General Discussion

General DiscussionSolo queuing much better midweek daytime

Solo queuing much better midweek daytime in General Discussion

    I find solo games on EU West & East miserable in the early evenings and at weekends. Midweek daytime games are much friendlier and pleasant. Is that just a statistical fluke or does everyone find that?


      Because of children that are still in school that are also victims of Dunning Kruger

      Hex Sigma

        I also observed this thing


          EU West ranked is pretty bad in general, just get used to it. Midweeks late at night or daytime are better I guess but all-in-all, it´s just bad in general.

          And yeah, kids.


            Eu west is all about : "ez mid"
            "cool call your sups to help scrub"
            "1x1 me sf"
            "fuck you"


              is there a way round it? All Random? Random Draft? etc.?

              Stick to EU East?

              Von Darkmoor

                Go captain mode generally its better skill/less flame/more plan/teamplay exept the few times were those all pick players accidently get captain mode and fuck the game up since their clueless allpick players, apperently they also lack the IQ to unclick the captain mode/draft box.