General Discussion

General DiscussionDo people realise that DOTA is actually a video-game?

Do people realise that DOTA is actually a video-game? in General Discussion
Darth Jar Jar

    I play the game with the intention to win like most people who play games do. But more importantly I also play games to have fun.

    But with the rise of techies, the whining and crying of DOTA players have become so much more apparent. I honestly don't think in their hearts and brains that they realize that this is a video-game. The outcome of a match does not change the value of anything besides personal enjoyment and satisfaction.

    However players become so emotionally attached that they are willing to track the movements and criticize every call of another player with the intention of causing an argument, or making it known that they are a bad player.

    So what if you're a bad dota player?

    Does constantly getting reminded of that in a game change anything? After all, being a good dota player gives you what exactly? A cool 10 million in the bank eh.

    The truth is, unless you're pro or planning to be one. There is absolutely very little point in raging so hard at a online game. The amount of argument and bickering, we all have to go through, only to come to an actualization once the game is over that it means nothing shows how insignificant our lives really are to have cared so much. Life goes on.

    The constant pinging and harassment that is going through this 'report him plz' culture is quite frankly embarrassing. Not just to DOTA players, but all who share this mentality that a report is a serious case of power over another.

    It serves as a reminder that we PC gamers have lost touch with our grip on reality. It's one thing to enjoy a hobby with passion, but it's another to go on a childish and petty tantrum at another because they do not meet your expectations.

    I get it, it's the internet. It happens. But with DOTA and the DOTA community it has almost become a common occurrence that I do think we need a reminder every now and then that this is a game and games are played for fun.

    People do not seem to grasp that this is a video-game, don't lose your head and cool over it. In the end of the day just try to have fun, win or lose. This constant anger over another is really bringing that stingma back to life for PC gamers that we are no-lives who have very poor social skills.

    So, do people actually realize that DOTA 2 is a video-game, or do some players see it as much more than that?
    And what would it be if they do see it as more than a video-game? A full-time job perhaps?

    Тази тема била редактирана

      Maybe playing with Techies in the game just isn't fun for four out of five of the players on your team.


        Dota is a competitive game, personally I don't play just for fun, I care about winning. If I want some casual play, I play in normal mm. But if I play in ranked, I expect my teammates to be serious. I hate those who pick heroes that don't have much game impact in ranked mm.


          Literally MAD! hahaha didnt read^^


            some people only find winning fun
            so playing with people who lose more often than they win would probably make their blood boil


              rarely you'll have fun with dota when solo queueing

              Quick maffs

                The mute button

                seriously is the best thing in solo queue dota


                  dota is fun if you play with friends

                  F is for friends who do stuff together
                  U is for you and me
                  N is for anywhere and anytime at all
                  Down here in the deep blue sea


                    Its just a part of being human man, I watched an extra credits episode that I cant remember that sums it up perfectly.

                    It's about investment, for me I find the average game time is around 40 minutes which is a hell of a long time, ontop of the avg search time of 3-5 minutes thats a lot of time i'm investing for just ONE game. Now when I play with my stack its a lot easier cause we can kinda call eachother out on things that go wrong and not get hostile over it but if i'm playing a game at x-mmr then I expect my teammates to be around that level of skill. I invested so much (and believe me 40 minutes per game is A LOT of time) and to have it just simply thrown away because someone wasn't performing as a player of that skill level should.

                    It's the reason why when I lose to a good game i'm not mad, but that never happens anyway. Or why I feel better to stop a session on a win.


                      In general, some people don't realize that video games are video games, this is not exclusive to Dota2.

                      Case in point


                        Yes. Dota is actually a video game. Video game = Waste of time

                        Quick maffs

                          ^^Wave is that you ?

                          Seriously i would have punched the face of this idiot if i was in the crowd.

                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                            Good job finding extremes and using them as examples, man you'd fit in well with ISIS or something.


                              Are you looking to start a pointless argument here?

