General Discussion

General DiscussionOfficial ban melody thread

Official ban melody thread in General Discussion

    My thread was locked because "melody ban petition threads are more cancerous than spamming anime gifs"?
    What kind of logic is that? If I want him banned for spamming anime pictures, stupid memes and insulting everyone for not having adblock off or purchasing dotabuff plus, how is that any worse than spamming your forum? Or does asslicking Dotabuff neglect all of that? Maybe I should spam stupid memes and anime pictures, then asslick Dotabuff and get free Dotabuff Plus !?

    A lot of people want him banned and I think it's time to let it happen.


      Ban XeraV

      GoodGuyGolden |

        Ban Satellizer for not loving me back </3

        ICE SKULL


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              This. He's here to stay so get over it and stop making yourself look pathetic.


                "Guiri :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD , oh no pls , another one bringing my winrate into something that's unrelated with ingame statistics , we're talking about dotabuff shit posting , not skills , why don't you suck his dick while you're at it , maybe he can make you a pancake too ? :highfive:"

                "@Guiri , I smurfed because I was testing hero damage relation to rating , never the less it worked and i got calibrated 5k , but that's not the issue , please stop trying to be mr.rational , you just sound like that one dickhead in the group whose always trying to de-validate everyones stories just to be the center of attention , I can suggest you a few exercises to further deal with your great opinions.
                Every time you feel like a dick head you can :
                1.Write your opinion on a paper
                2.Put it in an envelope
                3.Lie down on a bed , roll up that envelope
                4. Kindly shove it up your anal cavity , where it belongs.

                I like how every ban-melody ends up posting utter nonsense like this. Always. Oh, and it's also always a random lurker whose first post is something ban-melody related.


                  Yeah. If you don't wanna get involved with him you don't have to. Its a forum with more than one person. Oh well! Boy got issues.


                    I'm sure meme pictures and 'desu desu kawaii' quotes are better than my utter non-sense. Yeah I'll just be quiet while he just puts unfunny meme-pics on every thread.

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                      I have no idea who goodguygolden is. I am mildly intrigued.

                      As for the OP, you are delusional if you think DB admins are going to ban melody. I'm just going to assume you are trolling and realize you are wasting your time.

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                        XeraV, no one is stopping you from putting some random memes and stuff up, only thing that generally is annoying is open and pointless abuse (especially when its clearly unwarranted)

                        King of Low Prio

                          U have my support


                            Guiri , you said it yourself , it's annoying and what does that mean? It's UNWANTED , it's that fucking milk bottle put in the clothing section in walmart , that thing that nobody fucking wants , and if nobody enjoys it and it's pushing this forum away from what it could be , a better community , why not ban it. Here's my offer , if I'm toxic , ban me , aslong as melody gets banned I'm completely fine with getting ip banned , aslong as I don't have to see his retarded fuck posts while i'm trying to read constructive threads.


                              If you aren't trolling, you have no grip on reality.


                                ^ Not realizing that people are starting to ignore you. Go on , I'm sure you'll make good spaces inbetween our rants.


                                  Yeah, and since the last time everyone got upset he's massively cut down on it. I have no problem with either of you being here because I'm not forced to read either of your shit if it annoys me.


                                    Nobody is ignoring concede, go ahead, insult more forum regulars. You'll be everyone's favorite in no time.


                                      XeraV claims that i'm being ignored by responding to me.

                                      Seriously, get a grip.


                                        Guiri , Then why are you on this thread , if this doesn't concern you , if you're literally not bothered , why have you been replying for 15 minutes straight

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                                          Of course a lurker wouldn't feel a problem with being banned...

                                          Oh man, keep posting please. Laughs are needed.


                                            Because I'm passing time before I sleep. I like to read and type things to get me tired.

                                            I also do have opinions lol.

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                                            King of Low Prio

                                              I heard a rumor that Melody tried to rape me


                                                I heard that one too


                                                  Same thing here , trying to get sleepy enough , oh dear melody-kun , please bless me with your presence so I can lose my sides one last time before I sleep.



