General Discussion

General DiscussionMatrice Terrorblade

Matrice Terrorblade in General Discussion

    As you may or may not have known, Matrice plays the best, if not one of the best Terrorblades in the entire world. He is also one of the world's top MMR players on the EU server. Although, he plays Terrorblade Wood (his own way of saying jungle). Now Matrice would probably see this, and I'm not sure if he remembers teaching me, but I had you in my f/l because you were generous enough to accept my request and you were able to give me a lot of your time to teach me how to do it more efficiently, and despite us playing in different timezones, he still went the extra mile just to be able to help.

    I would just want to thank Matrice, my mentor, because I am just about to crack 5k mmr, and it is because of his teachings (not just the Wood TB) that I have been able to get this far. Thank you Matrice, you're the best. (+it would be great if you could add me again cause I really need more coaching, and I have to find out a way to repay you for everything you've done. I can't add you myself because your f/l is full :( )

    (no flamerino pls)

    ham strokers ejacula

      I could also crack 5K on a smurf account, however that aside, well done in succeeding with the hero.


        hail matrice


          and havoc my starting MMR on my new acc was roughly the same as the one in my old one. Smurfs aren't free MMR


            Most likely you need to pick Zeus, since when I'm solo queueing, I tend to get many TBD Zeus.


              I'm actually on a new account, for I've lost complete control of my old acc which was friends with matrice. Nevertheless, hail matrice

              one and half gun

                cant call it a smurf with over 100 ranked matches

                one and half gun

                  anyways i just feed if i see tb jungling, so much potential wasted


                    56 last hits worth of farm by 10 minutes and slightly more exp - how the fuck is that wasted rofl

                    its much more than you can get from any contested lane, and if you have supports who can lane decently it's not too bad either

                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                      ZENOTH!! Z-God <3


                        i'm a huge fan of your 3 butterfly terrorblade


                          oh god zenoth and matrice have been spreading so much cancer lately


                            Yeah we are zerg's queen, spreading tumors every where, muhahaha.

                            Btw: for the friend request, just make a new one, and when added, tell me which account i should remove

                            Този коментар е бил редактиран

                              I used to be a fan of him when he was 100kpm, back then in dota 1. At the time when invoker just got popular, good times


                                I didn't liked how invoker got ported in dota2 though, so many thing totally screwing him, like defaillant aggro, weird feeling about spell casting with voker. also most of the nerf invoker received, actually hurted my voker style, more than any other build (and got his skin is horrible)

                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                  You may get better farm than lane (and you should because otherwise what's the point?) but still your team will be 4v5 for a long time.


                                    Same feeling here, Sicne the port I barely touched him, while in dota 1 he was one of my 5~ main heroes.
                                    On the other hand... Brood port just made me love the hero... dota 1 barely touched, tried her in dota 2... ermagerd so good! That was even before the free walking time

                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                      matrice, lord of the terrorblade, i added you man, if you would be kind enough to accept, would be great.
                                      i just wanted to spectate some of your games.



                                        and thats the point of picking tb, your team 4v5 for 20 minutes and you start to split push for 10 minutes and after that you can 1v5

                                        jungle/wood tb is simply a greedier way/last resort way of playing him, instead of letting your supports rotate lanes you give them a lane to farm, that or you get more farm out of an otherwise unwinnable lane while one of your supports sit back and try to leech exp from that lane

                                        the point is securing farm on tb, whatever happens after that you are basically guaranteed an advantage as long as you know how to play tb effectively


                                          Thank you, matrice! I've added you already, and I'm not sure if you'd remember me, but I'm X! in your f/l!

                                          I have quite a good winrate with TB in my old account:

                                          Dire Wolf

                                            4v5 for 10 mins is fine, just play defensively. It's not like an anti mage where it's iffy whether you'll ever have impact. Towers and creeps don't change, tb will always steam roll em at ~15 mins. It really comes down to whether your team feeds and the other team rotates quickly enough to stop your push/has the right heroes to do it.

                                              Този коментар е премахнат от модератор

                                                wow that was just too touching, i almost drown in my tears.


                                                  heil z-god Kappa//


                                                    4v5 for 8 minutes, that usually less than what a lane carry does...

