General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed advice and some teammates to play/train with

Need advice and some teammates to play/train with in General Discussion

    Can someone with experience give me hints how to improve. I simply don't know what to do, most of my recent games are pubs and i always random in pubs just in case you are wondering.

    My last game as example:
    (i sold my tranquils during a fruitless try to tp out)

    At the start i noticed weaver has no sukuchi (geminate autoattack) so we killed him twice, after that i tried to support the lanes and create space for my carrys. Except a fail top ( was a stupid suicide) i think i did not that bad. But this doesn't matter if you still loose.
    A good player would have been able to carry his team to a win with axe, i could not so there is something i did wrong i simply can't understand how i could have carried the game.
    Perhaps don't finish the enemy that often but on the other hand i avoided farming the jungle or creeps as much as possible)
    I feel like this in most of my lost games, thats why i think its a pretty good example.

    The attitude is important i know and i normally don't rage, just sometimes if its too much for me. Got better after seeing other ppl raging and i felt really embaressed cause i think i sounded exactly like them in my old games.

    Would be great if some ppl could give me hints how to further improve.
    The facts are simple i can't carry games solo so i'm still to bad to do so.

    The second part is simple, it sucks playing alone nearly the entire time and some games with a grp can fix this problem.
    I prefer playing offlane or support. Would be nice to find some other ppl to play with, in lobbys, pubs or even later in ranked.

    Rankings: Solo 3,5 Party 4,1

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      idk why you would buy treads even after you sell tranqs, just buy tranqs again. 4 armour does more for survivability than ~160 hp vs physical when you already have like 2k health.

      im personally 4.2k solo and 3.3k party, so i dont see what the problem is with playing with randoms on your team.


        the notion that "randoms = bad, even though they're at the same mmr as me", resulting in a lack of trust of their teammates is just a result of people overestimating their skill.

        Ples Mercy

          you simply need to draft better. Axe wasn't a bad pick, but you could still have gotten something with a much bigger impact. Also your item decision wasnt that great either.

          You could have picked something like a roaming support or something that can push really fast (like enigma, chen, ench, venge etc.). You really don't want to go against a weaver, lycan and storm lategame.

          Itemwise i would say that you shouldn't go for scepter, scepter is much more of a yolo item than anything else. You should have went for Shivas + Heart or something, since you are the 'tank'. Also i really don't get the PT.

          Този коментар е бил редактиран

            I don't see where i said something about bad randoms. I lost this example there are 2 ways to think about: my team was too bad ( this wont help me getting better at all) or i was too bad and not able to carry a bigger part of the game.

            Thx for the advice about the boots, i simply did not think about it. One of the mistakes i mentioned i don't find myself.

            Edit: I took Agha cause weaver, mirana and storm had no hp at this point and they were not working on an item with hp. The problem with shiva heart is, how to get it if you don#t want to take farm from your 2 Hardcarrys? Agha is simple to buy with 1k steps and you can afford them after some kills.

            Pushing is important but against mirana, storm, weaver ganking potential, es teamfightabilitys against enigma, ench, chen pets i did not feel like that would be a smart idea.

            Този коментар е бил редактиран

              Well I think at your rate of killing and what not. You should take control of the game and say "fuck it, I'm carrying this shit" and just go HAM with axe. A good example would be Pkjatt from Mouz his game vs Fnatic. One can also build AC Mjollnir on him for a more carry oriented build, I mean naga just played horrible you should've just let him transition into a support.

              I also noticed that you guys had little tower dmg..after getting kill(s) early on, try to push harder? Axe can easily cut the lanes..idk man..maybe your carrys just wanted to farm more instead of push?


                Greedy lineup, you should have taken a less greedy hero because you had 2 ridiculously hard carries on your team

                We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!