General Discussion

General DiscussionMMR is random!!! WTF

MMR is random!!! WTF in General Discussion
Аутентичный сом

    apparently 55% win rate prior to LVL 13... playing with other people who have similar win rates in normal AP... However!!!! Once I get into ranked... OH BOY! get matched with people who have 49%... I win 70% in ranked but that gets me a starting MMR of 3150??? Such a useless system


      If you just hit level 13 3150 is pretty damn good, don't be complaining about your placement man.

      Аутентичный сом

        Oh I am... why should I be put with people who lose way less than me in a system that is suppose to help fix this?


          I think it's because you're not very good. Look at your KDAs yo.


            because win rate is (mostly) irrelevant to rating

            if you are the top stack in the queue every game you could be 4k mmr and have 90% win rate easily, doesn't make you any better than 4k mmr players with 50% win rate

            you are simply where you deserve to be, as are most of your teammates

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            Аутентичный сом

              so why not base MMR of KDA? Sorry support players.. but you will never climb MMR... hahaha If you have been around DOTA long enough you know KDA means nothing. In the end, its if you win or lose.


                If you're so good, then climbing the ladder should be no problem. Maybe you should try playing something other than ES


                  why the fuck would you base MMR off KDA that's 10 times more shite then the way it is now

                  cue all the people immediately afk-ing in base after getting a couple of kills without deaths

                  your second sentence contradicts your first... you don't even have any semblance of logic in your statements

                  Аутентичный сом

                    well I was being sarcastic about KDA.. as someone said maybe thats why my MMR was lower cause I have average KDA

                    I just dont get why I was put with people who have similar win rates prior to ranked games... and then go in with 49% win rate people once I hit ranked... only to win 70% of them... and to have to stay down there?


                      It's unfortunate, but I strongly believe KDA has a lot to do with your INITIAL calibration, not the only thing that matters but definitely a factor.

                      Аутентичный сом

                        which brings me to my first point... this system if useless if thats how they calibrate... aka fix it!!!!!!!!


                          your first couple of games are against players who mostly never played dota before

                          if your kda is shit against them sorry you don't deserve to be higher


                            I don't get it, if you're saying that you win 70% of your games where is the problem. Your mmr will rise, and in time you'll picking ES at 4k.


                              It doesn't matter if the calibration is accurate or not. Once you get your starting mmr you will go up or down in no time if you're better or worse than where you're calibrated at.


                                kda really doesnt matter much i think
                                0/4/0 abandon in high skill match, all matches after that belongs to vh with no changes in stacks.

                                Аутентичный сом

                                  If you've been in lower 3k mmr... you know its hell to get out of... SirActionSlacks can attest to that lol

                                  I also had a friend who did the same as me (make a new account) to see how we would do with new MMR.. he wins about 4 ranked games.. gets put into 3800 mmr after his first 10... does that seam fair? in a system that ranks on wins and losses!? I dont see any logic there


                                    It's based off of your unranked mmr for the calibration. So how well you did prior, not just the 10 wins or losses.

                                    Аутентичный сом

                                      So if its based off none ranked mmr... as I stated before... I was winning 55% of my games roughly.. being put in teams with people who probably had 4k mmr... why would the system change it once I got to ranked? still doesn't make sense... still seems like a bad system for callibrating


                                        boys we got a slow learner here

                                        hint: go find out more about calibration


                                          Please tell me a system that doesnt primarily base itself on win/loss. No system is perfect just get over it holy shit.


                                            There's a big difference of getting carried and carrying, you belong in your rank and if you don't, you will go up... or down.

                                            MMR is almost perfect.


                                              Let me try to get into that thick skull of yours. Let's imagine a professional player like RTZ who creates a smurf and somehow loses 10 ranked calibrating games. Are you saying that his mmr will be below 3k? Cause what you're saying now is that win/loss ratio determines mmr. ( HINT: IT"S NOT!)


                                                And for a player with so little contribution to the team ( based off your kda, which none is above 3 btw), i'm astounded by how you even managed to get a 55% win rate. Obviously it's the match making gods taking a liking towards you as you are being carried by your team most of the time.

                                                Аутентичный сом

                                                  I'm just trying to bring awareness to this flaw in the calibration... and how it seems random. If you believe dota isn't about KDA and have been around it long enough to know this then you should agree that there is a flaw in the system. If they really are doing more calibrating off KDA, they should fix it? Other wise supports will get shit on. Just doesn't make sense to me is all.. just trying to once again.. bring awareness to this.



                                                    Thick skull = Was not penetrated


                                                      It's not random. Either way, if you're as good as you think you really are, it wouldn't take much time for you to climb to the mmr that you think you rightfully deserve. If you're asking me though, I think it's really the dunning kruger effect at work.


                                                        Can you stop fucking saying random, there is a team of mathematicians fucking working on the math behind this system. They put hours of work into making an algorithm for your mmr and you just dismiss it as "random"

                                                        Please go out and make your own and pitch it to valve.

                                                        Аутентичный сом

                                                          Why use majority KDA in calibration, for a system/game that is more about wins/losses?

                                                          Why base games off of win rate prior to ranked... and then ignore in ranked?

                                                          Why once you win 70% in an MMR where most sit around 49%... keep you there?

                                                          Аутентичный сом

                                                            Ok, random is a bad word choice.. I agree, its not random.. but I've stated more that it is a flawed system... and stand by that.

                                                            And yes, I get that you can climb up if you are truly good at the game, but that doesn't ignore the fact that there seems to be some odd glitches in the way they calibrate.


