General Discussion

General DiscussionDoes MMR Promote Stagnation?

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Does MMR Promote Stagnation? in General Discussion

    Okay, I'm totally ready for some flaming to happen here. Whether I am called into question because I play too much Meepo (although rarely do so in ranked) or because plenty of people grinded their way to high MMRs on here. But isn't it odd that many times the best way to climb the MMR rankings is to find a proper hero who does well in pub matches (such as DP) or a snowballing mid (like good TA players). It totally makes sense that people do this, as it's a good way to win, but it's interesting to me how it almost works against the diversity of the hero offering in Dota. I mean, I'm not completely without fault, I kind of rode Visage and Sand King to my current MMR, but there's a sadness to the lack of versatility that is promoted by ranked. Would anybody want to see a mechanism for the rankings based around picking diversity or role diversity? or are you fine with the rewards of extra MMR being based solely on W/L? I could be totally off-base here and may just be recycling already discussed points. But I'd like to hear if this bothers you or if you just don't care.


      I've climbed around 900 mmr (from 2.3 to 3.2) since I started randoming every match ROFL.


        Only one explanation for that: You're awesome with every hero! ;)


          you probably cant climb even if you pick snowballing mids if you truly belong to the rating you currently are.
          and its funny because when you go to forums every single guy has a different hero he used to climb, some use brood, some use TA, some use void, some use tinker, some use slark, and every guy out there claims that his hero is the easiest to climb with.

          actually, there are several experiments similar to swiftending/juice, but instead of picking snowballing heroes, they pick Chen/Jakiro every single match. And they won every single match just like Swiftending. Don't let the illusion of "omg i have to play carry/mid to go up in the ladder" trick you because that is not true.

          On Playdota forums, for example, there is a guy that has climbed all the way from 4k to 5k playing exclusively supports (and he was stuck in 4k at first so he really improved, he is not a 7k guy playing in supp in a 4k account).

          The thing is that it is easier to play a hero that can "win the game by himself" than playing a hero that need some team coordination or is team dependant.

          Another thing is that people think that playing supports is buying the first set of wards, buying the courier and sitting their butt in the safelane doing nothing at all but leeching XP from their carry, doing some pulls and stacks. Supporting is also that, but its not only that. As a support you have to be constantly looking for kill opportunities early on, you have to be aware of where is every single hero (or atleast have some idea of) is on the map, because you are squishy and being out of position means getting killed.

          A good way to climb, as I've seen guys doing it, is:
          a) pick a #4 such as Sand King, farm a fast blink and start pwning
          b) pick an aggro roamer support (Skywrath, Earthshaker) and get real aggressive, mainly on midlane (because depending on your bracket dual lanes are somewhat common so you can't stand a 2v2 fight, you have to be in a number advantage, so go gank mid)

          If you are in a bracket where trilanes are common then you can pick some good offlanes with high killing potential (like Timber, Bristleback) and kill their carry whenever supports leave the lane. This way you ensure that atleast their carry won't be snowballing which is great for your team.

          If you ask me what is the easiest way to climb the ladder, sure, go mid and snowball from there if you are capable of doing it, or pick Void every game. But that is not the only way, and it may be hard for you if, for example, you suck at mechanics, you'd be better off picking a Skywrath which all you have to do is some button smashing and you're good to go.

          All comes down to playstyle. Havoc (a guy from this forum if you're not familiar to) probably couldn't climb by picking mids as his playstyle suits more supporting or offlane sometimes. Zenoth, another guy from forums, is a very skilled carry/mid player (and very good with TB too) so thats the easiest way for him to win.

          If you are a very defensive guy it doesnt make much sense to me if you pick TA, perhaps if you pick Tide you will win more.

          tl;dr - pick whatever suits your playstyle and you'll go up aslong as you improve

          ICE SKULL

            sleaveeee i have something for you lol geton skype

            playinginursockdrawer mm soc



                @S. Baasvik: The opposite. I have a decent grasp at how most heroes work (skills, att animation, builds, etc), but there are only a few that I'm totally comfortable with. Since most of the time I'm not playing with my "best" heroes, I have to try harder and focus more on my own gameplay to be on par with most people, hence I end up winning more. Funny thing is that being muted helped me a lot to climb as wll ROFL.