                                                      Insulting people makes you sleepy? Lel


                                                        Especially when they're worthless.


                                                          Ouch. Anyway im sufficiently sleepy, te deseo una noche tranquila y que descansas


                                                            Ks imak bi eri inshallah tintak 5araya 3ala 3eltak , good night lovely.

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                                                                my avatar is not updating

                                                                mods help


                                                                  good. I like that one


                                                                    -Melody is harmless
                                                                    I bet he cuts himself every day , does he have that cool emo haircut aswell?
                                                                    inb4 he commits suicide if he gets banned.

                                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                                      Not even joking Melody showing his face is worse than the holocaust


                                                                        Well, that would explain the Bubonic Plague mask picture.

                                                                        ICE SKULL

                                                                          yeah he deleted the "post ur irl pic" thread because of how ugly he is

                                                                          was actually going to repost his emo face


                                                                            It is a painting of Sampson in real life.

                                                                            @wave - funny, figured you only posted pictures with a mask on because you were embarrassed.

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                                                                            GoodGuyGolden |

                                                                              Concede, I am midly intrigued in you as well ;o

                                                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                              Quick maffs

                                                                                He got the balls to show his face so i dont know what the fuck you guys are flaming him for.

                                                                                I really want to start posting anime faces and anime stuff just to see some people mad




                                                                                  this thread has no meaning, might as well.

                                                                                  Quick maffs

                                                                                    Every time i think about it, it makes less sense, you want mods to ban him, for posting anime pics ?

                                                                                    You want him banned beucase of fucking anime pics ?

                                                                                    I just .....


                                                                                      wow he showed his face, so brave

                                                                                      ill show my dick if you want

                                                                                      Quick maffs

                                                                                        Well more than the ones who didnt and are flaming him for his appearance, dont you think ?


                                                                                          melody posts pics for attention, someone calls him ugly, you're saying they shouldn't unless they post their own pics? i never get your logic dorkly


                                                                                            The anime crud has been reduced and other dumb stuff so either way I don't think it was a bannable offence anyways it was just detracting from what I come to the threads for which is advice on how to improve.

                                                                                            I would rather ban people for trolling/flaming other people on here which is also counter productive.

                                                                                            I mean to the big haters on here including WAVE and the guy that posted this:

                                                                                            1. When was the last time you wrote a guide for anything?

                                                                                            2. When did you last provide some type of feedback helping someone else on here?

                                                                                            I mean really IDC how great WAVE is or this guy at boosting accounts and getting 5~6k mmr I would rather not see them post, and rather not play with people like that anyways. I'd rather play with someone that has a positive attitude instead of being a defeatest or flaming someone. You guys are more useless than anybody on here.


                                                                                              Did regulator buy his account, or just a smurf?

                                                                                              Probably don't want to build drums or bloodstone if you already purchased Vanguard on Bristleback....

                                                                                              Quick maffs

                                                                                                He asked if people would like to post their own pics and most of people said so, and they all posted pics, are you telling me that they all were just attention whoring ? Would be hypocrital to insult someone for such a dumb thing like being ugly and still have no balls to post his own pics, its like a guy comes to you in real life with his face covered and calls you ugly and runs away.

                                                                                                Even more, melody has done more for this forum that you ever did, considering that you only post typical flame of 15 years old kids.


                                                                                                  don't look deleted to me..


                                                                                                    "Probably don't want to build drums or bloodstone if you already purchased Vanguard on Bristleback...."

                                                                                                    high skill bracket boys


                                                                                                      posting your pics on a dota forum is the definition of attention whoring, i dont give a fuck who did it. its not hypocritical to call someone ugly if they post pics for the public to judge, because that's what you're asking for. it's like posting whatever and expecting everyone to agree with me, your logic is so fucking dumb i wouldnt be surprised if you're actually 15 yourself

                                                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!