General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp/Question on video card

Help/Question on video card in General Discussion

    Okay how come i only got 730mb approx memory total for display if i have 4gb memory of my video card? Here's the screenshot



      looks like you have 730mb memory of your video card


        [IMG][/IMG] this is my actual vid card memory, but it doesn't show on dxdiag help pls


          "I've had the same incorrect DxDiag reports with the 6900 and so has many other 6xxx users. DxDiag does not correctly read these cards. As far as I'm aware, there is no fix, because there is no problem. It shows the right amount in CCC and they perform correctly."

          found in 5 sec by google search

          Този коментар е бил редактиран

            Thanks! Commended! Really appreciated the help. :-)

            Dire Wolf

              I don't think it matters unless you are having issues.


                Yea, i didn't have any issues. i'm just curious if it would hurt my vc in the long run