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General DiscussionRequesting replay analysis from a good mid player

Requesting replay analysis from a good mid player in General Discussion
Hex Sigma

    Okay so i suck hard at mid, it's easily one of my worst roles. So i decided to man up and learn how to play mid. This is the game

    It was a stomp but that doesn't concern me. What i want is someone to break down my laning phase and tell me how good/bad did i perform as a mid player, and what i could've done better.


      Whats your mmr?

      Hex Sigma

        2.5k solo 2.7k party

        Hex Sigma

          ^thnx mate i've already read chaq's guide and i was searching for something new :D

          True Survivor

            Start: If you want bottle first, there is no need to buy so much regen/stats. Even vs the Kunkka, you didnt need so much, buying all of that only delayed your bottle.

            2:00 - You are using your Q on Bat rather than your E. Bat doesnt give a shit if you have 5 refresher orbs and keep refreshing Q, he will just throw a sticky napalm and laugh as you waste your mana. Using Last Word is not only much more damaging, but much more annoying to bat, and more mana efficient at harassing. Always use Last Word, wait for the silence, then use Q.

            4:30 - You only have 1 deny, and had plenty of easy opportunities to deny more while you were simply standing there. Gaining an EXP advantage on Bat, and any other mid you go against is really important. Its a race to level 6, don't be afraid to put some effort into slowing them down.

            4:35 - You got the illusion rune. Cool. Next time you want to scout with them, don't leave your hero standing still in the river. Move to safer ground, then micro the illiusions around.

            5:30 - More of the same mistakes, wasting your mana using your Q and batrider immediately purges it off with an easy Napalm. Also, it should be pointed out that your CS is pretty poor, sitting at 7 last hits at almost 6 minutes. Most of the time, it was from attacking just a hair too early. Be patient, or use your Glaives if you think you need the damage.

            6:10 - You saw bat go for the top rune and followed him. If there was a rune there for him like a DD or a haste, he would have killed you. I'm not sure what you were planning, but it was not worth your time. All you did was miss out on last hits and exp.

            6:42 - You had the DD. You could have killed him if he messed up, but you immediately ran. At least throw your E+Q combo, and see if he gets low enough for it to be worth ulting and right clicking him down. If you have an advantage, press it.

            8:15 - You watched your top lane get initiated on for a whole 4 seconds before you decided Venomancer's life was worth using your ult.

            I think that will probably cover everything you need to know. Hope I could be of help!

            EDIT - I am not a particularly GREAT mid player, but I consider myself pretty decent, and grasp the fundamentals of it well enough to at least point out mistakes, even if I don't execute them perfectly. I am a 3.6k mmr player with 1.5k hours on my old profile.

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            Hex Sigma

              ^thnx man :D

              After seeing how he got rid so easily of my curse i realized that i need to spam last word but it was kinda too late.

              True Survivor

                No problem man. Keep at it, practice patience in last hitting, and watch pro streams long enough to figure out when and how to go for a kill and you will find yourself stomping your foes in no time.


                  I'll analyse a game where you don't stomp, I think there's more to learn there. Stomps in either direction massively effect behaviour and play.


                    also depending on who you're against you most likely want to max last word because it's damage is guaranteed. also the silence duration increases, which is important for increasing your word damage. a level 4 curse that gets removed in 1 second doesn't do as much as a level 1 curse that remains for the full 6 seconds due to a high ranked last word.

                    against bat, last word is definitely the way to go. once he's silenced for 6 seconds that means he can't stack napalms on you, so that's easy harasment against him. play aggressive when you know he can't use firefly or napalm.

                    if you have an orb effect you probably shouldn't wait until level 4 to get it. orb walking is incredibly strong for laning especially in mid, and during the very early levels, as you can harass without messing up the lane equilibrium. vs bat, curse is useless at 1 because bat gets napalm at 1 which can easily remove it. last word is too, because bat won't ever get disarmed at 1, and silencing him for 3s doesn't do much when napalm has a debuff duration of 10.

