General Discussion

General DiscussionHow often do you give commends

How often do you give commends in General Discussion

    And do you think people with more commends/more bought hats are treated differently in comparison to those who don't?


      Never...even if I want to, because I end up forgetting about it once the match ends :(


        Rarely, usually if we won and someone says "Im commending you" and the team was actually good/friendly I might commend him too, otherwise I dont really go out of my way to commend.

        I never commend the people that say "commend pls" fuck them

        And I dont really think anyone treats a guy with more commends any different

        So many promised commends by someone and so very few received...

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        Hafla Enjoyer

          always, why not? I don't even tell, if they are nice they get commend, that's why it's there.

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            i dont think ive ever given more than 10 commends since dota 2 started.
            i do report everyone who asks for commends though.


              if someone is being positive and trying to boost team morale ill commend them.

              like this game. the viper did well in his lane, cos he's a viper, so he thinks that gives him a free pass to bitch about everyone elses performance as if it will make them play better. he starts arguments with the PL and doom and they wont just mute him, disruptor stops the team arguing among each other so we win despite me dragging my team down to 4v5.

              says to everyone on the team wp at the end of the game, even the shitty ursa who participated in 11 out of 42 kills and has the lowest hero damage


                plus opponents who pause for the opposing team


                  I completely forgot that commending was a real thing until I saw this post.


                    @Maszyna 1964


                    SOHAI KIA OF TANJUNG MALIM

                      title should be how often do you give reports since more common


                        its just a showoff... i used to commend back a year ago... i remember guys spamming on channels " commend me x4 and i commend back " they gained so many commends from spamm then i realized this is sooo fail


                          I'm in low bracket. I would commend if we have a good support or I have a good babysitter when playing carry which doesn't happen often in my bracket.


                            private profile


                              i often dont have by the end of the week...


                                Do you think Volvo gives people with more commends special treatment in matchmaking?


                                  ^ I doubt it. Commendations on your profile is purely for show off I guess. I also wonder does volvo really record post-game evaluations and how they make use of that.


                                    I usually only commend if the player's been positive throughout the entire game or he/she was extremely good.


                                      almost never

                                      Mac_Lilypad [NL]


                                        this game our sand king went godlike, and at the end of the matchs he said "Commend rubick" instead of "Commend me" so that was a insta command to him from me (i was rubick

                                        Greygrey the Sailor

                                          Just about every game I have ever played I have been able to find atleast 1 person worthy of a commend. Honestly I think that is a goal everyone should have, find something good about one person in a group of 9 people.


                                            R.I.B that's a really cool way to think about it.

                                            Primordial Soup

                                              GGWP, commend me pls. So much facepalm!


                                                Never because they never deserve it.


                                                  i only commend good supports, pushers (rat style) and semicarries. the typical hard carry who farms for 40 mins and then simply onehits everything doesnt get commended even he makes us win. but it makes no fun. without hard carries dota would be way more fun to play.

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                                                  आप गे क्यों

                                                    if they saved my life, regardless of which side, immediate commend
                                                    if i know them irl, no matter what we do, we report each other


                                                      NEVER EVER

                                                      harvard graduate

                                                        I commend people that are nice in chat and play well. I will also commend people that carry me hard because because that is pretty much the only way to thank people for free points. If they ask to be commended tho, i wont do it.

                                                        [DFG] Whale King

                                                          I give commends to people that seem friendly and have played well

                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                            What do commends do for you in game? Anything?

                                                            I have occasionally commended a player for a really sweet move, I'll type out wow good play you just earned a commend, just to pump them up and feel appreciated. Usually it's a support who does a good job ganking or saving me or something. I rarely commend at the end, I will almost never commend a snowballing carry who has like 800 gpm cus isn't that kind of the point? I save my commends for good support play.


                                                              I only commend if someone says something really funny.


                                                                I commend people who are nice, no matter how bad they play... everybody gets good and bad games.

                                                                LEL JK I DON'T COMMEND I FORGET


                                                                  I never give away commends. I use to do that on beta because you could give one of each when you wanted to commend a player for something. Tbh there isnt enough commendation options. Mostly i end up saying well this dude deserve a commend but he is not one of this 4 options that i have to choose so i say fuck it and not give a commendation. I struggled to find any valid example now though.


                                                                    When some1 is boosting an account and he show me how to play like a good player
                                                                    When some1 is very foonny
                                                                    When some1 throw 3 rapiers (even if the thrower is in my team)


                                                                      I generally commend players that did well in the game, friend or foe alike. Funny guys and people that teach me valuable stuff get commends too. Good Supports get my commendations most of the time, for friendliness. Carries only get a commend when they show better-than-average skills. I still play only pubs so whenever I see good bottle-crowing, High-ground use, rune control and effective ganks on a Mid/Carry usually earn that.

                                                                      People that ask for a commend never get one from me.