General Discussion

General DiscussionIs legit supports ganking a trilane?

Is legit supports ganking a trilane? in General Discussion
I'm 14k mmr let me mid

    When i play capitans draft (on 3,5k mmr), my supports always go to the enemy trilane to ''gank''.

    I think it's stupid and i should flame they cause they always feed it, i dont know, just say me.

    I thought the usual roam to mid and your own lane, but go for the trilane seem so stupid.


      Depends dude, if you can easly farm alone cause the offlane it's a n00b there is no sense to stay there leeching you exp. If not ganking they should make you stacks, btw depends on what you pick and what are you gonna build. So yes, Supports if you can farm easly have to move but maybe they should try to gank a trilane if even the midler come. Otherways the best target would be the middle with a EZY combo Jakiro + Rubick for give a kill to the midler.

      So yes, you doing it good nigga.

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