General Discussion

General DiscussionI've been lurking these forums the past couple of days, and I have a ...

I've been lurking these forums the past couple of days, and I have a minor complaint. in General Discussion
Lotion Explosion

    I have no idea who Melody is, but by using the "| tag", I feel as if you're representing Dotabuff - Especially considering you got pinned guides, free Dotabuff Plus, etc etc. Even if you're not officially affiliated with Dotabuff, you definitely look the part.

    That being said, insulting potential customers, whether they deserve it or not, is a pretty bad business practice. It makes potential buyers (I'm actually a previous owners of Dotabuff Plus) such as myself reconsider purchases. If you want to moderate something and represent it, please do so in better fashion, because roughly 2/10 threads here have your representative flaming people. Just my two cents.

    King of Low Prio

      fire Melody alrdy


        so smooth

        Lotion Explosion

          I don't want this to be a Melody hate thread nor do I want Melody fired, I'm just a bit taken aback by how much flaming goes on over here.

          EDIT: Furthermore, this is a message that I'd hopefully want the Dotabuff administrator to see, simply because I want him to know that there are people who are really considering getting Dotabuff Plus but are extremely turned off by forum behavior. I realize that Melody will be offended by my opening post and there will be people in this thread going overboard and flaming one another, but this is the exact behavior which I find so incredibly bad that gives me these second thoughts on supporting Dotabuff by purchasing a subscription.

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            The "|" tag comes from the Dotabuff guild, not because he's the representative of the site or anything. Aside from that, he wrote everything dotabuff related because he wanted to. Mods thought it was good enough to be pinned.

            Also, he mostly flames people he knows they take it as a joke or people who flame him first.

            King of Low Prio

              I want him banned and this is now a hate thread

              Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                Give me 10 ish to type a reply to this. There is so, so much wrong...


                King of Low Prio

                  holy shit accept the invite

                  ICE SKULL

                    he won't actually get banned, he wrote a bunch of guides nobody cares about and he copy pasted a "bbcode" to turn dotabuff into his personal blog. then he realized nobody cares about bbcode tags because it turned this forum into a "spam unfunny memes and anime pics"

                    so he received free dotabuff plus by doing this. does he deserve it? no
                    my main concern is, why isn't he banned?

                    again, he is breaking 4 rules and i know this isn't playdota but the fact ive been banned for 5+ months for literally linking dotabuff's github page is absurd.

                    1. derogatory remarks
                    2. spam
                    3. image spam
                    4. intentionally ruining threads

                    i was considering purchasing dotabuff plus but this is bad business model.

                    King of Low Prio




                        @mel - Ignore this nonsense. Probably someone around here put the OP up to this, or just purchased the OP's account just to make this post.

                        @wave - You are so full of crap

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                        Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                          So I'm basically just going to restate what you posted, and then correct the story. Not because I'm trying to be an ass or anything really but I would just like to inform you because your story is very assumption based.

                          Hi, I'm Melody. I'm a 25 year old writer/student with a hobby of forums and message boards as well as several other things. In dota, 5 role support [very badly] however it's something I invest time in. Now you noted how you felt I was representing dotabuff. Well, this is true and false at the same time. In my thread that is listed at the top of the page at the bottom there is a disclosure that states I am in no way affiliated with Dotabuff employees or Staff. So... the whole getting fired thing... kind of can't happen... since they don't employ me... ha.

                          So.. with this being said... I basically decided one day that this was kind of blank and plain for a forum. I mean, we didn't have a lot of features and things like that. Hell, we were not even at over 100,000 posts yet... It was really disorganized mostly because I assume the mods like the "hands free" approach, more or less not to have to deal with drama posters/flamers 24/7. This would include such as Wave and the like running rampant like cancer. However, with this being stated. I literally sat down and counted the topics and how many of them were complaining about X thing. It was roughly half. People were not finding problems, or solutions... but just bitching... for the sake of bitching. (Note : Wave). It was like I said... roughly half... 44%.

                          I just felt like there was a more productive stance to the situation, and I will back track some here as well... geeze this is going to be a long ass post. Anyway, so when I first started playing dota as most players will think the same.... I didn't make any mistakes. I accused others and never saw my own faults. Pretty much Sampson was telling me how fucking bad I was, and well I just didn't see it. However... about 8 months later I became somewhat conditioned. I realized he was right. That's really the biggest part is realizing you're bad and admitting you're wrong, regardless I won't digress.

