General Discussion

General Discussioncleaning up the trash

cleaning up the trash in General Discussion

    why doesn't this wave guy get banned it's obvious that hes a troll or something

    some people seems to respect him for being 6k or whatever but hes really annoying and ruining peoples threads

    i challenge him to 1v1 whoever loses gets perm ban from forums, same goes for the buoeno guy but he already dodged so im sure he will dodge again

    these guys are trying really hard to turn these forums into nadota and it seems to be working

    i am the hero that dotabuff needs

    thank me later

    edit: when wave loses u will have to ban all his smurfs too im sure hes got alot of those and will try to post more with them

    Тази тема била редактирана
    Hex Sigma

      "i am the hero that dotabuff needs"



        Hail Lollerman! <3


          Our Hero :>




              I think most regulars either laugh at his shit or ignore it. He rarely posts big annpying pics at least. But id like to see a 1v1 :D
              Also laughed at the boueno guy, im gonna call him that xD

              King of Low Prio

                technically he is 5k


                  BOUENO, i died laughing xD.
                  wanna 1 v 1 me, i am usually the one who trolls trolls, if uknowwhattamsaying.


                    "these guys are trying really hard to turn these forums into nadota and it seems to be working"

                    i was a regular lurker at nadota way before dota 2 came out, and it was nothing compared to what it is today (people making vendetta threads all the time with their own inside jokes)

                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                      nice topic +1 please youtube the 1v1s

                      NinjaPigeon 鳩

                        pls invoker freewin for loller

                        Quick maffs

                          Coudnt agree more dude

                          Benao and Wave are two toxics retards, but as long as the moderation of this place keeps being this bad this situation will never improve.

                          I mean just look at the thread OP posted, Wave is flaming the shit out of the guy that was just asking for help, calling him autist etc and nothing happens.

                          Usually i just laugh from whatever shit waves says ( and i guess everyone does it ) but its starting to get tiresome, he tries too hard to be funny.

                          King of Low Prio

                            My account was banned for a month for saying


                            plz dont give me this BS that the mods are laid back.....

                            Quick maffs

                              They are, for some

                              You are a special case.


                                What the hell did wave do? When I started browsing here more frequently, everyone was already angry with him.

                                Hex Sigma

                                  ^oh the usual, he opened x number of threads about acc buyers smurfs 1v9 started insulting everyone

                                  I guess he is banned now.


                                    loller for president
                                    ban wave

                                    ICE SKULL

                                      what do i get for winning

                                      ICE SKULL

                                        ive been banned once here, the hate i get usually comes from braindead 3k-4k mmr cancer. dotabuff definitely need to be going into nadota's direction.

                                        so i looked at op's dotabuff, 90% winrate in russia and 50% winrate in euw? and since i've never seen you here, you being banned means nothing and you probably have tons of smurfs you'd just post with so i'd rather you queue in cd/cm if you're 5k+ since we'd most likely be vs each other, loser gets -25 and and winner gets +25

                                        seems pretty good to me


                                          wave talking about winrate on russia loooooooool

                                          funfact: wave already lost to this lollerman in 1v1 already once.

                                          ICE SKULL


                                              Този коментар е изтрит
                                              Quick maffs

                                                NAdota is a fucking circlejerk, worst than reddit.

                                                I am still trying to understand how can someone find that forum funny


                                                  I have my doubts it's going to improve, sadly the situation is pretty stagnant.
                                                  From racist flames, to ppl just randomly insulting others who are simply asking for advices, it's pretty toxic.

                                                  I've always wondered what is the purpose of insulting a person who didn't do anything to you directly.


                                                    @mystiq, lol thats some fancy comment. i like it.

                                                    TRUTH SON. (btw melody son of a bitch is not a mod xDDDDD)

                                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                      So did this happen?


                                                        ^video/screens need.


                                                          edit and nothing happend

                                                          :edit: what was your first impression after watching free to play ?
                                                          A) playing DotA can cause bleach skin and conjunctivitis..
                                                          B) stay in the trees..
                                                          C) cancer is not funny..
                                                          D) this aint even a documentary about e-sport / other / won't commend that

                                                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                            they have played once bfore tho

                                                            ICE SKULL

                                                              damn i remember, it was in march or something

                                                              wow im getting banned now :((((((((((( like this if you cry. i dont mind rematch since i was about to fall asleep at that time

                                                              Jay Ashborne

                                                                Lol wat. I'm not even a mod bro, nor would I ban wave if I was (He tries really hard at everything he does Gold star. A+ 9/11). Thanks for the shout-out though haha.


                                                                  I cry for wave.


                                                                    i cry everytim.


                                                                      np u welcome

                                                                      Ples Mercy

                                                                        We all know wave is a complete moron. He's player who got a shadowbanned 6k account. No one really cares about him. He tries to find out the best ways to abuse and get high MMR, he himself is not a hight level player and is considered cancer among the most good players who got didn't get their rating through abuse.

                                                                        if that screenshot and text from vroksnack is true, then you should know that wave is a harmless nobody. Just ignore him and the kid might dissapear. As long you give him attention he will keep on his shit. You can't really punish a kid for being a whiny bitch, because that's how kids are.

                                                                        ICE SKULL

                                                                          i've never been shadowbanned and i don't think i've abused anything besides trying to get matched with a friend in the same team once in a while, idk why you even try to lie but i saw your rl pic and hey it wasnt a pretty sight so i can understand why you try to be the clown here


                                                                            omg blunt the guy who claims to have several 5 and 6k accounts talking shit about someone else

                                                                            chill out dude

                                                                            Ples Mercy

                                                                              i'm always chilled. Pls don't hate bro.

                                                                              @Wave: Wassup autistic boy, u mad cuz true? U saw my rl pic and had to consider if u still wanted to be hetero or if you wanted to look for a handsome guy like me.

                                                                              Not everyone looks like an accident like you waverino.

                                                                              Jay Ashborne

                                                                                LOL GET FUCKED.


