General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy did Icefraud had to break Kunkka?

Why did Icefraud had to break Kunkka? in General Discussion

    Fucking OP ass hero.

    Quick maffs


      "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

        why is he op? He has 2 very easy skills to dodge, one being his ultimate. X-mark the spot is pretty good, but a bkb or omni can easily keep that from happening


          Kunkka op, void op, tinker op, skymage op, bristle op, meepo op, time to play some LoL.


            Bristle and skymage are alright, the rest are indeed OP.

            the realm's delight

              doom and void need to be removed from the game


                why is he op? He has 2 very easy skills to dodge, one being his ultimate. X-mark the spot is pretty good, but a bkb or omni can easily keep that from happening


                bum farto

                  IMO Heroes get buffed or nerfed to increase/decrease the amount they're played not necessarily because they need it.

                  Think back though to when people used to complain non-stop about other heroes that are now no longer an issue whether due to a nerf or a buff of a counter or new meta. People just got to wait this stuff out and learn to adjust their patch to patch picks accordingly.

                  I have literally not been able to win at all with my favorite heroes Axe, CM, Luna etc but have been getting loads of wins as other obscure heroes that I rarely play e.g. Silencer, Witch Doctor, Jakiro etc. Gotta learn to be flexible and not just grind the same heroes you have for the past two years and expect to keep winning.


                    blink kunkka is fucking legit these days after everyone saw Attacker's Kunkka...

                    Dire Wolf

                      How is kunkka op? His boats are so hard to land/so easy to dodge. Now that's a failboat! Heard over and over in my kunkka games.


                        it's cause crit on tidebringer give you a win teamfight, no matter how behind you are.

                        Quick maffs

                          I dont care about kunkka i just want a void nerf


                            I used to really enjoy void as a carry, I found him really fun to play as and quite versatile with his item progression but right now I'm sick of him and how popular he is. The thing is, he's not even played as a true hard carry most of the time, but more of a player maker which is fine but I personally find it so boring just to watch chrono get popped up and not being able to do anything about it. At least with !Attacker Kunkka build there is some more skill involved, and your opponents aren't powerless to do anything. I think that's the most depressing part of Void, if you're in that chrono all you can do is watch your hp go down.

                            Maybe there should be like a 1 second 'time-lock' period where you move at like 25% move speed before being 'stuck in time' in the chrono or something. At least that should give the peripheral heroes a chance to escape.

                            Or even the closer you are to the center of the chrono, the lower your ms is, to a low of 1% or something, but give it more or less a torrent size AoE for the 1% slow, and it's normal size for as low as say 50% slow, idk, just an idea.

                            Този коментар е бил редактиран

                              Guiri, if you had 1 second, to counter Void you would build force staff on anyone. He jumps in, ults, you forcestaff away


                                No, items would still be nulled, forcestaff has always been forbidden in chrono else Faceless Void -> Useless Void, all I suggested was that there would be some sort of like 'time-freezing' thing where ms drops by 75% ONLY to help the peripheral heroes, if you're in the middle you're still fucked.

                                BTW I really like the idea of his 1000 ms in Chrono, I think that's cool, so I think the nerf should come from somewhere else, maybe remove the bonus damage of bash in chrono.

                                Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                Quick maffs

                                  I totally agree man, void requires 0 skill and even without a lot of items you still can be a problem for the enemy team.


                                    Well, previously I found that Void would be played as the hard carry and thus needed some farm to really deal some damage and cause problems, plus people generally were worse at making chronos (maybe through practice?) whereas now there tends to be 2-3 other heroes on the team that can rape into the chrono (WD, Lich etc) and that just kinda gets boring. Even when it's on my team I don't find it fun.


                                      pick doom, void jumps in -> get doomed

                                      Quick maffs

                                        I dont have autism so i dont pick doom


                                          and how? chances are he'll jump from somewhere you won't see so you won't doom him before the chrono gets dropped by which point the damage is already done, with his ms he's guaranteed to escape and if his team is set up to play in the chrono, whoever is caught will be dead.

                                          Quick maffs

                                            Nah i guess if you are playing doom against void YOU need to jump on the void with blink

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                                                It's op just because Attacker can rape all your team without being seen.
                                                In around 3.5k MMR however, i've seen a lot of kunkka who try to copy and i flamed them a lot.
                                                How the fuck someone copying attacker item build but going safelane :facepalm:
                                                Not only that they used the battlefury to farm instead of another purposes


                                                  Just fucking pick WK to counter void man, what the fuck.
                                                  The annoying thing about a team who pick void is usually followed by another WD and SM pick who can rape any tanks in that chrono.

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                                                    Този коментар е премахнат от модератор

                                                      attacker himself goes safelane, i have a lot of replays where he is there.


                                                        Yeah but not often he has to go midas to compensate the exp he lost :/.
                                                        Don't think a player with his skill should go safelane at the first place..

                                                        Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                          Tried attacker's build once. Hit a boat form highground on a unspecting qop at lvl 6 and killed her. It felt good. Then they started feeding courrier so the game lost interest. Now that I have a 100% winrate with this build I'm scared to try it again xD.

                                                          Quick maffs

                                                            After looking at your profile i hope you die a terrible death noob



                                                              I played with that !attacker guy too, he raped us, problem is every loser does this shit these days and it works.


                                                                i usually able to avoid either by using euls, or activating blademill at right timing. void is just an essy enemy

                                                                Jay Ashborne

                                                                  Void only really needs a base damage nerf imho.