General Discussion

General DiscussionPro Invoker guide (skills)

Pro Invoker guide (skills) in General Discussion

    I observed many pro invoker players in 1k+ MMR , so I decided to make a guide from the inspiration I got from them.
    If you follow this guide , I can guarantee you , your win rate will increase to 90% . Approved by IceIceIcee

    This is no joke

    Kiffydude's Pro invoker guide to dominate every stage of the game.
    COLDSNAP:This is a very useful skill for harassing , just press QQQR and apply it on your enemy , if you failed to kill your enemy , just say"wtf, noob team"

    GHOST WALK:This escape mechanism is one of the skill which you should give prominence to. For example , use it when pudge hooks you , and walk into his rot instead of walking away. If you die , just blame the team for not buying any wards.

    ICEWALL: When getting ganked, do not use it , just let enemy kill you so that you don't have to run all the way back to base. The respawnation will do it for you.

    EMP: Use this on creeps , not on heroes , you don't need their mana, if you do , you're just betraying your team's support. They already have arcane boots .

    TORNADO:When using this skill , just use it without any combo. Just let your gas out.Good for preventing stomachache.

    Alacrity: don't use this when you're using COLDSNAP. Be a man and show them how to fight without it.

    SUNSTRIKE: Don't worry if you failed sunstriking someone , you need a bit of practice to master it. When you failed , just say you're just checking out the area.

    CHAOS METEOR: Use this before tornado , to cool them down after that.

    FORGE SPIRIT:This can be said to be one of the most useful skill in dota 2. It's great to block your teammates , especially when they're having a great time with your enemies. They should thank you when getting killed by the enemy , saves the time to each base , and money for tp
    DEAFENING BLAST: use this after the enemies escaped from chaos meteor.

    Thanks for reading , I hope you got a better picture about invoker after reading this guide.

    Тази тема била редактирана

      made me giggle, 6/10




          did not laugh/10

          Този коментар е бил редактиран

            Pls no take it for joke , be serius pls


              wasn't that funny


                Wasn't funny at all. 1/10
                If you want us to take it serious, the topic should be called: Guide to have sub 50% wr and 2kda with Invoker on SEA servers after 60 matches.

                Този коментар е бил редактиран

                  @*ESP* Wink see , it no funny ,evrybodi think so too, we al serius bout it, u wan joke , u go LoL , all joke , then u can giggle all u wan there.


                    Waoh so pro

                    Ples Mercy

                      *tries to copy snacks thread*
                      *fails hard*

                      not funny.


                        Pls be serious , this place isn't for jokes , u wan jok , go LoL


                          ... idk ...


                            idk man. pro invoker at 1k mmr? didnt even know there were pros in that tier. :(

                            Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                              You make as many threads as hael.


                                Ehh, I liked it :3

                                just wanna go home

                                  from this day onwards i shall play invoker and dominate every stages of the game


                                    this thread isn't good -__

                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!