General Discussion

General Discussiontears of a magic loather

tears of a magic loather in General Discussion

    In the past 2 weeks I haven't seen a single game where Magina wins. This is truly annoying.

    Since TI 1 he has been nerfed to the groud (so has morphling) and has become and extremely greedy and situational pick. Needs a lot of farm, therefore a trilane. Has an extremely rigid item build (battlefury is a must) and quite honestly, he's not even that great in the ultra-late game.

    What do you guys think? What changes does the hero need to become more viable and have a better early game without so much attention from whole team?


      What got nerfed on AM? I can't remember.


        They will rotate him in eventually, be patient.


          BAT, armor, movement speed and STR gain I think.


            Goddamn it!!! I will not be patient !!! Tired of witnessing buffs to lame-ass heroes like sniper, riki, bloodseeker who are just pure crap by design, yet no buffs to interesting heroes like AM.( increased mana void AoE by 50 doesn't count)


              interesting heroes like am... are u fucking kidding me


                Battlefury is nowhere near a "must" for AM.


                  LGD runs Magina sometimes (very situtational tho)


           here, i stopped playing him though because he kind of sucks. Keep in mind a piec ewas done my dotametrics on the change in item choices and winrates. He does extremely better without battlefury so he can help his team like other heroes.


                      do not pick him vs illusions heroes or pushers. hell just get raped. I learned the hard way


                        ^Actually, against PL he does quite well since both him and PL need a lot of farm to get online and AM with treads BF can push faster than PL with treads diffusal yasha.

                        Von Darkmoor

                          He takes to long to get online and meta now days is push not 4 for 1 and one more thing HOW THE FUCK!!!!! Can you even think a AFK Farming douchebag cunt is a interesting hero? All he does is farm and eventually he will start to split push, fuck i cant find any hero thats more horrible to watch.

                          FYI Morph( morf) gets picked a lot in the Chinesee/Asia qualifier/scene only place i didnt see him was US scene but US scene is crap by default so who cares!


                            every single game i played against am i lost i think


                              @JCIMN.你是小白的: He's an interesting hero because of the synergy between all his skills. Also, he's not an afk douchebag, he can gets kills quite early with correct setup and can do some counter-pushing. Only thing is, he's also supposed to team fight, which he can't unless he has a lead in gold and his laning phase is a complete nightmare :(

                              Quick maffs

                                Vaikiss you think am doesnt deserve a buff because you hate the hero or because you think he is balanced right now ?


                                  he was buffed 3 versions in a row

                                  his ulti aoe is now like blackhole seen multiple triple and ultra kills hiting support with void and taking out rest of the team with it

                                  and hes just like any hardcarry that can splitpush has to get farm to get efficient

                                  and there is no room in meta for carries like him atm


                                    his ult is ridiculous, if you are anywhere close to a storm with less than half mana you're going to get 1 shot


                                      @Vaikiss`742. & regulator: His ulti is efficient only when some big int hero has low mana which implies he already used his spells, thus, the fight is comming to an end and the outcome has already been decided. I really don't see how that is a very powerful spell.

                                      Your team probably got wrecked already and you just clean up a couple of kills. Not that strong to be honest.


                                        Skywrath, Lina, and Lion is Magina target, i think magina only kill any kind of hero who use every spell in teamfight or 1vs 1. But maybe i prefer to Pugna, his ward same with Magina ulti, degen mana, also every spell used converted to damage, not how much mana missed.


                                          ^ Yep. That's what I am saying. AM is too much of a situational pick these days compared to other carries who can fit into a lot of lineups.


                                            How can AM be any interesting. His only strenght is clearing camps faster than any other carry and finishing the game by outfarming the enemy team and getting 6 slotted faster than the enemy carry. In fact, past the 40-45 mins mark his winrate goes to hell because the enemy carry catches up in farm.


                                              I just won with am one day ago.


                                                I love this stuff. Everybody just derails from my initial point.

                                                "What do you guys think? What changes does the hero need to become more viable and have a better early game without so much attention from whole team?"

                                                Flat is Justice!

                                                  What changes does the hero need to become more viable and have a better early game without so much attention from whole team?"
                                                  Answer: change his face, his haircut is too ugly

                                                  i think to give a damn about am, ability wise, i need to be ice frog

                                                  on a side note: when i see am on the other team, we auto win
                                                  too many hero counters him


                                                    He doesn't need any changes, the hero is strong enough but not suited for the current meta.
                                                    He needs a decent team built around him that creates space. You will rarely see this kind of mentality and coordination in pubs because of the meta.


                                                      He needs free farm and advantage over oponents due to his farming abilities. Most people leave him alone or with bad supporting in hard lanes and wonder, why they lose.

                                                      P.S. Of course i agree with people he's a rather bad pick atm and he's very situational.

