General Discussion

General DiscussionDota 2 needs surrenderoption

Dota 2 needs surrenderoption in General Discussion

    And lets post this for 10000000 times because valve still cant hear community we just need a fuckin surrenderoption in this game.

    No chance to come back this game and they didnt finish 15min into game because was more fun killing people. In this way this game is just soooo stupid. Just fix this shit.

    Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

      We dont need that. We need kids to stop saying gg after first blood and play the game.

      Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

        game looks fairly close from the end stats.


          Your game doesn't seem to be 0.00% chance for a comeback

          But you are right some games are hopeless and it's so much fun to get kills and fountain farm than to end like this :

          Valve needs to add a surrender option but it needs like 4 players if not 5 to vote yes for it otherwise it will be abused by stacks


            The amount of games which end in roflstomping fountain farming is not big enough to warrant a surrender option.


              forfeit makes sense because what people forget is if 5 players vote yes (on the same team) then that means they don't want to play, and the point of a game is for people to enjoy themselves. if you dont want to forfeit, you don't have to.


                In my entire W3 and Dota 2 life, I can't remember one serious fountain farm,
                If it is really desperate I smoke out to afk farm jungle while they are pushing T3


                  And once again, there's already a surrender option in dota2, it's just that retard like you will never have access to it, since at least one guy of your team in mm will never trust som1 like you.

                  And that's sooo fine...

                  Surrender option is for pussy, that are to bad, to feeble minded to try to comeback. I was disapointed the day valve implemented it, but well, they implemented it soooo well that's it's actually fine; cause i'm having so much fun at reading you the ****** who ask for something that is already implemented :)

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                    You can always comeback.


                      people don't disconnect from the game because they want to receive stupid hats after the game. There are lots of games like where the game shouldn't be scored, but they are because bunch of people keep playing it for end game battle points and they leave a trace on my dotabuff. My already shit winrate gets worse because i have 12 loss more than what i should have (which don't appear on my dota profile)

                      Anyway concede option is really not needed, just fix the fountain area and make it bigger like original dota, or have an option for the heroes to become invulnerable in the fountain for the rest of the game (Which forces the enemy to finish the game after they find 5 heroes invulnerable in the fountain. AFK rules still applies so if you use it before the game is over, you get an abandon)


                        Sometimes it's true that you cannot comeback and therefore if everyone agrees there should be an ff command just like in Lol or Hon..! And matrice stop being rude and asshole, ff command exists only in cm/cd games when players type gg in chat but the same thing does not apply in every other mode.

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                          YES YES YES YES. It does need to happen, its already in the game, it just needs to be enabled in matchmaking. They can have it where 5 people need to accept for it to GG. Its the only way people wont cry over it. Make a vote pop up where 5 people have to vote. Make sure you have it where its not spammable like the pause feature and stop masochistic games you are forced to play when they are over. Especially fountain farming. Even when I'm winning I dont fountain farm.

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                            @poulawtosukwtim, i'm not writing about the ff command, you just proved my point


                              U wanna see unwinnable?


                              You still had a chance.

                              "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

                                We really need people that dont play bad more than anything. Pub players are very bad so as easy as it is to win it is just as easy to throw that win back or for most to not understand late vs early game heroes.


                                  I think a lot of people look at this the wrong way. If you say 'people are pussies' or 'all games are winnable,' well, nobody's saying you have to use the forfeit option (if it were a 5-vote from a team requirement) and you could keep playing as normal. The point is, if the game is over (20 minutes, 6-0 tower count, 25-5 kill count) the game is already over and there's no point in wasting everyone's time - and remember, you need all 5 people to vote for this to happen, so if you are in a game and you DONT want to forfeit, you can unilaterally make sure it doesn't happen. Basically its a win-win.


                                    If you're playing in a 5stack, You already have surrender option. (All of you can DC at once, and wait 30secs for game to end. None of you receive an abandon. Game records it as a loss for all of you)

                                    If you're playing with randoms, then man the eff up and play. I hate seeing fucktards call gg 3mins into the game cuz someone on their lane got 1 extra branch than usual, or cuz of first blood.

