General Discussion

General DiscussionJakiro

Jakiro in General Discussion
playinginursockdrawer mm soc

    Apparently about 20% of Jakiros max stun first and then dual breath. Wat


      20% is quite low.

      4-4-0-0 was the standard build at level 8 until liquid fire and dual breath got changed (like 2 years ago).

      Този коментар е бил редактиран
      Dire Wolf

        I always go 1 stun, liquid fire, 1 in dual breath, then max liquid fire. Idk if it's best but it's good for pushing/farming.


          For what it's worth I use to max stun/dual breath pre patch 4-4-0-0 like 6_ said.

          Post patch I've been going liquid fire/ice path.

          The new liquid fire is so strong, but the utility of ice path is so good. Huge range, 9 sec cd, low mana cost, pretty good stun duration.


            My build on Jakiro heavily depends on the lineup.

            Krazy Kat

              People are picking the most popular builds. Many don't realize that a lot of the builds are obsolete.

              Miku Plays

                i tried 4-0-4-0 at lvl 8 and only get ult at 10

                  Този коментар е премахнат от модератор

                    I max Liquid Fire and Dual Breath, take 1 point on stun in case I see some fight coming along, and don't get ulti until like 11 or 10.

                    Gertouille la fripouille

                      Hm, when i play jakiro, i usually take one point in ince path, max liquid fire, then dual breath. But it depends on the game, maxing the stun first can be better sometimes.

                      ham strokers ejacula

                        Icepath really only needs to be level 1 and I don't see much point in maxing it first.


                          yeah man that liquid fire is so annoying :cry:


                            I almost always go to Ice Path + Liquid Fire.
                            Liquid Fire is great when you're supporting a carry. You just use it on a opposing hero on CD (if it is not Blood Seeker)
                            Didn't know much about dual breath - it's 76 DPS for 5 seconds...
                            p.s.: maybe I should consider a different skillbuild on this hero :)

                            Dire Wolf

                              It deals a lot of dmg actually, at max it's 380 magic dmg with a really wide range and huge length. The damage is better than a lot of other aoe nukes like lina's fire breath only does 280 maxed, cm's nova does 250 max, mirana's starstorm does 300 at rank 4. Thing is liquid fire is usually better for mana free harassment, push and it dmgs towers.

                              But one early point in dual breath is really good for the move speed slow. With that an ice path you have good disables to secure kills in lane.


                                U need 3 point in liquid fire (the3rd spell) on level 5.
                                Its for pushing, harrassing and also helps farm neutralcamps. the 4th point is luxury and i normally cut it cause the reduction to 4 sec from 8 sec doesnt matter wen pushing a tier 1 since enemy is likely to glpyhe so it cools down anyways.

                                the best spell for early kills is actually dual breath if u can get off both hits. however icepath is much better going into midgame teamfights.

                                so u want to take only a single point in dual breath early.

                                so u are 1 1 3 1 on level 6.

                                Cutting macropyre seems possible if u are in a clutch and out of mana (only enough for 1 spell) but generally even just 1 1/2 seconds will do more then an extra skillpoint in dual breath or the 4th point in liquid fire.

                                So after reaching 6 u want to max icepath (very good buff) asap so u have 1 4 3 1 on lvl 9

                                On lvl 10 u should take dual breath again and proceed to max it at lvl 13,

                                1 3 3 2 3 4 2 2 2 1 4 1 1 3 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

                                u can switch out dual breath and liquid fire on lvl 1 to get some free harras without manacost if there is no killpotential.

                                Johnny Rico

                                  Shakira is so good to disrupt fights and harass people early one.
                                  You put 1 value point on icepath
                                  then you alternate liquid fire, and dual breath, until lvl 7,
                                  then you put a point on your ult, if you need, the max all.