                              Yeah, I found an extreme case and used it as an example. So what? I found it a very long time ago and it was easy to remember. Maybe THAT'S one factor of why I pointed it out or why people a lot of times use extremes as examples. Because they are easy to remember quickly, but you know...just maybe.

                              Go try to create an argument somewhere else. I don't waste my time like that.


                                tl,dr edit anyone?

                                Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                  idk mad cos bad

                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                    Ranked MM removed the entire "fun" factor of the game. Now everyone would rather chop their dick off than losing just a single game of Dota. That's unfortunately where the game has come to.


                                      ^This is true. It's also why I haven't played Ranked in about a month.


                                        Do people realise that life is a game? I just don't understand why people get made over little things like failing school or breaking up with their partners. I play life to have fun, not cos I want to win.

                                        y u hv to b mad

                                        Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                          ^thank god life isnt a moba would've been a fucking cancer.


                                            Dota stopped being fun for me when I made a dotabuff account and I realised how shit I actually was

                                            However I have become quite a lot better as a result so I guess it's worth it

                                            Now I only have fun with winning or stacking g with friends, as opposed to just messing around without caring about winrate/mmr

                                            Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                            Bad Intentions

                                              well.. techies in the game means 4 vs 5 basically..

                                              extra effort for the 4.. stressful..


                                                its not "only videogame" that u play 8h / day and is having major impact on ur life


                                                  DotA isn't a fun game, tbh. Its extreme difficulty as well as its steep learning curve take away any kind of fun you could possibly have. This, ironically, is why most people play dota: The game is so hard that winning a game is one of the most rewarding feelings.
                                                  So, yeah, people will flame if a complete stranger throws away their opportunity of winning after one hour of hard gameplay.

                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                    Stop trying to justify your teckies bullshit. You ruin the game for everyone in it. You are the type of trash who will run off the field with the soccer/football because you find it fun then bitch about people calling you a little fgt. There is a social aspect to team games that basement dwelling kids do not understand. If the other person on your team has fun running into the other teams tower over and over to ruin games and has fun doing it do you blame the other people for getting pissed off at him? THAT is exactly what teckies does to a game.

                                                    Flat is Justice!

                                                      dont need to read post, i already know op is a bad player
                                                      he must have been endless insulted for this real lack of skills and ended up in arguments for no refusing to accept it

                                                      anyone who has to say constantly "do u know its just a game?" Doesn't realise the simple fact that EVERYONE knows its a game but some people actually WANT TO WIN their games. Getting slaughtered for 50 mins is not what most people call a game

                                                      Quick maffs

                                                        Its only a fucking videogame

                                                        OP if you have fun playing techies just mute everyone in your team and do it, i would get mad for 30 min or less if someone picks a techies in my team but meh who cares.

                                                        Saying that picking techies makes you a basement dwelling kid its the biggest bullshit i have ever heard, this argument could be done for everyone who is learning a hero on pub games. ( because they are not good enough with the hero and so they are going to low the chances of their team winning the game, like you do when you are learning techies )

                                                        Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                        Quick maffs

                                                          My friend plays tinker even though he has 25 % winrate with him

                                                          brb going to tell him that he is a basement dwelling kid


                                                            Great post imo

                                                            I generally don't take the game too seriously, even in ranked, which makes it far more enjoyable. Those who take it too seriously often ruin the experience for everyone by calling out everyone's mistakes and just being a dick in general. Muting these people is incredibly useful.

                                                            kanye went to uni

                                                              i like how sampson's basically telling people to be more socially sensitive when he's the first one to use personal insults and question people's intelligence whenever there's something that offends his view of dota on these forums

                                                              Quick maffs



                                                                  Video game? No dota is real life !


                                                                    I play to win and winning is fun.

                                                                    Those that play for fun really don't care if they win.

