General Discussion

General DiscussionChina's MMR is harder to get than in other regions

China's MMR is harder to get than in other regions in General Discussion

    I think. Since I came to US I've been on a winning streak, so far from sub3k to 3.1k (haven't played that much). But on the other hand, my friend who was at 2k in SEA went to China for an intern and now he's 1.6k o.o (profile: )

    Тази тема била редактирана
    Ples Mercy



        sorry I pressed enter early



          King of Low Prio

            I won a match in EU, so basically it means that 2k US is 9k EU

            Dire Wolf

              At those ratings it doesn't matter what server you're on.

              Ples Mercy

                well it's like this

                EU > CHINA > ASIA > RUSSIA > US > PERU

                Hex Sigma

                  peru doto best doto


                    I lost most of the games i played in china (unranked), but that was mostly due to a very bad internet connection with huge lag spikes at time and me playing on a laptop with a bad mouse. So all i could do was be the ward bitch and drop golems.

                    Also winning streaks sometimes happen. Post again if you have a larger sample size.


                      nice joke, blunt

                      at low 3k and sub 3k it doesnt even matter because everyone is bad

                      Flat is Justice!

                        alot of chinese players come to sea when perfect world goes down, they suck.
                        prolly the 300 ping latency but still, they suck


                          Elitist high MMR players thinking there's no difference in low MMR.


                            there isnt. once you get below 3k, people just do their own thing without really doing anything.

                            plus, my mmr isnt even that high

                            Този коментар е бил редактиран

                              there is a difference

                              that's why they have different mmr


                                You're basically just wrong.

                                King of Low Prio

                                  those 3 game win streaks......

                                  the realm's delight

                                    i can win 5k us games by playing with my feet


                                      go to "scenario" and look at the difference… is all


                                        Italia > Eu > China > Other place with chin chon chung people > US > Russia > Sampson


                                          China is the most tryhard server on the entire universe. At 5k++ MMR all you'll ever see is doom + phoenix all day all night.


                                            Not sure bout china.. But I generally play on SEA and sometimes in EU. I have a sub 50% winrate on SEA, and a near 60% winrate in eu (Atleast on the ID ive been playing for the past couple months tho.. )

                                            ICE SKULL

                                              my friends (actual chinese) said china is tryhard but they suck at it so it kinda balances everything


                                                there is no difference in low mmr..

                                                ur either good or terrible


                                                  me (actual chinese) can attest that china isn't bad at tryharding at top levels. ferrari (or rotk/burning) said it in an interview

                                                  k so 1.6k and 2.4k are the same even though 2.4k won 32 games more


                                                    I had the opposite experience.
                                                    I am chinese too. played like 10 games in China months ago. Lost most matches.
                                                    I played on US East for about two years.

                                                    btw i was 4k at that time. now i am 3.5k due to bad karma and getting old.


                                                      if there is a difference between 2.4 and 1.6 it doesn't matter because everyone in either of those brackets is still retarded at the game, no matter how much better (or worse) region X is over region Y.


                                                        people can be worse than others…

                                                        how hard is it to understand. one might autoattack while one doesn't. one might buy wards, have the foresight to pick support, or simply have better coordination

                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                          they all about the same


                                                            great. just make statements without reasoning. 4.5k and 5.2k are the same too then.


                                                              Yea, Wink isn't making generalizations since his mmr is forever stuck in 3k. Unlike him, you've seemed to have improved your mmr quite a bit.


                                                                my mmr would move around more if i actually solo queued

                                                                regardless, the issue with 2k players is that they all have the same issues and thats why they are in 2k, they might not all play the same, but they are making the same mistakes and are extremely similar in trashness to anyone who watches them play

                                                                this is coming from someone with like 40 friends in 1100-3100 mmr

                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                  @空は高く 風は歌う

                                                                  you saying 'I played a match in X server and won and played on Y server and lost therefore Y server is stronger' is not evidence. If you make a claim it is not our job to disprove it, it is your job to prove it first.



                                                                    That is irrelevant towards your claim of "they are all about the same" with NOTHING. Little evidence is far better than no evidence. And you'd think my numerous games is more than the 2 game example that you put in quotation marks as an attempt to discredit me.

                                                                    Also, I put "I think" as my first words in this thread. If you were thinking that I was boasting about this wonderful discovery that we should celebrate then you are wrong. I was inviting discussion like beeNew.WhoJi's post. If you don't have anything to say about differences between regions (other than "they are about the same" which is what many other people also have said), I'm not sure what you're doing here.


                                                                    I'm saying the difference in MMR still matters at low MMR my currently 1.6k friend certainly plays a lot worse than a friend that is 2.4k~. I also happen to play much betetr than this 2.4k friend and I'm only 3.1k.

