General Discussion

General DiscussionThe amount of non-English speaking people in Dota is started to make ...

The amount of non-English speaking people in Dota is started to make me go insane again. in General Discussion
Mikkei Combine

    Did they crawl out of a redcross clinic? Like wtf? Is this there second pass time when there isn't a world cup going on?

    They have no clue what the heroes do theory wise. I feel they all play blindly and half figure out what the heroes do. They can't listen to strats (So its the equivalent of being muted). They have 0 comprehension with lane configuration.
    I specifically selected English Language preference. I even tried to add them on steam and translated through google translate.

    This has to be the ills of blind eye f2p modeling. and they wonder why people shoot up schools and office buildings.


      You should not be talking about the ills of anything. Really.

      King of Low Prio



          " I even tried to add them on steam and translated through google translate. "

          you won the day sir.


            Statistically speaking only about 35% of the world speak English to an acceptable level, this same statistic should be applied in Dota2. I don't know how this is news to you and also selecting English only doesn't mean that others won't select it as well.

            When you have to wait 15-20 minutes for a queue time because your default language was selected then why would you no select English.


              ^ Because they don't speak the fucking language and it's a team game that requires communication and teamwork. Yes, they select it anyway because they don't want to wait so long, but that's the problem, all they care about is queue times, and not the games they are ruining.


                Should've had some require ping to play on server, like CS:GO
                i.e. anyone who has ping over 150 ms on certain server can't tick that server
                This should reduce the amount of non english speaking people in english speaking country..
                For language we can't really do anything about it..


                  Are you saying that you actively try and communicate with your team through voice or chatting? I find the wheel and the ping to work just fine and having played almost 4000 games more than you I can attest through experience that this is not an issue. Most people are just looking for a scapegoat and the language barrier seems to be one that people latch onto.

                  I can agree that sometimes communication is difficult but what do you really have to talk about? Ping location + "We need Wards" is pretty universal for "hey, can you put a ward here". The language barrier is a minor annoyance and again having played so many games across so many regions this whole language thing is a non-issue that people just milk to excuse poor gameplay.

         Every single person on that team was what I assume was russian which they spoke freely amongst themselves I didn't have any need to address them and when I did simple sentences were understood and cooperation was reached.


                    time to buy another account and ruin it?

                    Seriously. What do you expect when you post on this forum?

                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                      Chat wheel translates to caveman

                      So when you spam "well played!" Instead of "fuck you you fucking suck" they think they are doing good

                      Quick maffs

                        Well when i am playing solo queue i write like 2 or 3 times per game and sometimes i never write anything at all so yeah ....


                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                            3 years and 4000 games of dota 2 and russians are still the same, if not worse.


                              You're just going to have to accept this and move on


                                The "Latin America" server is located in Brazil and it works like shit for people outside Brazil. I'm talking about playing with 200 ms of ping vs 150 that you can get in US-E. Also english is easier to understand than portuguese for most spanish speakers (aka most of Latin America).
                                If Valve had Southamerican servers placed on spanish speaking countries (like Riot), US-E would be a lot better.


                                  It's true that Zannisdf said... When i was living in Venezuela i couldn't play in any other server, Just US-E. It's the only server with an acceptable ping.. Then u should blame valve because they don't have any good server to play well in latin america...

                                  And are noobs who speaks english as well are noobs who speaks spanish..!



                                      It's actually "number" of non-English speakers, not "amount," seeing as the unit in question is countable.

                                      You're welcome in advance.


                                        Huh, thanks.

                                        Mikkei Combine

                                          If they played and didn't say anything it would be okay. But I feel when they can't comprehend the interface or basic mechanics because of inability to grasp English it becomes a problem . I've had some yell at me cause I didn't deny them when they were affected by Battle hunger. "DENY ME NAWB"

                                          :)= You're right
                                          :(= Don't know what to say
                                          :D= I'm trolling
                                          :S= This guy can't play Peruvian/Brazilian/Venezuelan dota
                                          :/= he's yelling in English

                                          Can anyone inform me if I translated the South American emoticons correctly?

                                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                            owww that brings back memories :)))

                                            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!