                          I felt like basically the same thing was happening here. People were just accusing others and it was messy and unorganized and what not... Just crazy like. So it started out as a Welcome thread. I just linked some important topics and kind of went with it from there. I refined close to 200 pages of bitching and pulled the good from it labeling it in one thread, as well as informing some basic shit. [How to use img tags, youtube tags, color and other things used with BBcode since well this website doesn't have a hotbar for icons.]

                          It started off sloppy too however after about 3 days of sitting on a forum and glancing through material, I sorted what I could. Pretty much some mod (Based Socks Sama) thought that this was pretty dope. I mean it was honestly pretty rare at the time to have anything at all constructive on the forums. So... the mods added the "Sticky" feature to the forums and a few other things. My topic was the first at the top. After this I guess some members of the community, kind of pitched in too. We all love this website, so lets contribute and make it better you know? I messaged a few 5k ish players and requested they wrote guides for heros that they were successful with. It made a blog post and was turned into a competition. Rares and Plus Membership was handed out. All in all pretty cool.

                          However it's not the guides I'm proud of... it's what came after. After everyone pitched in, more and more members were willing to offer advice and took a "Lets not look at your teammates errors, but yours instead" kind of approach. The community isn't perfect. Nothing really is, however... There are far more people willing to offer advice, review your games and general over all and all posting is more productive.

                          So that's pretty much who I am to this website. Just some rand that posts anime pictures.

                          Now to the next thing... [The rest of this will not be as long lol] The dotabuff tag ish subject. So there is website called dotaroot. A few of my friends use it and at the end of each users name they have to have " | " . Basically it shows support and free advertising. I was VERY fond of this idea. I mean, we all love this website right? That's why we are here. So I kind of wanted to give the same effect. Advertise the website and stuff. Now when I suggested it to lawlie, it was fine as long as I wasn't impersonating staff or anything. So I said it once, and I will again..

                          I don't work for this website nor do they employ me in anyway. I am not staff. I am not a mod. I am just a forum user and poster like you.

                          After I started using the " | " tag some others started as well. The most notable being socks, [My russian commrade]. So I mean, it's free to anyone dude. You can put it in your name if you like. Just don't pretend to be staff or anything that violates the conduct code really.

                          I got pinned because I made an effort and I was the first to make some huge long organization thread. [Although it's messy imho, needs editing/reformatting].

                          About the "Free plus" thing. There is no free plus. Hardly anything is really free. I'll just quote what Lawlie posted earlier here.

                          Hopefully that clears things up. So...there isn't really a business practice. I mean... I talk of Dotabuff in the highest regards. Plus is amazing. There are far as many good memberships for this cheap. If you would like me to show you all of the plus features and how AMAZING this TRUESIGHT is.... I would be more than glad to do so. I mean, because this website is awesome for nerds like me. So many trends to find, errors to correct and lots of other things I can learn about myself as a player via Dotabuff.

                          I have no idea who you think I insulted. So for this, I apologize, however it is most likely a misunderstanding like this entire thread is.

                          Also, if you catch me in the morning, I am generally alot less likely to tolerate toxic shit posting [IE : Wave] and more likely to give harsh feedback. However I will never openly flame someone, ie personal attacks, dogging someone etc. Unless like Zano said, it's mostly just people I know. With you being new to the website and all I imagine this comes off as me being some hateful prick but hopefully this post can set some different views. As far as moderating goes... Yeah... I don't have the time for that. I like my job, and this forum is a hobby, and will probably stay like that.

                          REGARDLESS with all this being said.....

                          WELCOME TO MO FUCKIN DOTO BUFF =D

                          I for one am more than glad to have you here, and if I can do anything to explain website features or help you with actual ingame Dota stuff please ask for a way to contact me, because I'm more than glad to help you with that too. Anyway, sorry for the long ass wall of text. Message me if you need something.




                            Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                              And for the record, what you see wave doing, is the typical toxic shit posting standards that I for one am working to change in this community. So if I flame him, excuse me. It's remotely deserved as anyone would agree. Anyway, thanks. Welcome to Melodybu- err.. I mean Dotabuff.


