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General DiscussionAll Hero Challenge

All Hero Challenge in General Discussion
Krazy Kat

    In case anyone is interested, here is the hero order:


      i like it when people pick enigma woods for their hero challenge in ranked.
      ez - pts boys.

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        Whats wrong with enigma woods?


          the game is lost in 5 min due to roamers etc... unless that enigma is super skilled which isnt the case cause they are doing the all hero challenge


            ^^pure example dude, just imagine a guys who only play pudge/invoker/some other mid going enigma woods first time in his life in ranked.
            same goes with any other hero.
            i actually lost like 3 games already cuz people like to do hero challenges in ranked. (1 of them was engima and he told me he lost 5 in a row trying to win this fucken hero challenge, hence the example)
            ty volvo for this shit, at least u get a trophy after fucking up like 500 games.

            edit: and wat said Benao applies

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              Petition for making hero challenge only work in non-ranked games ?




                  y blame Gabe because people sux with hero

                  bum farto

                    I have played so many games where someone will last pick something shitty and go "Doing hero challenge" and kind of just do shit around the map cause they're clueless on what they're doing.

                    Please go do this in a casual unranked game and not in ranked games. It's impolite.


                      I like the recently added hero challenge. I'm doing it to practice new heroes. Of course I'm doing it in normal mm.


                        hero challenger should only be possible in solo ranked too :D
                        getting it done would be worth so much more too


                          ^Yeah, because it's like you'd play with 1k mmr handicap.


                            I like it. It gives me a reason to play heroes I would normally repick like AM, Invoker


                              because hannes is a tryhard he should join under the reign of the normal king

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                                normal = cheating

                                bum farto

                                  Hannes lost his 70% :(

                                  Krazy Kat

                                    Looks like Fear trying the challenge. It took him 6 games to get a win with Tiny. I don't feel so bad now.