General Discussion

General DiscussionKDA MEANS NOTHING

KDA MEANS NOTHING in General Discussion

    IM SICK OF THIS FUCKING SHIT people fucking afk just to preserve kda when we can easily win WTF like would you rather have a 100% winrate 0 kda 100 games or 100 games 0 winrate 100 kda like WTF


      regarding the question, im really not sure >_>


        People are retarded and selfish. So yes, they'd prefer to have a 100 KDA on a 0% winrate hero to be able to say their team is always making them lose, instead of having ...0.X KDA (0 would mean you were always afk farming) and 100%, because others would tell them that they always get carried, even if he had a lot of impact in the game (and feeds, but that's not the issue here).

        They should all be put into a rocket and sent to the sun. Fucking play to win, not to farm KDA...


          I don't mind losing AT ALL when ppl are actually putting their best.
          But when the team is composed of 10 year old who are selfish, insult and play like dickheads, then that's another story, I feel like the computer screen could melt because of my anger.
          There's no competition when the team is shit, I know it's practically impossible, but I would LOVE to see some maturity filter where ppl are grouped by age or IQ for that matter...


            kda is love kda is life


              KDA is how you measure who it is on your team you want to tell the players in all chat to report, or how you defend yourself from such accusations


                why so mad?

                Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                  While skill is not determined by KDA, Winrate or MMR... they do show similarities and trends in the flow of game play. Without a long drawn out explanation, yeah they do mean something.


                    GPM is ALL



                      Im pretty sure my refresher doom made a big difference in this game...Even though it meant me blinking into clock and lycan and suiciding for the team.

                      Kda means nothing if its ultimately beneficial to the team. Even heard there was a pro game where radiant supports went into the dire jungle to feed..just to stall the game and let their carry catch up.

                      Found the game finally.. "Newbee vs DK Game 3 (VGames Grand Final)"

                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                        I only look at GPM and XPM
                        fuck KDA


                          GPM is worthless, XPM and HD is king!


                            KDA means nothing, Arteezy has sub 3 kda on most of his most played heroes..

                            Miku Plays

                              TD and HD is the best


                                TD wins game, fact

                                Quick maffs

                                  yes but rtz is awful


                                    ^That escalated quickly

                                    Flat is Justice!

                                      from my experience:

                                      guys look at: WR
                                      girls look at: KDA

                                      cause females cant win games,
                                      *takes out popcorn*


                                        ^What do transexuals look at?


                                          Op's new nickname

                                          Quick maffs

                                            kda means nothing

                                            but your kda is low because you are pretty bad

                                            and in my games my worst friends always end up with the worst kdas

                                            Quick maffs

                                              kda/lvl of players you are playing agaisnt

                                              having 2 kda against 6 k players is way better than having 6 kda against 2k players


                                                KDA is life

                                                Dire Wolf

                                                  You know nothing, KDA.


                                                    kda means everything

                                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!