General Discussion

General DiscussionBad Boy Fingers Busty Screamer

Bad Boy Fingers Busty Screamer in General Discussion
Der Boy der G
    Тази тема била редактирана
    bum farto

      Happy Banning! I would remove this content before an admin see's it and bans you from the forum.


        he just wanted some dotabuff karma points


          shit i need to save this link

          Jay Ashborne

            Lol'ed hard at that TA scene.


            @"ADMINZ PLS REMOVE"

            There's nothing wrong with it. Fits all the guide lines too oddly enough. View at user discretion. Crude humor / suggestive animation. Skimmed it, still ended up laughing. >Well played.


            King of Low Prio

              ^ watch out thats bannable speech

              Jay Ashborne

                Describing a 2 second animated titty clip as nudity is about as logical as referring to a bikini/beer commercial as pornography.

                Honestly if that two second clip bothers you in a day and age of desensitization with the adds on tv in relation to what was visually acceptable 60 years ago...



                  its a link to youporn are you a moron?

                  im not complaining but usually porn site links are banned

                  Този коментар е бил редактиран
                  Jay Ashborne

                    No I'm not a moron. There has been worse posted with fewer results. I doubt this will merit any either. As long as you're not scrolling down it's fine, it's when you start to wander off then you encounter NSFW stuff. Also, most of what you see on the sides is related to your own content searches. So I doubt you wont see anything you wont want too. Yay adsense.

                    Hex Sigma

                      oh god my eyes

                      bum farto

                        Nudity and Offensive Images
                        - We do not tolerate this kind of content

                        Click that link and tell me that you don't see either of the two, rules are in place to govern not to be bent because someone liked it.


                          havoc badger do you tollarate sucking my dick you little cunt

                          King of Low Prio

                            changing my name to Melody so I stop getting banned -_-


                              Im 12 years old what is this?

                              Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                i like it except for the popups