General Discussion

General DiscussionIllnesses of Dotabuff Community

Illnesses of Dotabuff Community in General Discussion

    I dont have any arms #TheStruggle


      bs.... how u playing dota? lol


        Tinnitus, a permanent ringing in my ears. I'm mostly able to ignore it unless I am trying to sleep in a quiet room though.

        Sometimes get hayfever bad to the point that both my eyes swell up and I can't open them for about an hour.


          @Play Your Game

          I smash my head on the keyboard and I trained my cat to move around the mouse and click on order.


            I would need to wear glasses but I ignore it so i cant see anything thats far from me. Well, at least i can see less bullshit.
            Rather srs depression, im over suicidal thoughts but now I have anxiety, even getting panic attacks from dota -.-' But now that i quit my job that was stressful as fuck, im getting better, now i suffer from boredom.
            Im extra weak phsicially, couse Im a vegetarian (not really a choise, i simply hate meat, havent been able to eat it since i was 12), that alone wouldnt be a problem, but i also suffer from lazyness, so rather eat shit quiality food and not enough useful stuff instead of cooking regularly... So i dont have enough energy to excersie regularly, gg.

            I also have allergy, to pollens when its spring/summer and to those... hmm. Probably its not called fungus but something like that. That ugly black thing that grows in the corners of the room when its cold outside an warm inside and the wall isnt good enough. Well, thx to the weather where i live, its impossible to avoide them... (Similar to that what grows on food after they expire, but funny thing im not allergic to those chease like camambert though its similar thing...), so i have to take allergy pills all the time, and they either refuse to work or make me sleepy and that makes me even more depressed.

            Still better than OP, or some others, so I got that going for me which is nice.

            I forgot that i live on painkillers couse of headaches but its not that big of a problem, couse painkillers can stop it at least.

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            King of Low Prio

              damn, yall make me feel better about being turned into a android lol.


                Fucking hell, so many broken toys in here.



                  A bit out of character for me but I just wanted to say that you're among the smartest women I know. You have a lot going for you beyond not just being sicker than Wink, and I think if you continue to pace yourself and dedicate your time to the right endeavors you will end up quite well off and in a career or at very least an environment that I'm sure you will enjoy.

                  Sorry if playing with (certain) members of the group has been upsetting for you.


                    anxiety is no fun, my gf has it, but when she ignores everything and focuses on one thing (yes that can be hard when panicking), the anxiety goes away. so when you get really panicked in a dota game, try think to yourself "ive played over 1000 games, this loss isnt even worth 0.1% of my winrate" or maybe concentrate on something you really enjoy, like a rampage you had before or something. obviously it wont always help, but i guess im just trying to give you a hand since mental illnesses are so much harder to deal with than physical ones >_<

                    good luck to you!

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                    Dire Wolf

                      Wow you guys are fucked up.

                      I used to get that aura thing when I was 14, 15. Hour later big migraine, hour later I'd puke and be fine. It happened maybe once a month but I didn't know what it was called. One day it just stopped, I don't remember when I grew out of it.

                      I wear contacts, want lasik but contacts are so cheap and don't bother me.

                      I'm fat but it's my own damn fault for drinking beer and eating chips at 1 in the morning on school nights.

                      I get depressed when I lose more than 2 dota matches in a row.

                      That's about it.


                        I sometimes get that aura thing too. It is one of the worst feelings when you can't see anything and all you can really do is suffer

                        Dire Wolf

                          Oh I forgot I do have pretty bad acid reflux but it's all dependent on what I eat. Coffee really sets it off, as does drinking in moderation but regularly like 2 or 3 but 7 days in a row. My system needs a couple off days I guess. Sometimes really greasy foods or acidic foods like tomatoes so pizza can be a double whammy. I can eat all that stuff just not like 3 days or meals in a row. Otherwise I just eat like a bottle of tums and tough it out, makes me cough all day.