                                    Don't ruin the game for others. ALL games are winnable.. I played a game a while back, where we were sitting 0-20 at the 15 min mark.. And I was amazed when no one called gg yet.. Even I hadnt much hope left.. We ended up winning it, Just cuz my allies didn't give up..

                                    If you're one of those people who just sit there calling gg from start to end.. Then please.. Find 4 friends who will suffer you, and just play in 5 stacks ._.

                                    EDIT: to the guy above me. No. If 4 people (Prolly a 4 stack) keep calling gg, as soon as one of them died, 10 mins into the game, it gets annoying to have to keep voting no on the forfeit option.. And they may even feed just to get the 5th to forfeit faster.. Then there is the report function... In the end, anyone who believes you can comeback easily, gets screwed. Seriously.. just play in a 5stack.

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                                      Let's say the enemy team has great early pushers that don't scale that well into the lategame, but they're a threat until the 30 min mark. Your team starts to peak midgame to lategame, so you get stomped hard early game. Hey, you could still win if you keep turtling and defending your base, wipe them a couple of times and then gg push, but your team (including you) is full of crybabies and the team's morale is low, so you surrender at 20 mins and lose a match that could've been won if you kept playing.

                                      Sven starts flaming for whatever reason -> abandon -> two other teammates abandon -> after 45 mins we win.


                                        ^^ This..HoN was terrible because of the concede option for this very reason..People will threaten to report you if you don´t concede etc after as much as giving away first blood.



                                            ^Dat comeback

                                            TBH I really dislike people who surrender at the first sign of losing. It's a self fulfilling prophecy

                                            Polkadot Piranha

                                              How does it look "close from the end stats"? There's a 30k+ difference in both gold and xp.


                                                Why stop playing, in fact you will have lots of fun if the abandon !

                                                I only lost cause Axe is not the best hero to push towers and I might have won if I hadn't got my tp canceled :(
                                                1 v 4, allot of fun

                                                Running around 15 levels higher with a 1000 gpm, most enjoyable game in a long time!

                                                kanye went to uni

                                                  Matrice please stop teasing us with this surrender option you keep mentioning; in-jokes are rude :'(

                                                  Lol wait ... that's a serious leap of faith in your teammates ... do you actually do that? Sounds risky in solo queue.

                                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                    I think they needed a ff button.


                                                      NBN, that's the reason it's so well implemented, it gives power to those who launch game to play, not to those who launch a game to have an easy time

                                                      Oh Shit Waddup
                                                        Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                          Only way i think it would be useful is to have a checkbox somewhere to ff, its anonymous, noone can see if others checked it or not (not even the count), and if all 5 checks, the 10second count down starts, if noone cancels, gg. I would be okey with it.


                                                            Valve should add "Concede" button that will ban this player from the game.

                                                            Von Darkmoor

                                                              Actually very comback able game unfortunently you obviously are a clueless Gondar player, Gondar carry XD fuck thats been out since the passive critt/dodge was removed lol!

                                                              And NOOO!!!! WE DONT NEED THIS!!!! ITS JUST GONNA BE "FB GG FF 15" And that sucks!!! They should how ever add a personal shitlist banlist so you wont be able to play with somebody that just piss you off ever again the report function simply isnt enought.

                                                              Also first they should proberly make the matchmaking work in a good was instead of "improve 10% -> lower teammates skill for next games by 40% and face the same skilllevel opponents" and make it "improve 10% face 10-20% better opponents "

                                                              Furthermore the Forfeit command should perhaps be avaible if 2 lanes of rax are down or something like that or throne <50% health there should be a criteria accomplished before making it avaible in a game if its ever added.

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                                                                THIS IS SPARTA! NO SURRENDER!

                                                                Actually valve did a nice job removing it, because there are always percentages of turning the game around, all it takes is a teamwipe in late game, and the tides of game will be different. By making people stick around, it teaches others how to behave positive even in times of chaos, but it will improve the competiveness of dota.

                                                                -ie) Just like Cesar did when he invaded Britain, He burnt all the ships so no soldiers could escape. The soldiers had no choice but to fight, and the result was success! Keeps the quitters in the game i guess.

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