                    glaives at 1 is a big boost to your last hitting because silencer's damage variance is really high, so having glaives boosts your minimum damage to non-shit levels, and also means you can trade hits effectively and force bat to back off or take serious harass if he wants to get last hits, due to your higher range, damage, and high ground advantage (which you should have if you blocked well).

                    to expand on what tehmastersword said since i didnt watch the replay yet, bat clearly isn't trying to deny against you (1 deny at the end of the game) so wait for creeps to get lower instead of chancing your last hits on damage variance. if you know he won't deny against you, let the enemy creeps get to 20-30 HP. that means you won't miss last hits due to bad luck, and anyways, bat's base damage is very low due to a nerf a few patches ago, meaning he can still last hit well due to napalm, but denying is much harder.

                    @guiri you can still make mistakes in already won games, so you can still learn from them. if the game was closer then you need all the small advantages you can get or it might cost you the game

                    Hex Sigma

                      What bothers me big time, when i'm playing a core is that i can't farm enough, because in low lvl pubs people go only for teamfights all the time. And i need to participate in every fight in order to coordinate the team. How can i farm and still participate in fights? TP scroll helps but the teamfights are not always happening beside towers...

                      BoT's? I almost never make them idk why...


                        Androgynous you prove my point by saying 'if the game was closer'


                          you have to consider that if you have chances to win the fight or not
                          if the answer is yes, then tp in and get things going, if its a no, keep farming and push a tower

                          you won a fight? great, push a tower, after that move to the enemy jungle and farm there, tp back to one lane if the enemy is respawning, get to farm there. push a bit, go to the jungle, wait for the lane to pull back, farm there, repeat

                          but single target heroes are not great for farming because, well, they can only dmg one target per time, if you are going to pick mid and still have good farm, pick Tinker, TA, SF, Storm, they all have aoe dmg, they are all relevant throughout the game.

                          i'd tell you to stick to TA, ppl on ur rating dont really know how to counter her, you can deny and LH at the same time after lv2, you are basically unkillable midlane because ppl won't rotate to kill you, you can farm really fast, you have a very high burst dmg with your Meld, you are great in fights because either ppl focus you down (and that creates space for your other 4 carries {common at this bracket}) or they die

                          if you want to really learn the hero i'd recommend you to watch the recorded videos at DragonFist stream (, he is probably the best TA out there, aside with Waga. He is the best pubstar in the world, and he usually plays TA vs TA counters (like Viper), so he really knows how to play at disadvantage.

                          You'll learn a lot from him, before watching his games I knew that I could dodge shit with Meld but I didn't really put it into execution, but after seeing he doing it I saw how important it was.

                          You can also go to the Swiftending/Juice MMR experiment thread on Playdota and download his older replays (the ones which id games start with 4xxxxxx) and see how and what he actually does playing vs people at your bracket (the account started at 2700MMR iirc). he went like 25/2 every TA game, and if im not wrong, he went like 48/0 on Storm. He doesnt do anything out of this world, he just punishes people out of position and he dominates them with his superior skill.

                          Also, if you read ChaQ's guide, make sure that you abuse that aggro trick a lot, that ensures you a easier time last hitting, mainly on TA where you can - again - last hit, deny and harass at the same time. Abuse TA to deny a lot (while last hitting aswell), you no rarely will see you 1lvl ahead of the enemy without even killing him. Getting like 20~30 denies in the first 10 minutes will deny almost 1k of enemy gold aswell as xp, so its huge, its like even if he had killed you 2 times (and one was FB), he would still be outfarmed.

                          As soon as you get your lvl6, put traps in the river ramps, keep LHing (focusing on harassing with your psi blades), when the enemy goes for about 60% hp, you trigger the trap and immediately start rushing into them, place another trap (so you can trigger it again), Meld him down and its an easy kill

                          TA is very team independant in the sense that you don't need really much coordination or cooperation to shine, you have "free wards" with your ulti, which you can place in strategical points to avoid ganks, you can gank easily if you get a good rune (haste is the best), you can farm so fast (learn how to stack camps in middle lane without losing/losing minimal CS from lane) its no joke. If you get a desolator you can solo rosh, towers will just melt too.

