General Discussion

General DiscussionGrade me

Grade me in General Discussion

    After seeing all these "My team suck!!" threads and the harsh critisism that folllows,
    i dare you guys to do the same to me!
    Tell me why i suck.

    TY GL HF!


      you suck because you just do

      Този коментар е бил редактиран

        Not what i was looking for, but its a start ty


          You suck because your top picks are abysmal. Only redeeming quality is LD.

          I wouldn't want you in my team.

          Този коментар е бил редактиран

            You suck because you have 0.01% more winrate than me.

            Flat is Justice!

              55% winrate - only high skill

              the suck must be hiding somewhere


                Never played Ogre Magi,
                u so bad

                Този коментар е бил редактиран

                  55% winrate - only highskill

                  Solo i am 3900 mmr party 3600 and my friends are much lower (2200 & 3000). I mostly play with my friends so that explains that.

                  Ogre magi i know he is awesome but i never play support.

                  Also boys you are still to soft on me.
                  Let me feel your pent up rage!


                    For 55% your MMR's are abysmal.

                    I'm 4.5k + 5.1k MMRs same WR as you, that's 2.1k more MMR in total.

                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                      git gud


                        Party mmr has been constant for some time.
                        Dont do more than 1-2 games of solo mmr per week since i only do party with friends.


                          analysis time!

                          Picked terrorblade like a fucking cancer. Feed more. Drums on terrorblade... ehhh... Going skadi before finishing helm.

                          Low KDA, almost no TD

                          18-9-7 but no big items, wtf? there is a thing called shop, yaknow?

                          low kda, low gpm, stupid skillbuild

                          Dagon rush after blink... Actually upgraded the dagon (5000 gold for 400 more damage...?)


                            Thank you, something i can actually do something with.


                              Drums isn't bad on terrorblade, thus I don't know why Wink pointed that out, also Terrorblade isn't a teamfight carry or some sort of that.

                              He's a splitpush carry, because of this lifesteal doesn't really provide anything cause, you know.
                              Lifesteal doesn't boost your pushing speed.

                              If you want to play a carry to teamfight a lot with your team, you're better of picking something like:

                              Phaseless Void


                                Agree with the drums remark, i always prefer building stats on tb thats why skadi, morbid mask is just so you can stay in jungle for longer durations while using illusions to push/farm lanes.

                                Slark game i had to buyback regularly so my gold was actually low/

                                Luna game was bad by me, so was the void game.

                                Puck game was lost then i killed a godlike streak so got alot of money while they were already in base and diving fountain thats why i went more than just dagon 1 (for fun)

                                Still appreciate the remarks on the luna and void game. Thats something i can actually look at.

                                Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                Ples Mercy

                                  you suck cause 3k MMR


                                    ^ The flame powers have degraded...must come from your wish to be a flower.

                                    Quick maffs

                                      Drums is fine

                                      Just keep picking slark

                                      best hero in this game

                                      Too easy for D.

                                        BLUNT YOU TOO 3,5k! WAHTFUCK

                                        Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                          I said drums is ehhh. Its situational. Helm is great for pushing too, bring a wolf and rape towers or use a creep to pull the enemy creepwave or scout for banks.


                                            Hotd may sound nice, but is it?

                                            I mean, +wolfaura doesn't do anything for illusion and the bonus dmg for creeps isn't really worth 2k gold. Pulling creeps is something you can do with illusions aswell, however it doesn't cost 2k gold.

                                            I mean, I'm not a good Tb player or something, but it doesn't sound very good imo.


                                              He already had the mask


                                                Just to spite other people: You're a wonderful player and a wonderful team mate, you're perfect just the way you are :D

                                                Quick maffs

                                                  I trust zenoth in this

                                                  both zenoth and matrice never get hotd so MEH


                                                    Skolder such a nice guy<3
                                                    But i actually want tips on skill and item builds, thats why i started this thread just wanted to get it as harsh as possible.


                                                      Also to be fair once i get 6 slotted i do go satanic on TB (12 games).

                                                      Ples Mercy

                                                        I've been told that i am a flower!

                                                        Quick maffs

                                                          So blunt road to 7k ? seems a bit far away


                                                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                            blunt confirmed 3.5k trash rofl

                                                            Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                              Please analyze my last game as pudgikins


                                                                Pudge pick=uninstallation of dota 2.

                                                                Bot (Passive)

                                                                  first off you werent winning that game as pudge, you just cant push into a sniper and sand king when theres also a lycan ratting without multiple strong push heroes (ench is good for an early push) but you need to be pushing down rax at 15-20 minutes to have any shot of winning that. you didnt upgrade hood to pipe which is incredibly inefficient seeing as you give your team 2000 more ehp in a push and basically blocks SK ult and shrapnel. that alone would allow you guys to push down rax that early with your lineup and that would be that. also you built too many mobility items and not enough damage. a ghost scepter may have been nice as well.

                                                                  disruptor shouldnt have been the one building the pipe, should have been you and the rest of your team should have had necros instead of useless aghs and stats when ur playing a push or lose lineup


                                                                    Yeah i was first pick. Great ideas in your post though, something i will remember for games in the future.


                                                                      I can't figure why someone would call you suck honestly, 54%+ WR, never abandons (<---how many people on dotabuff forum has this?)

                                                                      But I guess we learn more when we are criticized rather than praised huh?


                                                                        Exactly my point, I was looking for skill and item build tips most of all.
                                                                        Technically i feel like im doing fine, map awareness, when to push and when to back all that.
                                                                        I just still follow the builds a bit too much I think, so I need to get better at recognizing when to get what item etc.

                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!