you want more GPM.
                        for example, don't go drum if you're intending to sit in the jungle all day, and don't get midas if you intend to fight early.
                        generally, these are farming items:
                        - midas (create gold and XP from nowhere)
                        - maelstrom / mjollnir (aoe damage) - although maelstrom is also good in early fights too
                        - battlefury (aoe damage)
                        - radiance (aoe damage)
                        - quelling blade (scaling damage for only 225g, especially effective with cleave)
                        - mask of madness (move between neutrals camps and attack quicker)
                        - helm of the dominator (only if you stack camps with it and have aoe)

                        fyi you shouldnt be telling off the drow since you're equally shit as her, either help her with her lane so that she doesn't feed, or use her feeding as space. you're stuck in the same skill bracket as her, it's not like you're winning 60% of your games where you're currently at where thinking you might not belong at your skill level could be true.


                          -gold 99999999 or greedisgood 1000000 dudes, hehe.

                          Dire Wolf

                            GPM in a vacuum doesn't matter. What matters is that your team has a gold advantage, specifically your carries. I'd much rather have 400 gpm on faceless void with the enemy carry having only 200 gpm than have 600 vs 500.


                              "I want to be able to finish the game with a decent K/D/A ratio and high GPM. Thoughts?"
                              Bounty Hunter


                                Doesn't anyone see the fucking controversy in this?

                                "Ganking and killing doesn't help, and farming surely doesn't help either."

                                Thats like saying I need gold but I shouldn't kill creeps or heroes. How do I raise my passive gold income??


                                  last hit creeps and towers and heroes

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                                    I'm assuming that by asking how to raise your gpm, you're asking how to increase your farm.

                                    In dota, no matter what role you are playing, you should always actively be doing something. In a farmer role, and if you are not needed for tower pushing or ganking, then you should use your time as efficiently as possible. A common tactic is when you have free range of your safe lane and jungle, always be farming what you can. Maybe if your hero doesn't have a way to flash farm (aoe to expedite your farming), then static farming may be your best choice. If you can clear waves out fast, push out your lane until your wave is at your opponent's tower, then retreat to your jungle and clear all you can. Stack if you happen to time it right. When the jungle's done, your lane may be pushed back to a safe spot again and you can farm that.

                                    I'm always a fan of getting gold via tower kills and kill bountys, so that's another route to go.

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      Btw, 450 gpm is just fine on mirana. She's not a farming hero. Anyone else agree? You should shoot for 500+ on heroes like faceless void, spectre, nature's prophet etc but mirana is more about levels and landing your shit, using your ult wisely imo. I feel like a lot of players see 450 gpm and think that's bad.


                                        Thanks for the advice guys, really help ful :)


                                          core mirana should average 600+ gpm

                                          King of Low Prio


                                            depends on what role she is playing

                                            edit sigh I was beat to it by some Brazilian -_-

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                                              King of Low Prio

                                                ^ keep the selfies to facebook plzzz


                                                  Have good supports who stack all the camps

                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                    I rarely see core mirana and I don't like her as a core either. Usually she's a 3 spot.

                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                      ^ for YOU she is usually mid, I have seen some players make work well as a carry ( I play her mid)

                                                      casual gamer

                                                        fyi if you're someone with an aoe dot like sniper manta can hold creeps in place over the aoe, and you'll get all the creeps. later on the manta illusions can be microed to cs creep waves while ur main hero a-clicks jungle camps

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                                                          Flat is Justice!

                                                            "^ Ganking and killing doesn't help, and farming surely doesn't help either. "

                                                            Troll spotted. Every competitve carry player farms like nuts and usually has the highest gpm.

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                                                                "most players rarely reach 500gpm+"

                                                                lol are you kidding? I get 700 gpm on antimage nearly every game just by hitting creeps. Same with pl. Other heros too. L2farm

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                                                                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!