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General DiscussionShow us your Rats

Show us your Rats in General Discussion

    Lol i ended up taking there rax at like 15mins because they tried to 5 man rat race againsts terrorblade muahahaha

    (pointless thread im just bored out of my mind feel free to show me some good rat replays :D)


      i win on tower dmg scrubs


        10k and proud of it? thats like my average tower damage on tb LOL

        Този коментар е бил редактиран

          i dont play faggot heroes like tb tho :s


            awwww s a d b o y

            what makes a hero a faggot

            ICE SKULL

              broken + requires not much effort to win


                does that make ta a faggot hero because of my winrate with her

                seriously retards calling heroes faggot because they can't handle it



                  ^ 5 russians died after that game



                    Shouldn't even have had to rat that game. Lifestealer was useless for the most part (until the very end).

                    @Zenoth, why not link the game of yours you were so proud of with the actual ratting going on?



                      Both of my last 2 games.. won with -30k exp differences. In fact the xp graph never became green!!!

                      naga :
                      warlock :

                      All hail king r[A]t :happytears:


                        lol zenoth mad cuz his fav mmr climbing hero is broken


                          ya ta is broken

                          riki is broken

                          tb is broken

                          lifestealer is broken

                          oh no what should i do

                          meanwhile in 0% win rate bristleback land...

                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                            141 games of TB

                            enough said


                              your real mmr should be at least -500 of where you are now, how does it feel to be a 4k scrub?

                              ICE SKULL

                                no only tb is broken, or at least used to be


                                  hes still broken, only reflection slow scaling got nerfed

                                  ICE SKULL

                                    no hes not broken, klasynky doesnt even pick tb anymore and thats how he got 7k+ in the first place

                                    nowadays klasynky goes slark mid and fails like a fucking dog because hes bad


                                      ya tell me about how i'm supposed to be -500 when i win regularly with all kind of random heroes


                                      maybe look at the part where my winrate with tb has gone up after the nerf rofl

                                      or how i main ta more than i do tb. Am i abusing broken hero? GG TA BROKEN HERO NERF LEL

                                      if you honestly think he's broken you're just bad, he is just good at punishing pubs without coordination but hardly "broken"

                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                      bum farto

                                        Terror is annoying as hell to deal with but how is he possibly broken...oh he can swap health and split push and make illusions. Naga can make illusions and split push and her ult can also save her from tons of team fights going bad but she's not "broken".

                                        Granted Terror is a really fast farmer but there are other that are just as fast and terror doesn't really require all that much to actually take down as his health pool even with farm is not overly high so it just requires some thought.

                                        EDIT: Zenoth but look at that KDA hit, you're playing him as a split pusher and dedicating that much to someone like NP would have a similar result. So agreed, not broken just a real nuisance to deal with and good at punishing un-coordinated opponents.

                                        Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                          well of course, the nerf hit his early game really hard, before that he was arguably "broken" but now i'm forced to resort to one particular strategy instead of several, i simply got better at it.

                                          but this butthurt boy thinks i deserve -500 because i know how to split push

                                          Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                          bum farto

                                            R.I.P PATCH 6.80 my support TB and Axe love you and miss you, the game isn't the same.

                                            @Zenoth my support TB KDA beats yours :D

                                            Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                              im not butthurt i dont give a shit about you or your mmr, he's broken because meta and a few illusions are enough to take down a tower from full to hp 0 even if you have no items, biggest trash hero

                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                              bum farto

                                                Lycan can also take down towers just as fast as can Leshrac and multiple fact there was an issue in 1v1 mode where people level 3 were soloing towers at like 4 minutes into the game as leshrac. #leshracbrokenhero


                                                  comparing completely different heroes #dotobuffretards


                                                    -reasons that tb is broken because he can solo towers without items

                                                    -calls people retards for telling him that other heroes can solo towers just as well without items


                                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                      - because leshrac is the same hero as TB, with a RNG ability that can kill towers and capped damage, can carry late and is AGI


                                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                        4k scrub telling Zenoth he has inflated mmr for picking TB LOOOOL

                                                        I guess he has inflated mmr for picking TA aswell then, fucking nerf Icefrog srsly.


