General Discussion

General DiscussionHero to player stereotypes;

Hero to player stereotypes; in General Discussion

    Tinker players tend to be egoistical and highly likely to trash talk (despite not being that good).

    Faceless Void players tend to never talk.

    Sniper players tend to think their team dragged them down despite them probably ksing from the back (jesus all you do is rightclick from behind, you don't even juke)


      Matches Played
      Tinker 100

      i lol'd :D

      Miku Plays

        laning lc talks a lot saying i need dmg i need help.. not even lvl 6


          Riki and blood players tend to rage allot if they lose, I suppose they expect an easy game.

          Invokers are also arrogant and tend to blame others more often. I think all mid players tend to be more arrogant.

          Junglers, always blame their team if it is going badly.

          Miku Plays

            " Junglers, always blame their team if it is going badly. "

            i as a jungler, imo sometimes it really is the offlaners ( assuming he called for solo offflane) fault for continous feeding and blames team for his own feed.


              Dota community in a nutsehll "Everyone blames everyone because everyone belongs in a higher mmr and everyone is holding them back"


                earth spirit players , when they kill an enemy they say : rekt, just because he literally rekt them.


                  TA players: never speak and mute their teammates because dragonfist told them that it was the secret to get to 7k

                  ive done that plenty times but i think i also need to be 7k for that to work

                  kanye went to uni

                    Exort Invoker players - muting them is easier tbh. Wex players tend to be slightly better but still bad.


                      @ Hatsune, I mean the junglers who afk jungle for the first 20 min of the game and offer nothing to helping the team win.
                      I win at Lycan, because I jungle for less 15 min and after that I play big impact.


                        ^15 min jungling = gg wp :DDD.


                          I think the saddest players are Veno pickers. They always sound so depressed :(

                          Miku Plays

                            @Geomancy & Sunrise

                            i remembered where i afk jungled for 25 mins and became unstoppable :P


                            I played veno and find it offensive :P

                            Veno is the easiest hero, max gale and sting. and all you do is auto auto gale auto auto.. expect a kill soon :3 profit

                            Този коментар е бил редактиран

                              I jungle for 20 min and no one complains. Except for that one time someone said "Terrorblade its 20 min stop farming and help us."


                                zeus - tbd smurf
                                omni - sir action slacks fangay


                                  Rubick Players - People who watch a lot of Top Play vids and think THAT'S SO COOL I CAN DEFINITELY DO THAT


                                    tinker pickers - should be banned


                                      @Hatsune, yeah if your team is good enough to create space and not whine that u afk woods, you can just wreck after 20 mins. :)
                                      when i jungle (rarely) the team either has a hard time dealing with 4 v 5 or they just feed but even if they do ok they still say stuff like : wtf u jugnle 15 mins ,retard, go fight.

                                      Hex Sigma

                                        pudge-cyka mid or feed dont worry guys i can hook

                                        meepo-either starcraft player or retard that saw notail own with it and now he wanna do it too.


                                          Here's my list:
                                          Earth Spirit: Fast typers 100 wpm
                                          CM:I'm that good guy who picks supports feel empathy for me
                                          Axe: Ping spammers
                                          Storm Spirit: Team blamer

                                          bum farto

                                            Here is my opinion on this.

                                            Mid players, tend to be the most egotistical and self-obsessed which is why they go mid. Most of them feel they are above the team on their equal skill and feel they have something to prove. This is why a mid that fails always will never take blame cause they feel it's the support fault for not ganking, or the teams fault for not calling misses etc. In short mids are usually the worst players on the team simply based on their attitude and they usually talk the most and equally rage the most.

                                            Carry players are usually the most defeatist as they feel that their farm = won game and if they're unable to get that they will just go "GG, I afk farm". These are the types of people that will farm for 15-20 then do something really wreckless and end up getting destroyed and then will blame the team for feeding the enemy. Also the concept of farmin vs fighting early is unheard of and most will just continue laning while the other team 5 mans and they won't move until the 5 man hits their lane and then suddenly its all "where is my team".

