General Discussion

General Discussion[Discussion] My BalLc build

[Discussion] My BalLc build in General Discussion
Miku Plays

    thoughts about my new LC build :3

    Skill build :


    Item build:
    Treads, MoM, Blademail, Blink, Mjjolnir, BKB/HoT/Abbysal

    Safelane. rush blink then blademail then MoM.

    Тази тема била редактирана

      random question: why do people call it 'threads'?

      Ples Mercy

        bcause volvo named them power threads

        silly boy

        Този коментар е бил редактиран

          why would u want to die even faster

          Miku Plays

            blademail and MoM ?

            Miku Plays

              130% dmg return + my own dmage to enemy = easymelt then press the attack after duel


                Isn't that on the assumption that you catch a decent damage dealer with a decent BAT? :o Like if you duel a CM then it wouldn't be as effective?

                sukdeeznuts<4kMMR=trash b...

                  blink + blademail + BKB, if u wanna die faster please switch BKB to MOM, and hopefully you wont be on my team lol

                  Quick maffs

                    If i am not mistaken MoM doesnt work on duel

                    Miku Plays

                      Dorkly it does work i just tried it.. people melt

                      Ples Mercy

                        pick skywrath


                          I've seen a person on the first page of watch list who spamming LC (like 500 games of LC)
                          He prefer armlet over MoM but still blink first item


                            treads ffs

                            Dire Wolf

                              I don't know but my last game a legion jungled, I though wow I will go gank and destroy this guy on bounty. He built three fucking bracers as first items. I could not kill him. Reminded me of TB jungles with all the wraith bands.

                              Miku Plays

                                I unconciously typed Threads :<.

                                this will be my other build for my lc aside from my jungle build. looks like this build got quite a number of negative impressions though.


                                  armlet > mom of madness


                                    IMO if you're laning there's no reason to max E over W.


                                      Wrong! If you're laning you max Q and use the second as a heal or dispel till you're out of the laning phase and can level it more.


                                        i hope ur never on my team

                                        Miku Plays

                                          @havoc & Oleksandr
                                          reasons for maxing E rather W : mana to spam Q while laning. W is only for dispel not heal. i may have underestimated W while laning but ill play more games with this to fix it up. This is my first try to lane btw.

                                          we will never be ont he same team dumbasss ... i dont like your server. tyvm

                                          imo im trying to abuse the blademail&MoM combo with this.

                                          You cant blame me for trying out unconventional builds, sure i can die faster with this when on teamfight but the potential of 1v1 duel is really good and LC is an anti-carry after all,make the enemy carry turn his own blade to his own throat.

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