                                                    There's no fucking problem about tb wood, apart retard that cann't open their mind to other strategy and throw almost on purpose
                                                    Like 0-7 10 minutes it's techies fault, people tend to make the 0-4 5 minutes, GG FUCK WOOD TB (for offlaner or middle, for who it actually didn't changed anything)

                                                    It's like brood, why the fuck people in your team constently come to your lane to push with you ????
                                                    -btw, i also hate how brood's been ported in dota2, but here only for how control groupe, and attack move from invis are extremly badly made, how ever bite brood is as pleasant as in dota1 :p-

                                                    @kitrak` totally true, my two favorite for safe lane in that case, is sk or axe, they can help to zone the offlaner, and they fucking shine with lvl advantage

                                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                    Arek Akashi

                                                      Hey Matrice what are you going to do if they block 2 of your medium camps? (specially on dire side) :DD


                                                        You say "Fucknoobs no sentries" and abandon

                                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                          You can't trust your team to hold out 4v5 even for 5 minutes, especially against all this push going on these days. And especially not if your hero can't even fight when he is finally forced away from the jungle. I'm not saying it's bad, but for it to work your team needs to win their lanes and and you must be very good with the hero to actually carry the game alone after all that disadvantage.

                                                          Arek Akashi

                                                            Oh I think I know the answer you are using your illusions to check if they are coming to ward?? then instead of Quelling Blade / 2nd circlet you are buying sentry

                                                            Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                              By the way, can I add you too? I'm kinda in a mood of adding awesome people for some stalking afterwards.


                                                                What happenend to ingenaab ? :D


                                                                  I just go to an hard camp :p You can do most of them lvl1, just that it cost all your mana.

                                                                  And yeah sure epsik, just need for steam to understand that i've new slot available, as I removed two guys that weren't online for more than 20 days
                                                                  (I'm on 315/315, and I don't know how to increase further)

                                                                  Oh and ingenaab went working in afrika, and thus he can no longer play (he came back last week though, for one week)

                                                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                    funnily his absence happend at the same time as the brood nerf... weird :p


                                                                      gogo top dotabuff from russia


                                                                        HELLO MR LEGEND ^
                                                                        34 loses, u need me again bro ;)


                                                                          I'm really surprised you don't like Invoker's skin matrice :o I find it one of the best heroes, and pretty similar to Dota1


                                                                            matrice you can have more than 315 friends if you increase your Steam accounts level (every level gives you +5 friend slots)

                                                                            Sugar Show

                                                                              must be good have a own fancult


                                                                                Matrice, I like TB, and want to learn how to jungle(woods) him... Could you help me like you helped OP and are going to help epsik?


                                                                                  Dude there is a guide on dotafire


                                                                                    hey matrice it'd be cool if we could be steam friends. I tried to study your TB before I started playing Meepo. Would love to watch
                                                                                    some of your live games and chat!

                                                                                    your friend list is full, but here's my steam profile if u'd consider adding!

                                                                                    Primordial Soup

                                                                                      I'm guessing OP is MackTenTv dude?

                                                                                      @Mastadoom If you look up "Jungle Terrorblade" in youtube, I think you'll find some pretty good videos!

                                                                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                        @DJ afriCana IS HERE, Yeah but i don't know what to do to increase it more :p

                                                                                        I've already max card for game i play, and made also the "initiation to steam" thing to get some more lvl.

                                                                                        I'm pretty stuck right now. All i can do to free some slot is to remove people that didn't came since long time on steam.
                                                                                        Mb i should use a second account, and "watch" everygame i play, and add people on the second one :p
                                                                                        But that wouldn't solve the replay issue, which is one of the main reason some are adding me.

                                                                                        I don't know if it's convenient to watch replay, knowing only the id of it. If so, i could mb try to list all of them somewhere aswell.

                                                                                        Last thing i thought about, was creating a guild, but i don't know if you can right click --> watch game from som1 in a guild, and i think once again it would not solve the replay issue.

                                                                                        Edit: Ofc i'd answer any question, since you are not in my fl, you can ask it here (I'm also on my way to show all start ever possible for a tb in the woods, and thus how to react to all of them -satyre/wolves/golem/centaure successfully stack/centaure failed stack/ ogre + different combinaison-)

                                                                                        Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                          Weird thing is I see you having less than 315 friends now, but I still get an error message whenever I try to add you. =(

                                                                                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                            Yeah steam is pretty slow to notice that you removed som1 (i removed som1 of 40 day afk yesterday)
                                                                                            and then steam is pretty slow to remove the limitation :p
                                                                                            In next 24h it should be fine

                                                                                            Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                              Just follow matrice and Zenoth on dotabuff and you can take the match ID of the last 10 days played game and watch it, that's what I do.