                                            Offlane players are usually a bit better in attitude and most will make an effort to gank mid when they hit an acceptable level and will try and do stuff. Sadly most of the time they're "doing stuff" is because they are unable to utilize their lane effectively or have fed it beyond compare. I think that most people do ok in the offlane and will usually pick up but common pitfalls of offlane players are that they spend 10 minutes doing nothing offlane and when the team gets space they will try and catch up farm.

                                            Support players are the most prone to frustration which in turn causes anger or just the lack of effort to try and this is a big, big topic for me and I would like to go into some detail about this and if this is too long then just stop reading here.


                                            There are two kinds of support players, those who play supports and those who were forced to support because someone took their mid or they wanted to jungle. Most of the people who aren't support players are the ones who will play the supports in the exact same way they play a void with 30 minutes of farm.

                                            The key to a good support player is primarily location and positioning. Being at the right place, in the right spot, at the right time. Most people fail to do this correctly and will stack and pull, attempt to jungle, or just kind of wander around the map having their ganks constantly thwarted which in the long run will lead to feeding and overall rage in the team.

                                            Please take note of things that I feel are imperative if you want to even attempt to support well..

                                            > Do not pull if the creep equilibruim is in your favor, you will pull the creeps under your tower and push it out and potentially ruin your carries safety and comfort zone. If you are going to pull the creep wave from the opposition will die under the tower, you'd better damn well make sure your pull does the same. All those creeps have to die unless you're pushing in which case keep your wave alive so they double stack.

                                            > Every gank matters so don't fuck it up as you can risk feeding or leaving your other lanes defenseless. Make sure you're taking the right path and if you're dire I would suggest not coming down from your safelane but rather through mid down to the offlane rune spot. Going the normal way is far to easy to avoid as you get spotted fast and they have their jungle to the right and the patch of trees to the tower which they can duck into.

                                            > Make sure people are ready, don't go into things expecting people to follow you up. Unless you're on skype most people won't know what is going on so make sure you're at least communicating what you're doing as it's nice for people to know so they can also ready themselves and even have TP's at the ready in case things go bad.

                                            > Go as a duo where possible, swapping warding responsibilities so you can each up the key items you need. An example of this is where a Vengeful will get boots and urn while the witch doctor does most of the warding to allow the Vengeful to get the items due to better impact early, then you swap allowing witch doctor to get whatever he needs, and visa-versa.

                                            > Don't linger in fights. Drop your spells, then back off a bit or keep out of sight in the trees. So many horrible support players will (example as lion) stun, hex, then just stand in the middle of a team fight leeching mana or right clicking. Seriously? Get the hell out of there and wait till you have enough to come back in again. You have to weave in and out of team fights or you will die in every single one, learn how to engage and disengage constantly so that you're never being fully focused but equally not allowing your team to be either.

                                            ...this list goes on and on and is more rant, in short support players can have lower temper caps due to a feeling of haplessness if their team is not allowing them to do their thing. However, you have to make sure you are doing what you need to to get it right and not be a burden even if your team are dick.

                                            Your team doesn't t owe you a debt for supporting, it is one of the hardest roles to play in the game and doing it right takes time and practice. Don't moan at your team about how you were "forced" to solo support, I do that shit all the time and its so god damn easy I could literally sit on one hand and do it. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and start being a man/woman and do your job properly.

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                                            Ion Kjell

                                              ^this <3

                                              Hex Sigma

                                                I am a support player and I don't have a problem with it, guess that I'm somekind of special snowflake

                                                bum farto

                                                  Being honest and not mean...your positioning and in-game ability on supports is terrifyingly bad, sometimes I will just watch you for about 30 seconds wondering what is going on in your mind or what you're trying to accomplish. You may not notice it but people who are slightly higher or much higher than you will. I will have some free time this evening if you wanted to catch up on that coaching thing though.

