General Discussion

General DiscussionLost to tinker very sad feeling

Lost to tinker very sad feeling in General Discussion

    tinker is shittiest hero ever made in game

    no escape
    no hp
    no late nuke
    steal farm from carry all map
    steal runes from good people

    i cannot beilive i lost to this tinker i made sure to kill him many time in middle
    i even buy ward to ward straight to his ancient so he no farm with march
    many time he appear on minimap i will bot to the creep and kill him
    i dont know how he comeback but i blame my pinoy team

    nvm i should not feel sad to lose to tinker because i just think his team carry him and he = useless

    if u pick tinker enjoy u -999 mmr

    the realm's delight

      tinker no escape?
      no nuke????????
      steal runes??

      2k sea at its best

      the realm's delight

        wait i got trolled didnt i


          tinker is too hard for me ;/


            > full exort invoker
            > quas at 4
            > double forge spirits by level 19
            > no midas as exort invoker
            > probably got aghs before 17
            > getting invoke lv 2 at level 8 instead of making your other abilities better

            > Well Played!

            FYI Tinker's source of farm can be the jungle, especially seeing as he was on radiant. You could've (and should've) warded the regular jungle to either block the camps, or to gank him while he is farming.


              "mid or feed"
              please, keep feeding


                oh wait it's *this* guy. I remember him now. I just remember him for his 5% winrate on Wisp.

                awful awful player. from levels 1-3 he plays invoker like a ranged creep.


                  why build midas when can farm heroes but that game could not farm hero because too fat
                  tell me how tinker can escape and how he nuke is pain in 40++ minute game ????

                  Ples Mercy



                      If you understand how tinker works you'll understand why this thread makes no sense


                        OP is trench tier trash.


                          Why u even post here with 44% winrate. This forum is quite elitest. Even 4k players are considered trash by many users.



                            4k downer right here


                              fyi midas is for the levels on invoker you fucking moron

                              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                maybe but situtational i think
                                what is next phase is core on invoker???


                                  explain how can you know what's good on invoker. if you did know, you wouldn't be in the normal bracket, would you


                                    is because i have teammate like


                                      its like a high schooler trying to explain quantum physics when s/he doesn't know anything about it


                                        you don't need teammates. look at juice. he won games solo in your bracket because he was better than his opponents. you're not better than your opponents that's why you're losing to them.


                                          your teammates are retarded but so are your enemies. whoever can take advantage of the other team's retards, wins. you couldn't so you lost

                                          King of Low Prio

                                            typical invoker picker

                                            King of Low Prio

                                              U SEE THAT EULS SUNSTRIKE IM FUCKIN DENDI BRAH

                                              Quick maffs

                                                Oh look ! a bait !


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                                                Ples Mercy

                                                  that is a good gif. srsly

                                                  the realm's delight

                                                    i was boosting my friend's 3k account
                                                    we only won this game because of my tinker
                                                    but then again players at ur mmr cant even use march

                                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                    Quick maffs


                                                      I know right, the problem is that there is so many threads that this gif can be used that i fear to over-use it

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