                                                                    Specific examples? 1.6k friend has extremely bad hand-eye coordination and also happens to use a trackpad instead of a mouse to play, resulting in several easy kills missed several times. Also cannot last hit and does not buy wards or dust unless I tell him to. Once, he bought Aghanims on Slark simply because he had too much money and didn't know what to buy.

                                                                    2.4k plays support when there are carries and buys wards and dust. However, the last time he played carry and I supported him he couldn't last hit with relatively choices in item builds and in the end I had about the same GPM as him.

                                                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                      "my one friend is better than my other 1 friend"

                                                                      well, to counter (using your logic), 3 of my 2k friends are WAY better than some of my 3k friends

                                                                      boom, i win the logic war


                                                                        "Any region that doesn't have any foreigners who hamper the server development is better. Take china as example

                                                                        For Aus server which constantly get retards from SEA who play with 500 pings, it's just fucking hopeless.
                                                                        I believe USW has a lot of pinoys too. I got queued with quite number of pinoys when i queued in USW.

                                                                        Buying better internet so i can queue in SEA instead or just getting better salary
                                                                        Fuck abbot"

                                                                        i said that the other day.

                                                                        @空は高く 風は歌う
                                                                        To play on chinese server (perfect world) you have to register right? no random foreigner with high ping can enter your region so chinese got region lock while we are not. It's not suprising to see them perform better than the rest of the world

                                                                        Този коментар е бил редактиран


                                                                          but you and I both know you're making that up and discussions are pointless if you do that
                                                                          plus lower mmr means more lost games and matched with less skilled people I mean that makes sense why do I have to justify it to you elitists who think skill difference doesn't exist at lower levels of gameplay?

                                                                          As for the scenario Dumb Viet, Pinoy and Burmese just put, I think it is fairly logical. To play on Chinese server first you need to set -perfectworld in steam launch options or download the chinese dota2-steam hybrid client and you would also have to have a chinese adult's id because of China's anti-gaming precautions for minors

                                                                          and to think I hated having to go on baidu images and steal an id, maybe that actually made things better


                                                                            Yeah then Chinese server has less "parasite" to begin with.
                                                                            You wouldn't imagine how you can develop your skill so much faster with region lock on.


                                                                              i wouldn't doubt china has less cancer on their game servers, but to say that it's harder to gain mmr there is wrong, since you have less cancer you are far more likely to improve, and thus increase your mmr since the mmr system looks at performance to calculate mmr and doesnt just compare you to others (although comparisons are used in the algorithms)


                                                                                well if the other servers are more "cancerous" that means the overall gameplay is worse and I will find it easier to win games from the default MMR (whatever that is) compared to China which has overall better gameplay


                                                                                  but you will have a harder time to improve if you cant communicate with half of the players in the match, so people who start in a region or are stuck in one outside of china, they will have a tougher time rising up the ladder

                                                                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                    but the same applies for the enemy team's english speakers – bad conditions facilitate winning since you are more likely to win if the overall skill level is decreased due to whatever reason providing you are still yourself


                                                                                      winning =/= improving and there is a point where the enemy team is actually just better than you instead of being less lucky with the player pool on a consistent basis and you fall back down.


                                                                                        I LOVE HONEY


                                                                                          I say, 3k on SEA has better execution but worse draft comparing to 3k on EU.
                                                                                          There is no difference between 3k on EU and RU servers.
                                                                                          OK, there is. In EU people are 50% weaker in swearing.

                                                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                                                            @空は高く 風は歌う

                                                                                            please tell me you are a high school drop out because you are embarrassing any school that handed you a piece of paper

                                                                                            NO bad evidence is NOT better than no evidence it is much worse.



                                                                                              which is why I said I won more on US East rather than saying I improved on US East


                                                                                              I'm in the middle of my IB diploma course with 4 HL subjects and 40/42 points on my last report. Also, it isn't bad evidence, like survivorship bias and such, but LITTLE evidence. Which is why I invited discussion!

                                                                                              I'm also surprised that you are using ad hominem on my educational background while claiming intellectual superiority. It doesn't make much sense to insult someone and then preach about intelligence.

                                                                                              King of Low Prio

                                                                                                ok please post one of your papers in which you use evidence as dumb as 'my friend across the street did X'

                                                                                                I can wait

                                                                                                Quick maffs

                                                                                                  China is the most tryhard server, by far probably


                                                                                                    why do we care what goes on in the 2k bracket.

                                                                                                    comparing 1.6k mmr players to 2.4k players is like comparing metapod to kakuna, they're both fucking awful


                                                                                                      ^The truth has been spoken


                                                                                                        why do I need to post my papers you're the one that said "tell me you dropped out of high school"…

                                                                                                        and how is it the truth with an analogy without evidence? Wink is like level 14 magikarp, even worse than metapod and kakuna. anyone can make an analogy with whatever they want

                                                                                                        but whatever, people on the internet