General Discussion

General DiscussionNyx assassin ?

Nyx assassin ? in General Discussion

    Advice tips on how to be good nyx assassin? how to land good spikes? wen to gank and stuff?


      Skip to 02:37:00 Quack is very good Nyx player who joins us in games from time to time 5-6k mmr ( i realise its a joke game mid only but he shows u good spikes he also plays with like 300 ping i believe >.<)

      Този коментар е бил редактиран

        wow yer hes pretty good so many 3 man impales with 300 ping :O?? wait are you Monkeys_forvever? because he like plays TB alot :O


          How to Nyx:

          Get boots, tango, and clarity
          Go offlane
          Get a Poor Man's Shield
          Build 4-1-1-1
          Get a Blink Dagger
          Get an Urn of Shadows
          Rape little Int heroes


            E blade ftw :D