                                                          zenoth is 4500 mmr hes not a 4k scrub LOOOOL

                                                          actually he may be 4000 himself not sure

                                                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                            wow now i'm -1200 for picking tb

                                                            it gets worse and worse

                                                            ICE SKULL

                                                              zenoth pls ur trolling now worse than me, tb was broken, that is why you picked him because it was ez mmr

                                                              where are those insta tb pickers now if hes not broken?


                                                                even if he isnt broken now because of 2.5 sec slow at level 1 instead of 5, most of your games are before nerf


                                                                  Well, TB was pretty fuckin broken when he had 5sec slow at lvl 1, that was ridiculous.

                                                                  the thing is some retard says Zenoth has inflated mmr, but: Why the fuck does he have succes will all those heroes that aren't considered "OP" in a bracket he doesn't fucking belong to? So damn retarded :crazy:

                                                                  Templar Assassin - 357 - 73.11%
                                                                  Riki - 145 - 61.38%
                                                                  Lifestealer - 133 - 59.40%
                                                                  Terrorblade - 141 - 64.54%

                                                                  I guess he've abused TA more than Terror.

                                                                  ICE SKULL

                                                                    ta is pretty solid tho

                                                                    i have no fucking clue how dragonfist is winning 90%, his team consist of 4k peruvians while other team is 4.8k-5k pure american marine soldiers

                                                                    bum farto

                                                                      What shall I do guys, someone with 5200 less games then me on a 52% win rate smurf called me a scrub. Is uninstalling DotA the answer?

                                                                      @Wave Dragonfist does a lot of 1v1's vs Swiftending (or used to), he is only maintaining a 62-68% winrate this patch so he is still losing some.

                                                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                      ICE SKULL

                                                                        i dunno whos saying his mmr is inflated which it isnt, but saying that tb wasnt broken is trollbait


                                                                          Probably you should just go cliff jungle with NP until your MMR improves.



                                                                            i said tb isnt broken anymore, i never said he wasnt overpowered before the nerf

                                                                            all the tb instapickers are gone for this reason, i mean i could still instapick him and probably maintain a similar winrate but i have other heroes to practice for scrims

                                                                            maybe if you read carefully you would have noticed i agreed the nerf was deserved

                                                                            you might have also noticed my winrate with him went up AFTER the nerf

                                                                            Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                              whats your mmr with those 6k games tho? barely 4k mmr rofl uninstall

                                                                              bum farto

                                                                       5-6K MMR games are just as easy/hard for me to support as 4K games.

                                                                                While some make smurfs to inflate their MMR I had mine very hampered by queuing with very low skilled players for a very very long time. I only recently started doing solo queue recently and have already made decent headway with an assume 60%+ win rate in solo thus far so lets see.

                                                                                Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                                ICE SKULL

                                                                                  :DDDD zenoth are u waiting for oracle? (dat ulti ;))


                                                                                    hes definitely not being ported in the current state he is, pubs would become worse than earthspirit v1 era, god that was horrible i dropped from 5.4k to 5k because i couldnt earth spirit

                                                                                    after that experience i vowed to master the next hero coming out, hence tb

                                                                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                      how come i made a smurf to inflate my mmr when my main doesn't have a single ranked game played since i quit before ranked was introduced? i played bristle that i haven't played in 5 years, 10 games in a row and intentionally fed in 2, i dont give a shit about my stats rofl

                                                                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                                      ICE SKULL

                                                                                        im going to master oracle and trust me, icefrog will release him in his current state because thats what he always does so he can test and see what people react to most


                                                                                          take the i out of nerif and you are left with NERF

                                                                                          seriously this piece of shit is broken anyone who doesnt know what he does can check here



                                                                                            ^^^^^Seriously y must every thread in this forum turn into a bloody boxing match...