                          thats my 2cents bro gl


                            how am i proving your point. im saying that if the game was closer, he could've lost it if he made the same mistakes that he did. therefore if he learned to not make the mistakes he wouldn't have lost the game. e.g. if he's put against better players and the same picks are achieved somehow.

                            "How can i farm and still participate in fights?"
                            you can't farm and contribute to fights unless you're someone with global mobility or global range abilities. if you can't contribute to a fight or you think the fight is already lost whether you tp in to help or not, you should just ignore the complaints of your teammates and not waste your time.

                            if your hero is appropriate you can use your teammates as a distraction to push towers. people in 3k are retarded and will tp back when you've already taken towers. so split pushing can indirectly stop pushes. with someone like prophet you can push down 2 lanes as 1 hero while your opponent pushes 1 lane with 4/5, and also you simultaneously defend against the opponent's push.

                            replays don't last that long, unless they're tournament games. there's no way those games are still available.

                            Hex Sigma

                              @andro I'm sry but you didn't qute get it. Let me explain further. In 2k the game pace is weird. Most of the time both teams spend way too much time trying to force a fight. So I need to constantly be in their back waiting for the oportunity. For example today in my game my team apent like 5 minutes moving around on the dires mid lane trying to find a fight. So I farmed the jungle but when they started the fight I was too behind and they almost lost it. Hence I have to ping and tell them constantly to wait for me to come.

                              on the other hand if I don't come to that fight they lose it and its crappy for my team. Hmm what If I would've risked by farming the enemy jungle?

                              I mean can i risk it? Maybe with wards....


                                @Androgynous, there is a dropbox in the Swiftending thread with all the replays, thats why I said it.


                                  @Raspharus, you are Silencer, if a fight is about to start, cast your ulti, tp in and go for it. If your allies are forcing fight where they have no map controll at all, they are retarded and you don't have to go full retard with it.

                                  Watch the swiftending replays really, he just stays there farming while his team is suiciding. You can also check his Q&A where he explores that question. He carries a TP scroll, if he knows his team stand a chance to win the fight, he tps in and help, if no, he keeps pushing towers. Thats what you should do.

                                  If you don't have much awareness in the sense of when to refuse or join fights, pick mobile heroes or heroes with global skills such as NP, Silencer, etc.

                                  Also, if you don't know how to farm efficiently, you can go for heroes that doesn't really require much farming and are more teamfight oriented, such as Puck. He only needs a 2150 gold item (blink) to be effective, he is very mobile and is hard to kill if played correctly. You may consider heroes like Slark that can move really fast (522 with drums and in fog), so you can join a fight easily even if the fight is not exploding near a tower.

                                  453521830 (replay is in the thread i mentioned earlier). This game Juice plays SF, he gets ganked and starts really bad, his team is getting wiped and the gamescore is like 20-5 for the opposing team. What he does? He stops commiting to fights. The game is in your bracket, around 2.8k MMR. He knows that people can't really pressure and seize their advantage, so what he does? Farm jungle 24/7, find some easy pick offs (squishy supports for example) and manage to comeback. He wen't from 2/4 to 16/6 iirc.

                                  You can learn a lot from this replay because this is a game you generally would call gg at 10 min and start blaming your team. He also says that killing is the most overrated aspect of dota because an entire creepwave provides the same (or almost the same) gold of a kill, takes less time to execute and its safier. If you are not confident enough to join/avoid fights, you may also consider flash farming mids such as TA and SF. Even if the other team has an advantage, they won't ward your jungle, they won't put pressure there, they will just hang around the map looking for kills, if they can't really find you, than chances are that you are going to comeback that game.