General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to win fast?

How to win fast? in General Discussion

    I see moonmeander and singsing strim those days and i saw how their games finish in 30-35 min.

    Last games that i played, we was stomping, we pushed t1 and t2 towers in 25 min but when the enemys are defending rax in highground its imposible for me and my team to finish fast.

    I was earthshaker and i had blink mana forcestaff and perseverance in 25 min with t1 and t2 destroyed, faceless and sniper defended it for 20 min and they was close to win.

    I was pa offlane and i had battlefury, bkb and dominator in 27 min with t1 and t2 pushed aswell, and the game finalized in the 54 min mark cause we couldnt win any higround battle.



      Push all t1 t2 take rosh split push or 5 man.


        30-35 isn't fast in this meta, it's pretty usual...


          so my fucking 3k games take 45 min atleast and i'm pretty tired

          Ples Mercy

            u suck, pls uninstall


              the fact that you think a 35 min game is fast and that you are comparing your games to singsing's and moons is honestly laughable. I'm sorry but it is impossible to take you seriously.

              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                its because you suck... you should win at min 40 at most


                  they win fast because people are griefers. they know they are up against known "pro" player and when things go south they just give up or go afk. hence the games lasting short on average.


                    "You suck"

                    King of Low Prio

                      I think I do....


                        Sampson you are old for play games, go find a job or something and let dota for kid and young ppl

                        King of Low Prio

                          I plan to retire at 25

                          Quick maffs

                            "they win fast because people are griefers. they know they are up against known "pro" player and when things go south they just give up or go afk. hence the games lasting short on average."



                              Most of my games recently are pretty short. 20-30 mins, thanks to the deathball.

                              MLG Quickscoper 420 Kushlord

                                make doom and chrono duration 1 second and make split shot not reduce damage for the fastest metagame turnaround in history


                                  i'll play video games until I die.


                                    You can't retire from what you've never even started.


                                      At higher levels people tend to give up when they are unlikely to comeback
                                      If you crush early in 4k+ games the enemies roll over so they can get to the next game faster
                                      Unless you can convince the enemy to let u push, getting good is the only way to speed up games


                                        Is that a fake Sampson, or did the great anti-smurf become his own worst enemy?

                                        King of Low Prio

                                          this has alrdy been discussed

                                          but the short answer

                                          I made the account during the massive mute stage where everyone was getting muted. I played one match on the account when Jason got his panties in a bunch (to update the name on account)

                                          ICE SKULL

                                            it is both technically and mentally impossible for sampson to smurf since he is not a good player to accomplish it

                                            and the smurf detection is pretty spot on after one or two matches played

                                            King of Low Prio

                                              'smurf since he is not a good player to accomplish it'

                                              I know your 13 and all but did your education system really fail you that much?

                                              You literally just said it requires a good player to smurf. If you are going to try and insult me at least make it logical....

                                              Low Expectations

                                                I thought you play videogames untill you concede, Concede :3


                                                  You are under 25 sampson?
                                                  You seem a 35 years old shit

                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                    I turn 25 in september, just because I am not a uneducated little twat does not mean I am a old dood.

                                                    Dat Boii

                                                      Poor guy came to dotabuff forum for help only to be shunned away. For future reference, this forum is ONLY for retarded people bragging and bashing other people.

                                                      Dat Boii

                                                        Owh, and for people to cry about other people

                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                          yup that is EXACTLY why X6 was shunned from dotabuff.


                                                            I pretend all the shitposters are just Wave with like 6 computers, furiously typing out qq threads with his rolls of fat while his mother shouts at him to get a job.

                                                            Believing that there's only 1 retard gives me hope, no matter how false the belief is.

                                                            THIS IS NOT A JOKE

                                                              X6, please stop posting here. Every other day I see a new rant from you claiming you are 10 times better than everybody else, and everyone knows you suck. Just play and get better.


                                                                get good


                                                                  Im not talking you seem 30.. cause you are "educated" i saw your photo and ROFLED so hard

                                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                                    ^ repeat in english plz I dont speak retard


                                                                      its because in their bracket when a team get steamrolled they usually stop defending and the team who has the advantage will push towers, whereas in the 3ks every game will last atleast 40mins because the team who is roflstomping will not push towers because they want to kill more, or they think its a brilliant idea to farm jungles after a team wipe.


                                                                        Whoji what the hell is deathball and why doesn't it involve Tusk


                                                                          I have plenty of 3k games that only go on for 20-30 minutes. Most often what happens is one team gets a bit ahead in lanes, but instead of the normal gank and farm attitude, they just push a tower every time they get a kill or send some one back to base. If a team can take out the other teams T1s and T2s mid and safe lane then they can move into the other teams jungle with only a small lead after that they will usually have a massive level and gold advantage with in the next 5 minutes and will feel safe going high ground at 20 min.
                                                                          @ X6 if you are in the 3k bracket and your not having these games it likely reflects your own play style. be willing to push towers early on, every time your team ganks your lane or you gank another lane and you get a kill or send some one home try to get the tower as collateral, just ping out the attack and start pushing usually your near by team mates will join in. after you get the towers try to move into the other teams jungle, place aggressive wards, try to get your team to help you gank any one who wanders away from there team.

                                                                          Quick maffs

                                                                            Sampson is only going to smurf when he gets to 3k :)

                                                                            In other words, soon

                                                                            King of Low Prio


                                                                              Low Expectations

                                                                                Sampson 25 I am sorry I disrespected you old Sir. Do you want some warm milk and a cane?

                                                                                BTW accoding to X6 you can see if someone is smart just by looking at a picture of them

                                                                                Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                                  its cool, I know all you young'nz dont know any betta

                                                                                  Low Expectations

                                                                                    Do you have to use viagra at your age Sir? I bet thats why you are so broke and are picking bounty hunter every game

                                                                                    I'm 14k mmr let me mid

                                                                                      You seem 30-35 years old, virgin and freak as shit.
                                                                                      Sampson: 4k in dota 0.5k in sex

                                                                                      Low Expectations

                                                                                        ^dat insecurity is real

                                                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                                                          my gf does not think I am mature but at least X6 does :D

                                                                                          Quick maffs

                                                                                            literally 70 years old


                                                                                              well if you watched arteezy stream today you would have seen why the games last 25 minutes on average.

                                                                                              Low Expectations

                                                                                                Dont watch his stirm, the music is just horrible. Rather watch EE/ABdog/Slaks

                                                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                                                  you are just not mature enough for his taste in music

                                                                                                  I'm 14k mmr let me mid

                                                                                                    EE music so good.

                                                                                                    [size=40]ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING?[/size]


                                                                                                      well for example this game.
                                                                                                      our bs gets killed by kka and calls gg 5th minute in. pretty much people gave up before 15th minute.