                                10/10 kill melody and chop his head off




                                    Well, there's your answer. Generally speaking Melody does a lot for this site and gets harshly put down by many of the toxic members. Sometimes (like with Sampson) its done in good nature.

                                    He did, however, go through a really annoying phase of putting anime gifs everywhere but that's more or less calmed down now.

                                    For the most part I appreciate his attitude but there remains a core 'elite' to this forum of high statistic players, some of them abuse/cheat to get there and most of them are toxic. Melody is a game noob but forum goody.

                                    ICE SKULL

                                      my sides have ascended to heaven

                                      Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                        Pretty much melody in a box


                                        I like being bad. I can play serious when I want too, and make butterfly on CM when I'm not. You can't tell me no. I know I'm bad.

                                        Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                          just ban melody already


                                            Talking about yourself in third person is also mildly annoying.

                                            I wasn't knocking you for being bad, I was actually supporting you with that post

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                                            ICE SKULL

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                                                GoodGuyGolden: hi babe
                                                Satellizer: sup
                                                GoodGuyGolden: i luv u
                                                Satellizer: thats good to hear
                                                GoodGuyGolden: mhm


                                                  @Guiri , don't support retards , they have a hard time understanding whose on there side because of the major insecurities and paranoia.

                                                  Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                    @ Guiri,

                                                    Yeahhh sorry that's a writers flaw I can't seem to break. I know you were saying it in a "good" way. I was trying to say that yes I agree with you, haha.


                                                      Get used to it dude, this forum is the same 6 users circle jerking it



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                                                          @ XeraV

                                                          Says the ~100 games sub 50% wr smurf. Give him a break and wipe wave's shit off your nose. I actually find wave's relentless flaming funny but you're just unoriginal and not funny.

                                                          Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                            Off topic :

                                                            Guiri when is your stream schedule.


                                                              @Guiri :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD , oh no pls , another one bringing my winrate into something that's unrelated with ingame statistics , we're talking about dotabuff shit posting , not skills , why don't you suck his dick while you're at it , maybe he can make you a pancake too ? :highfive:

                                                              GoodGuyGolden |

                                                                plz Satelizzer it was supposed to be secret :$$$$$$$


                                                                  this forum is so dead sometimes

                                                                  but everytime melody is mentioned, the wave army comes out of nowhere

                                                                  and it is always fun to read



                                                                    XeraV, you personally attacked him and called him insecure. I didn't bring your win rate into it because of statistics but because of your own insecurities, why did you smurf? Insecure?. Deal with the fact that not everyone is like you. I don't even like melody that much, you're just being a cunt for no reason and trying to show off, play the big boy to score brownie points with wave.

                                                                    And tell you what, show me how you suck wave's dick and I'll see what I can do for Melody?

                                                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                      @Guiri , I smurfed because I was testing hero damage relation to rating , never the less it worked and i got calibrated 5k , but that's not the issue , please stop trying to be mr.rational , you just sound like that one dickhead in the group whose always trying to de-validate everyones stories just to be the center of attention , I can suggest you a few exercises to further deal with your great opinions.
                                                                      Every time you feel like a dick head you can :
                                                                      1.Write your opinion on a paper
                                                                      2.Put it in an envelope
                                                                      3.Lie down on a bed , roll up that envelope
                                                                      4. Kindly shove it up your anal cavity , where it belongs.

                                                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                        And everytime you have built up aggression have a wank, don't take it out on someone who doesn't deserve it. If you want me to add pointless extra steps like you did then cum on a biscuit, make yourself a hot beverage and enjoy tea and biscuits with a zangy twist.


                                                                          And actually this whole thread was quite rational until you and wave came along and flamed it up. I mean we all expect (and almost accept) it from him so like I said if you really wanna go hook up with him just ask him.


                                                                            lol the amount of time some of u nerds take to write walls of text is amazing


                                                                              It's the internet , if people are being 'aggresive' and you 'don't deserve it' you can either:
                                                                              a) Turn off your monitor
                                                                              b) Unplug the router
                                                                              c) Turn off the pc
                                                                              I'm sure any of these options will effectively stop all 'aggresion' torwards those who don't 'deserve it'.
                                                                              Stress on the quotations.
                                                                              Please respond.


                                                                                In theory none of those steps will stop any aggression but whatever, I'm done with this childish merry-go-round. You're being pedantic as fuck.