General Discussion

General DiscussionFarm instead of Winning

Farm instead of Winning in General Discussion

    For some reason if a lane goes in my favor my team seems to think oh hes got 12 kills in 20 mins, k well better farm for the next 20 and do nothing. What causes this mentality because one player on the team is doing well that we should just get our core items and win but people seem to want to farm extensively. My team did try to split push but you cant really solo push as a 1-4 PL very well. Instead of grouping up my team continued to farm until i on i told them to push on numerous occasions. I'm just confused what causes this mentality, "One of us is ahead so lets all just farm and he can keep getting kills by himself and try to push". I had a diffusal blade which i later sold for a deso just to push easier because of this.

    I'm not angry I'm curious why people do this and how to deal with it because asking multiple times seemed to not work.


      Played too much MMORPG probably.
      Farm endlessly, get Godly gear! Isn't that MMORPG all about?
      Why do you think doto is called chess for idiots.


        chess is easier imo

        Sōu ka

          your problem is that you actually think it's obvious what has to be done
          you had a pl and a brood and a rather farmed sven and their am got fucked
          the only way for you to lose that game is running around as 5 before these heroes are strong enough

          yeah people farm too much in certain situation and yes even more often they neglect to farm enough

          in your games nobody has any idea how to properly play but they all have strong opinions
          to be honest if somebody in your game was competent and was aware of the overall skill level of the game he'd just disregard everything anyones doing all game and try to win the game on his own


            Well that was me, i constantly ganked sniper and AM along with a few times against warlock. The only reason they were so far behind was because i tried to do something about it. Yeah my team had farmers but so did they so why not end it when you're so far ahead? if you watch the replay past about 15 mins you'll clearly see many chances where i kille 1-2 ppl and people just want to farm. There was also a time where my teammate Broodmother decided to farm instead of helping me kill AM+Sniper who i was wayy ahead of but i couldn't 1v2 quite yet.

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