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                                                      Quick maffs

                                                        meh i dont know but vaikiss is the best player in this thread for now so i am listening to him


                                                          What I was initially trying to say is, he is a very weak carry over all since he has one of the worst laning stages, and isn't very strong in the very late game. Usually most carries if they are very weak early, they are uber-beasts late, but this is not the case for AM.

                                                          So my question was, what do people think he would need (as far as changes go) to be useful in this meta.

                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                            He's not weak early, if you get a good lane support who disables for him he can blink in and do serious dmg with mana burn and that insane BAT. People just never coordinate in public matches. Tri lanes aren't even as popular now which is where he would be best, a tri with like visage and lion.

                                                            I'm a little leery of buffing him. Small changes can make a huge impact. Maybe just give him a bit more str growth like they did to razor.


                                                              He's not a weak carry overall. He has decent lane presence (he can get kills in lane with some lockdown), flash farming abilities, escape/initiation, etc. Weak early game carries are spectre and medusa who wouln't get kills even with help from supports.
                                                              He can't be buffed to suit the meta because the whole hero concept doesn't fit the current meta, he's designed to be played the way he's played. He would need a complete rework in order to be useful right now without being op.


                                                                AM is fine.

                                                                Quick maffs

                                                                  Well i going to still ask for a buff, i like this hero i lot and i would like to see him actually been played somewhere ( cause right now he is not picked in pubs or pro games )


                                                                    @Mark: I know he has good killing potential in lane. But usually vs a solo offlaner. If it's dual lane vs dual lane it's kind of hard. Problem is, it's easy to shut him down if he's just dual laning with a support. Most of that is due to his squishiness early and the fact that he is melee (has to get in close for those last hits).

                                                                    I played AM quite a bit and it's usually kind of like this:
                                                                    A) I get some weak offlane on which I get first blood, second blood and even third blood by the 10-12 minute mark. I get battlefury and treads by 15 then split push and snowball from there.
                                                                    B) They go all tryhard and do all they can to shut me down. I got 80 cs at 20 min mark with just treads yasha and vit booster and a couple of deaths. Can't do shit, GG

                                                                    Unlike what Oleksandr said, Medusa is quite strong in lane. I'm having quite some success with her recently due to the fact that:

                                                                    1) She is ranged (600 units)
                                                                    2) Mystic Snake does a shit tone of damage at lvl 3 if you know how to land it

                                                                    Spectre is another case of a weak laner, but, contrary to AM. She doesn't fall off after the 45-50 minute mark, she just gets stronger due to her passives.

                                                                    With all due respect, I do think AM needs some minor changes (skill wise) to make him more appealing to both pub and pro scene. What I was thinking recently is:

                                                                    a) Mana Break isn't UAM (just like they changed it for Ursa and Huskar) enabling people to replace Heart with Satanic just like on some of the popular carries like Luna and Gyro)
                                                                    b) Mana Shield gets a 2nd components similar to Pugna's Nether Ward (this is something I saw at a friend of mine who plays HoN, their equivalent of AM, Magebane, has this thing). This would greatly contribute to his early killing potential, especially against spell casters making him a true Anti-Mage
                                                                    c) Make Mana Break work as a sort of life-steal for mana, mana steal, thus eliminating the needs to actually get a battlefury since people get it for the cleave + mana regen to constantly blink, as long as you steal mana from creeps you can easily bounce around, just can't clear waves that fast.

                                                                    I'd really like to see what other people would think of regarding some changes to his skill set.

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                                                                      I can confirm - Medusa is much stronger than AM in the laning phase. AM has better snowball potential and better miid-game.

                                                                      Making Mana Break not an orb could be a solution to a problem, could break the hero or could not change anything. With Satanic, AM will have better late-game fighting potential, but still, he'll lack any AoE damage. Also, I can see AM going MoM early, so it could pump his early game too.
                                                                      What bothers me - will Diffusal become not an orb too? Will you be able to use it on AM?


                                                                        i have done 600gpm with AM and still lost, he is such a sad hero... imagine i had 600 gpm on luna or void instead... sigh...

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                                                                          Mana Break =/= Feedback. Diffusal would still be a UAM. Stacking Mana Break and Feedback would be pretty funny. Maybe against Medusa it could be a decent build.

                                                                          Satanic would probably be the srs bsns pickup though as a replacement for Heart and the ability to stack ancients with HotD by yourself.

                                                                          EDIT: Honestly I think we're going to get to a point where all hero skill based UAMs won't be UAMs anymore. Frosty Amphibian has already been slowly doing it over the last few patches. Removing Ursa and Huskar's UAMs last patch, and Spirit Bear's Entangle as a UAM the patch before (although you could get UAMs on Spirit Bear before that anyways).

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                                                                            With all things said. I believe his main weakness is his rigid item build. Battlefury is core, you need Manta for the extra damage, Butterfly is a must, and Heart is also needed most of the time. He needs some changes to enable him to be more flexible as far as item build is concerned.

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                                                                            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!