General Discussion

General DiscussionDorkly

Dorkly in General Discussion

    How do you maintain good KDA, high win rate yet only have 3k mmr?

    It feels so contradictory.

    Quick maffs

      Whoo knowss who caress

      One of this days i am going to play ranked, its just that when i have time to play its usually with my friends, and i am not going to play solo when my friends are asking me to play with them.

      Plus, i dont know why but i love the " ramdon " buttom so much, even at ranked i just press that buttom and i usually end up with a support ( a role that i am extremely bad at ) and things like this happens :

      Този коментар е бил редактиран

        You didn't even play that bad both of those games.

        And I know what you mean, sometimes that random button gets too alluring.

        Quick maffs

          Do you believe that some people actually picks what he team needs ???????????????!??!?!!??!!??

          I still cant believe that, in pubs man !