General Discussion

General DiscussionPrivate courier

Private courier in General Discussion

    What do u guys think about a private courier, that you purchase and only you can use. Also, the f2 and f3 keys (courier select and deliver hotkeys) would change to the one you own. Ofc, the first courier bought can't be made private to avoid supports being assholes.
    I would fucking love this, 370 gold to never have idiots cancel your courier or steal/drop your items.

    Тази тема била редактирана

      If you need a private courier I'm pretty sure game is already over.

      If anything like this would be implemented, the first courier bought should be for everybody. Then you could buy one yourself. :-)


        Yeah that's what i meant when i said the first courier couldn't be made private. If anything, i'd buy my own courier just to bottle crow cause my team always uses it to fetch boots and whatever.


          sounds pointless. if I fear my teammates will troll me, i just pick up my items directly from the shop or grab it from stash at base. No need to waste 370g out of fear.


            honestly you can recover your 370 gold by staying in lane instead of going back to the base. also, you can use the coureir for whatever reason, out of mana? quick fetch me a clarity. same applies to salve and bottle crowing.

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              if you have mana issues to the point where you actually need to crow clarities, you need to fix your playstyle or your starting item build.

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                ive been hoping for them to introduce it since forever...


                  Dude stop arguing for the sake of arguing, of course you're going to get to the situation where you're out of mana, be that ganking a side lane, killing the opposing hero or whatever, eventually you can run out of mana.
                  if you have nothing useful to add, don't add anything.

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                    370 is the cost for a complete flying courier. I imagine for most games it would be almost always beneficial for certain players to have their own courier as well as the team one. If the binds applied to the private courier after you've purchased one then I imagine this would be very profitable in games.


                      why can't people argue for the sake of arguing?

                      if it werent for those people, you'd get peoples thinking "hey, no one's pointing out all the flaws in my argument, so I must be right!"


                        This is why I love Andro, he knows exactly what I'm thinking and puts it into words <3


                          6 courier team macro'd to bring bottles constantly to your hero?


                            actually that's not what arguing for the sake of arguing means, that's just arguing. but whatever.


                              Unecessarry. Who do you think you are anyways to require such extensive use of the courier. None of this makes any sense to me.

                              I'M MID| FUCK OFF NOOBS

                                +1 for this. in d1 i used to send my courier to enemy fountain when playing invoker for easy EEE. also i used it to refill bottle when i had a bad time on mid. you cant do this with 5 men on a courier.


                                  Regarding the bottle crowing, you can do that anyways. There is no reason to make a private courier in a team game.


                                    Private courier is exactly because of people like DeL

                                    2014 devaslaytion
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                                        Lmao dude, if you say that you need to bottle crow as mid that's okay, you don't need to waste 370 gold for that, you can do that anyways.
                                        But when you say that you might need to get a clarity, that's ridiculous, just lol.
                                        I don't want my mid to waste 370 gold and handicap themselves in the early game to fucking have the security of private courier. It's stupid.

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                                        ICE SKULL

                                          in wc3 you could buy a courier and give rights on who can use it

                                          pls fucking add this feature



                                            DID YOU KNOW THAT

                                            YOU CAN STILL BUY A SECOND FUCKING COURIER

                                            ICE SKULL

                                              ur cancer to dota if you use the courier to bring clarity, tangos, magic wand recipes etc

                                              consider suicide


                                                Basically what Wink said, you can always buy a second courier. If your team is dropping your items you've probably already lost.

                                                And if your team is buying items at the same time, why would it need to be private?

                                                Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                  I hate courier thieves more then anything. when the courier is so close to you and you are having a war to move it a tiny bit closer to get your shit. I'd honestly rather see the guy on my team lose then win myself. There are people who play they game who don't think the items of teammates matter at all. I have lost control and dropped the items of a guy who consistently did it to me.


                                                    jesus fucking christ i never said that i use the courier to bring myself clarities, i'm just saying that if you have your own courier, you can do that, not to mention you can non-stop bottle crow and no one to cancel your courier. i play with real life friends that are fucking retarded and cancel the courier all the time. i finish my manta at like 18 mins, and receive it at 22 mins because it was canceled like 5 times. the benefits of having a single courier should be obvious for anyone. also im asking for the fucking option to do it, you dont have to do it, for those of us that see the benefits of that, then sure.

                                                    honestly i cant be the only one that has problems with people using the courier wrong.

                                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                      This is one of the most backward idea I've heard


                                                        good old times of wc1 where you had to beg for ppl let you have access to the courier

                                                        Miku Plays

                                                          wasnt couriers use to watch runes in w3?


                                                            But you can already buy your own crow and BC with it... If your teammate is purposely trolling you, it doesn't matter if you lock your crow, he will troll in other ways