                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                    Mid players - as most people have stated tend to have massive egos

                                                    Offlane players - tend play offlane as if they are in the mid lane

                                                    Carry - similar to mid player but for different reasons, the team will create space and farm for the carry and when the game ends the carry will usually have the highest KDA (due to items increasing dmg) and think they 'carried' the game

                                                    Support - tend to whine alot because of misconceptions of the role (If I suck at last hitting I should play support). These misconceptions lead them to deflecting their own lack of knowledge onto their team feel that their teammates did not do their job.(not hindering the offlane from contesting the safe lanes farm can lead to the safe lane having crappy GPM)

                                                    Quick maffs

                                                      Oh god i ONLY go mid

                                                      bum farto

                                                        ^ There are exceptions to everything, and this is the 90% rather than the 100%.

                                                        Miku Plays

                                                          i usually go jungle,safelane or offlane

                                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                            I go everywhere but I don't have any of these. Am I out of this world?


                                                              I usually go mid and I pretty much never say anything in game

                                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                              Sugar Show

                                                                Peru exort midas invoker mid tends to be ganked and blame whole team without watch the mini-map or read chat.

                                                                Low Expectations

                                                                  Pudge players are the most layedback people I think

                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                    Invokers think they are the best dota players ever even if they only spam two combos.

                                                                    PA players are artezy wannabe fanboys who try to go mid and fail.

                                                                    Any support who builds carry stuff it's usually and egotistical maniac who thinks his carrying wins you the game. Guys who try to go carry dazzle with deso or carry shadow shaman with blinks and dagons or carry pugnas with aghs and dagons. Never buy wards or anything useful all game, just try to kill steal.

                                                                    Low Expectations

                                                                      ^Teciically carrying does win you games hence the term "carrying"


                                                                        every drow player besides me is fucking horrible just instadodge


                                                                          @Timberwolf: What? Blink is core 90% of the times on shadow shaman. Also pugna is a much better core than support, aghs and (to a lesser extent) dagon are legit on him.


                                                                            im usually carry/mid player and i dont say anything but "courier pls" when the match starts
                                                                            to my team i usually do not say anything, I ping instead. unless when im playing with a friend (last 3 matches, all losses i think rofl) and for some weird reason shit start gettin really funny, yesterday invoker missed all his spells ALL game, he missed tornados for people like 300 range away from him, mirana hit the first arrow in the game at min 39 (im serious, it was the first arrow), so I couldn't avoid laughing and making fun with the guys. the mirana was very receptive and made fun out of him too, but invoker got mad

                                                                            but in solo Q i never say shit, if i have to i say thing like "im rosh, i can do it alone you guys dont need to join me", and i try to keep the morale up, I HEARD ME HAS TO ACT LIKE THAT TO BECOME SUCH PRO


                                                                              ta is love ta is life


                                                                                everything is templar now


                                                                                  All I say when I play carry is "Support would be awesome", and most of the time I get a support.


                                                                                    everything is negative


                                                                                      Slark = flaming everyone and raping all my map


                                                                                        oh you won with drow you so good oh pls give me a child! you're fucking shit that sucks i could win by 20 min with half your gold in items

                                                                                        madness is for fucking braindead motherfuckers

                                                                                        Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                                        Quick maffs


                                                                                          Low Expectations

                                                                                            Also there is a spectial type of hell for the AM pickers

                                                                                            Jay Ashborne

                                                                                              Support players put themselves down alot.


                                                                                                what does that mean Deadshot?


                                                                                                  "omni - sir action slacks fangay"
                                                                                                  god damn it

                                                                                                  Low Expectations

                                                                                                    AM in 3k = shit


                                                                                                      A friend told me that in the 2k bracket, 80% of Rubick players are actually Pudge players who couldn't lock him fast enough.
                                                                                                      A lot of Tinker and AM players are seriously convinced they are playing 1v9.

                                                                                                      But so much negativity...doesn't anyone have some positive stereotype?

                                                                                                      For example, I find most Kunkka and Juggernaut players very easy to work with, except for that weird 5% who go Midas on them...
                                                                                                      But they generally want to go for early kills besides their usual farming, which is totally fine for me. I'm normally happy when I say "we need a carry" and Juggernaut gets picked.
                                                                                                      Ursa players also seem to try harder than others.