General Discussion

General Discussionjungle or no jungle?

jungle or no jungle? in General Discussion
Kamado Kun

    i was wondering, what kind of formation would have best average winrate in pubs, i guess most pub games arent coordinated enough to have trilanes so...2-1-2 vs 2-1-1 + jungle , whats the 'best' formation?






      There is no one size fits all in dota. :facepalm:

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          Having a jungler usually puts a lot of pressure on other lanes, especially if oponents know what they're doing. If you have a strong safelane duo + a good offlaner, then a jungler is totally legit, cause it just gives your team more then an unneeded trilane would.

          But it really depends of a game and depends of a jungle hero. If your jungler is on 20% hp whole time, then he really cannot do a lot to help. However if you have a hero like enigma, chen or ench, it's totally different story. There is no one size-fits all recipe.



            Bot (Passive)

              if you have a hero thats a strong safelane (no escape but good lane presence and needs levels, heros like LD, viper, necro, DP, clinkz, zeus, etc) then put that hero in a 1v1/1v2 on the safelane if its suitable for them (make sure they cant really die).

              if you have a hero thats a strong offlane (same heros as above but with escapes, like clock, darkseer, timbersaw, standard offlaners) send them in a 1v2/whatever on the offlane

              else if the enemy team has a heavy farming core with little lane presence that is the primary farmer (void, spectre, etc) send 2 people to that lane, one an aggressive core (mirana, slark, etc) and a strong support with kill potential or harass potential (lina, AA, etc)

              all of this gives the jungler a really good ability to stay in the jungle and get what they NEED and then do work from there and should do good damage control with regard to how badly the jungler is hurting your lanes and then allow them to outweight the hurt they do on the lanes with their impact in the later stages of the laning phase and the mid game (blink doom, ench smoke ganks or whatever) to win you 2-3 lanes

              Dire Wolf

                A well planned out jungle is best cus of the xp advantage and pubs don't know how to counter jungles. But having a poor offlane that just ends up feeding means it doesn't always work.


                  In the "average" pub as you mentioned, the key to a jungle is if you are a solo offlaner (suicide laner) who knows what he is doing enough not to feed uncontrollably.

                  Other factors like team comp are important etc, but that is the most important thing.

                  If you want to jungle, ask if someone wants to solo offlane before you do so. If someone says yes, you are good to jungle. They know the risks, safe lane will get farm, and you can jungle.

                  Just dont jungle some stupid hero like lifestealer.

                  Bot (Passive)

                    jungle lifestealer is fine just dont go midas and use ur open wounds to gank a lot.


                      in average pub definitely 2-1-2 otherwise jungle gonna afk farm whole game and solo lane crushed


                        N O

                        J U N G L E

                        ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

                        fucking twats that refuse to play support are ones who play jungle.

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                          What Xan said is almost 100% correct, if people don't get the position they want they will always last pick a jungler. This is was causes about 60% of my loses is someone who instead of supporting picked a slow jungler.

                          If they know how to jungle then so be it, but I don't want to support an AM as well as a doom that has a 10 minute midas from jungling.


                            My last game is perfect example of how to jungle properly.
                            I was solo hard SK. Invoker mid, PL solo safe. Also we had TWO junglers: Chen and Medusa.

                            Nothing could go wrong...

                            Needless to say, we easily won. Two junglers strategy is legit.


                              Depends. At my mmr (~3.6k) usually I get better results with dual offlane (2-1-2). Whenever we have jungler or trilane, the enemy safe lane has free farm.

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                                What I hate about most junglers is that they will literally farm 20 mins straight without helping at all and then they will be like "wtf guys no feed" while he is 0/0/1 because someone was in his jungle and with the help of the team they killed him