                            @Vael, don't be stressed, smoke some pot. lol that's bad advice, but if u ever feel depressed pm me and i'll tell u some jokes about minorities and u'll get better. 1 more thing, i still didnt carry u to 5kmmr.

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                                I can image it being difficult Wink.

                                As for me, I mostly suffer from chronic Sinus inflammation (if thats the correct English definition)
                                Basically my Sinuses hurt so bad that i have a huge headache front and back, in some rare cases i cant stand the pain that i need to puke but it's fairly rare.

                                I didnt have it since childhood, only after I've bought a bike when i was 17, I guess it's kind of part of the bargain with long trips (sometimes 1300 km for holidays, at least once a year) with it, especially since it's a sport bike so i tend to go fairly fast and the air passes throught the helmet constantly

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                                    Still small penis > all

                                    Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                      @ Wink / Havoc



                                        Dude, i actually copied your text and Googled it because i couldn't believe that it was true, and maybe it was just a default text.
                                        Appears to be legit though. Feels for you, man.

                                        waku waku

                                          My eyes aren't quite symmetrical and my eyesight keeps getting worse, i'm really afraid of people, i walk by leaning on the tips of my feet, really lazy, have depression attacks which are impossible to break free of till they go away and suicidal thoughts

                                          ICE SKULL

                                            i have a small penis too, shame melody and wink didnbe inthe same car


                                              ^ dat engerish. xD


                                                @Melody I have known Reka for quite some time.


                                                  i have maledict :(

                                                  waku waku

                                                    i have rot, my flesh heap helps against it but not much

                                                    jk i'm skinny


                                                      i have big penis #strugle

                                                      i can't see properly too probably would need to wear glasses but not really giving 2 many fucks about it like others maybe i will when il go half blind

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                                                      Espeon lv100

                                                        i suffer from sleep paralysis since i am 15 years old and i am 24 now. For those who wonder what it is. its something that is really traumatizing(feeling of impending death, Halucination). You are dreaming, but you are awake and you can't move. if you hear someone's footstep you will instantly feel him closer and closer and 1 sec later he is on you.


                                                          ^everyone gets sleep paralysis, that sounds like the first part of an OBE though which I purposely tried once and after about 2 minutes of the creepiest shit, i woke up and ran downstairs and i didnt sleep for the rest of the night. I think i had like ptsd for a few days after.


                                                            NDE ? I've been there, pretty scary, but not traumatizing imo

                                                            Espeon lv100

                                                              its not about NDE. Its about seeing 2 hanged corpse in your closet or someone's whispering in your ear while trying to strangle you. but i guess i'm only a cry baby for being afraid of those when i was 15 years old

                                                              Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                                @ Havoc,

                                                                It's not that lol. I'll tell you via pm later.


                                                                  I get dream paralysis, or at least I used too. Fucking weird when you can't shout for help or move your neck etc. usually when I get it I try to move my feet as much as possible untill I wake up it might be weird but it works like a charm :D


                                                                    I was diagnosed with down syndrome at the age of 2 (͡◔ ͜ʖ ͡◔)


                                                                      Look up Out of Body Experiences

                                                                      Stage 1: Initiate sleep paralysis while semiconscious
                                                                      Stage 2: Stand up in the dream but you can see yourself sleeping

                                                                      It triggers the fear part in your brain so you see creepy shit. I often get Lucid Dreams so I managed to wake myself up since I'm used to it, but most people are stuck in it and there have been cases of heart attacks related to OBE's. Your sleep methods caused it and when you changed them, you stopped getting them.


                                                                        The only thing that really gets my nerves and is my biggest flaw is quick temper, usually cause of people stupidity. I know i cant expect much from 15 year old kids who play computer games (some are older of course), but cmon, some basic common sense would do it just fine. Thats why i get angry, unsocial and inaccessible sometimes and i dont really like to stay in other people's company during that time. I guess taurus sign and temper got something to do with it, it's usually nothing personal tho and i relax fairly quickly.

                                                                        Other then that: A bit poor sight cause of long years of gaming (nothing drastically bad) and small penis after i get stomped, but thats about it.