                                                              Because you can have a high KDA and still lose. MMR is a measure of how much you can impact the game not of how much of a good player you are.

                                                              Because people are more likely to try harder in ranked.

                                                              I don't understand what you're saying.

                                                              Again, no system is perfect.

                                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                Why base games off of win rate prior to ranked... and then ignore in ranked, why use majority KDA in calibration, for a system/game that is more about wins/losses?

                                                                Because, again, getting carried and carrying is different.

                                                                Pom Pom 🍕

                                                                  "Dota 2 uses standard techniques to quantify and track player skill. We assign each player an MMR, which is a summary metric that quantifies your skill at Dota 2. After each match, we update your MMR based on what happened in that match. In general, when you win, your MMR will go up, and when you lose, your MMR will go down. [u]Win/loss is the primary criteria[/u] used to update MMR, but [u]individual performance also plays a role[/u], especially when our uncertainty about your MMR is high. It is possible for an individual MMR to increase after a loss or decrease after a win, but in general the winning team’s average MMR will increase and the losing team’s MMR will decrease."

                                                                  Players with few amount of matches have more uncertainty than someone with more experience. Which makes your indiviudal performance mean even more.


                                                                  edit: oops, meant few, not a lot

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                                                                  Аутентичный сом

                                                                    So basically you're saying only carry hero picking people deserve to get calibrated higher? Cause they get priority farming and priority on killing heros.. which they should have an easier time with all that gold.

                                                                    If you look at my account I played almost all Earth Spirit, offlane semi support/full supprt... lowest winning rate hero in the game... also one of the most OP heros as far as game impact if used right.. trust me.. I didn't get "carried'. I set up kills, slowed down their carries, allowed my carry to farm, let my carry get last hits on creeps and hero kills... Still standing by its a broken system and they may want to look into how they calibrate.


                                                                      Super Thick skull = Was not [Cannot be] penetrated

                                                                      Аутентичный сом

                                                                        You disagree with what I said there? Again, people who support will not get a high KDA... Why should "carry" picking people get higher calibration? I think you're the one with the thick skull, as you have not been able to logically reply to my statements.


                                                                          Yes I disagree to what you said there.

                                                                          KDA, think about it




                                                                          Just think really hard.


                                                                            I used to be like 70% winning when I was at my level 13. I got 3.3k after calibration, but then I climbed up to my right now 4k8.


                                                                              @Awakened Meepo OP

                                                                              Аутентичный сом

                                                                                I see you only have about 430 matches on this account.. perhaps you are new to DOTA? Which I will forgive you for not understanding.. but Kills, Deaths and Assists... mean nothing to certain heros in the game of dota. AKA "supports"... people who support in the 5 - 6 k mmr probalby have low KDA and yet they still have a high MMR because they "win"

                                                                                Look at some pro games, and maybe watch some learn to play with Purge. You might understand that KDA has nothing to do many heros.. as long as they win. And again... why base it off KDA in calibration, only to throw it out the window once you get to normal ranked?

                                                                                Аутентичный сом

                                                                                  And yes... I get that you can climb easy enough if you are good, I've said this before. Thats not my main point here though. Look back and read why I'm debating this still.

                                                                                  Well done on the rise up to 4.8k tho :)


                                                                                    its not based on kda u fucking nitwit

                                                                                    Аутентичный сом

                                                                                      Well people were suggesting that it must be based on KDA.. as mine is average so I get an average MMR. I really hope it isn't largely based on KDA, and have a hard time believing that it would be. But if you read comments above, some people believe that is the case.


                                                                                        I believe the system doesn't have any flaw. It may miscalculate your MMR at your very early stage. The important point is its ability to adjust your MMR by either arranging you easy games if it underestimated you or hard games if it overestimated. Things can't go wrong with ELO rating system.


                                                                                          it is not, as i alr told u by this link



                                                                                            Thick skull = Can never [ever] be penetrated.

                                                                                            Oh Shit Waddup

                                                                                              "ProPuckPlays"- 0% WR and 1.37 KDA. might wanna look at changing your name m8

                                                                                              Аутентичный сом

                                                                                                If you say it has no flaws... and then say it may miscalculate... that would be considered contradicting yourself :P

                                                                                                And the miscalculation in the early stage is most likely its only flaw, which I am trying to bring awareness to. I do agree that it is an ok system after that.

                                                                                                Аутентичный сом

                                                                                                  I thought about the name change :P I just like the way it sounds.


                                                                                                    Yes, K/D/A is not everything but it kind of shows how you performed in game [based on your HERO anyway]. There are also factors like Hero damage, tower damage, gpm, xpm, [apm] God knows what.


                                                                                                      By saying "no flaw", I mean the working mechanism. Miscalculation shouldn't be counted as flaw. You just imagine that it assigns you a random mmr point, and then adjusts it later on. If you can think so, you won't be that desperate :D

                                                                                                      Аутентичный сом

                                                                                                        Yes many many factors! All which have will have next to nothing to do with your MMR once you get passed 10 games apparently.

                                                                                                        I just looked at an Emipre VS Alliance reply game... Empire won.. their treant protector was 0 - 5 - 3 with 238 gpm... do you not think he still had a huge impact on their win? Clearly that tree's stats would have shown him being "carried", but he probably had HUGE game impact, and in the end.. got the win! :)

                                                                                                        If that was me in my ranked games (hypothetically), why should I be calibrated lower?


                                                                                                        This link is my friend who clearly has lower win rates than me... did much worse in his first 10 calibration games and ended up with about a 3800 MMR

                                                                                                        Again.. broken system

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                                                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!