General Discussion

General DiscussionI like how people don't read skill descriptions before playing the da...

I like how people don't read skill descriptions before playing the damn hero. in General Discussion
    LOOK AT DAH LUNA. Laughable.

    Dire Wolf

      Her skill build is kind of dumb but how would different skills have prevented her from dying 17 times? That has to do more with awareness and positioning.


        ^if your ult actually does damage, and you had a 300 damage nuke people might not be able to dive/man fight you, leading to less deaths and more kills.


          Lol i instantly thought someone found this match.
          Especially with 17 deaths and eclipse doing no damage

          Hafla Enjoyer

            ^this tinker is here to have fun


              I remember a video where a mid-HP terrorblade ultied a low-hp razer, in a hope it would do the fatal damage. Would love to look for the video but my internet is utter shit recently


                i like how out of 4 of the teammates i get in every single game 3.5 of them have downs


                  ^ tell me about it. I played game today, in which our puck lost lane and got killed by naix. Yes, fucking naix. VS Puck

                  Dire Wolf

                    I just cannot fathom the picks sometimes. If I pick necro all you have to do is get a good team disabler/tanker so I can spam heals, there's plenty to choose from, bristle, dark seer, magnus, axe, centaur, tide, earthshaker even. But people pick shit like pugna and kotl.


                      windrunner was 5,2k and lost mid to pudge literally fed all game and was so bad i couldnt believe my eyes. this is the perfect example of a filthy autistic account buyer that believes in elo hell and thinks his 3k teammates are the reason why he cant climb mmr and ruins higher mmr games.


                        ^ Your WR bought that account or is using it to feed.
                        39% win rate, 6 win record. 16 loss record.
                        Like 120 games played.

                        How are people like that in high skill?



                          " How are people like that in high skill "

                          Because when he buys account, it has , big win rate, which slowly degregate because player is unable to keep that win ratio.


                            I was just joking on how they maintained it for so long with so many losses.
                            Must of been a high mmr.


                              Ah, my bad then, my bad '-_-

                              Quick maffs


                                kotl actually is really good with necro


                                  im pretty sure he bought it. he was as bad as a fucking 2-3k guy. i meet those kind of retards every day, and they are in my team 90% of the time

                                  one and half gun

                                    queue at night only, those retards have to sleep for school and shit lol

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