                                                                    Sōu ka

                                                                      it actually is your fucking life
                                                                      and yes most people are fucking cunts but such is life
                                                                      but id rather have someone being angry in my game than someone who doesnt give a shit about winning the game
                                                                      i dont even know how that shits still upsetting anyone anymore
                                                                      if anything its annoying


                                                                        Dota is life, everything else is second :3

                                                                          Този коментар е премахнат от модератор
                                                                          Quick maffs

                                                                            Well its not the same ruining a game than learning a new hero

                                                                            I had a couple of decent techies in my team and one really bad that costed me the game, but i am pretty sure that it doesnt really matter what that guy played he was just awful.

                                                                            Plus you have to remenber that not everyone sees dota like a competitive game, you are all comparing dota to sports but to some people dota would be more like a simple minigame. ( a 40 min minigame i guess )

                                                                            Would i like to people to try their best in my games ? yes ( as long as they try they can pick any hero they fucking want ), would i go as far as insultig them because of that ? no.


                                                                              Muppet city. Play to Win. If you could pick people to not be qued with again .. you would be one.

                                                                              King of Low Prio

                                                                                fucking dorkly and his usual grade 6 reading comprehension. I said he was a basement dwelling kid because he has no idea how team games work. Just because YOU are having fun does not mean it is ok to ruin it for everyone else in your game. Teckies is equal to some griever running into the enemy base 50x because he did not get mid

                                                                                one and half gun

                                                                                  dotas not a game to play for fun

                                                                                  Quick maffs

                                                                                    "Teckies is equal to some griever running into the enemy base 50x because he did not get mid"

                                                                                    Literally the same right

                                                                                    "Well its not the same ruining a game than learning a new hero"

                                                                                    kanye went to uni

                                                                                      sampson you gotta understand the social aspect of real life, personal insults might be fun for you but it ruins the real life experience for other people

                                                                                      Quick maffs
                                                                                        Този коментар е изтрит
                                                                                        Sōu ka

                                                                                          can you tell me how those insults actually work because i really have no idea

                                                                                          when a random person in a random game drops a random statement to offend me hows that actually offending me in any way

                                                                                          Quick maffs

                                                                                            It doesnt really offend anyone because everyone is used to it, still saying that ruining a game is what people without social skills do while you yourself insult everyone that does not agree with you is really fucked up.

                                                                                            Plus you guys are all talking like the guy is literally feeding on purpose or some shit, he is only picking a hero that he likes and he is trying to have fun with the hero, i would rather have this guy on my team that some idiot that goes afk in the moment that something goes wrong.

                                                                                            Flat is Justice!

                                                                                              @sou ka
                                                                                              As a psychology major, you realise that
                                                                                              people who get insulted by random comments made by random people
                                                                                              actually feel that it is true inside of them
                                                                                              thats why they feel hurt by it

                                                                                              eg. random guy "dude, you keep missing your stun, you suck"
                                                                                              normal guy, who missed stun once - laughs it off
                                                                                              inferior guy, who misses often and realises it himself will either - 1. i am sorry (if socially responsible) 2. fuck you!!! (denial)

                                                                                              anyway people are more vocal when they are passionate about something
                                                                                              thats why u actually see people getting killed over sports like soccer. its fucking religion

                                                                                              Quick maffs

                                                                                                Maybe that is my problem, i am not able to understand how can someone be SO passionate about videogames to the point of getting really mad, i play the game to relax...... but i guess everyone is different.

                                                                                                Some people that i played with lately looks normal until they lose, then they get really fucking angry.


                                                                                                  rage in normal mm ? sad thing, reported chat abuse
                                                                                                  in ranked I can understand,

                                                                                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                                                                    There is a whole lot of shit you dont understand Dork

                                                                                                    Flat is Justice!

                                                                                                      people can get so "passionate" over lifting of toilet seats to the point of divorce
                                                                                                      what cant people get passionate about?


                                                                                                        48%winrate on the first account

                                                                                                        Cool story bro

                                                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!