General Discussion

General DiscussionRiki mid

Riki mid in General Discussion

    As you can see guys aftar 6.81 riki's level 3 works on allied units too
    I think now he is a good mid hero no one can out lasthit you
    Beacuse of the + 50 damage he has blink which can be used sometimes as an escape machine
    From ganks and ulti is very good for ganking
    What do u think guys
    Ps:sorry for my bad english not my main language

    Тази тема била редактирана

      He's pretty okay . His 2nd skill is a very good escape machine indeed.

      Този коментар е бил редактиран

        I actually prefer playing Riki mid due to his extreme need for levels. He has pretty darn good base HP regen, he has his Blink to escape, easy last hitting with his Backstab, and his Smokescreen is great for all sorts of scenarios. I think he's way underrated as a mid hero.

        EDIT: Too bad I don't get the chance too often :|

        Този коментар е бил редактиран

          riki is seriously a legit nightmare in pubs. Less so in competitive but still niche.

          riki mid is legit.

          Този коментар е бил редактиран

            riki mid you say?

            lets do this, fast farm blink slardar


              How do you even play Riki? I just end up feeding every time I pllay him. He's terrible. I'm terrible.


                ^One huge key is building the right items. Too many times I see Riki players building an early Vlads, which in my opinion should almost never be in a Riki's inventory. My usual order goes: Treads, Diffusal, Skull Basher, Manta Style, Butterfly, ? (Never gets this far, though I usually troll and go for either Radiance or Eul's for a "Ninja Riki" build).

                EDIT: Though a Lv 5 Dagon could be a legit 6th slot Riki item if you know you're going to win.

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