General Discussion

General DiscussionPeople are not using techies right...

People are not using techies right... in General Discussion

    And I don't mean the techie pickers themselves, I'm referring to the team.

    The pickers are always living in their own worlds. Be it over farming, under farming (placing 2 many mines) and not coordinating with his teams.

    The other teammates? Sometimes I have people do really, really bad luring and it fucks me up so hard early game where it takes minutes to set a minefield. I see them pushing lanes out with remote mines or refusing to siege when Techies is the best sieging heroes in the game (he makes movable bases with all his traps, people can't jump you).

    The real sad part about techies though, is that he has immense potential but people seem to think the hero as a troll.



      good to know

      Rusty Ken (mmr thief)

        you play techies for fun, not to win


          waga = best troll eu, 24 hours techies