General Discussion

General Discussion11 loses streak

11 loses streak in General Discussion
Yes father, I am winning

    I fucking hate my life atm


      Pls go quas wex against Naga and Timber with invoker. The EMP is also gonna steal mana from the illusions and tornado is gonna rek naga anyway. Timber also has a hard time cause EMP and Tornado. Also pls get 4 points in Quas if u go Q/E

      We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

        I would hate my life as well if I consider playing dota my life.

        Froge of Legend

          i could sand king support you as a hard carry, if you want to.


            lol poor guy

            Yes father, I am winning

     fucking sad...

              @ RaGeZeUs:
              I'm really bad with quas/wex, it would have been worse I guess...

              @ {T.V.F} Dizmund:
              Actually trying to reach 4k solo MMR, sorry (Even if I'm actually reaching 3k and less...)

              I'm 14k mmr let me mid

                -400 mmr in 2 days, beat it


                  here's some reasons why you're losing:

                  you're going into games immediately after you lost the previous game. the negative thoughts from losing the previous game are still in your mind and they will make you play worse.

                  or because you know you're on a losing streak, you're probably expecting to be handed a guaranteed win, which can make you play worse because you think "i don't need to play to the best of my abilities, since this game is in the bag anyway"

                  your cm build is pretty crap
                  only having 1 nukes until lv 10 is ridiculously bad and the third level in frostbite has the worst scaling so you only get it when you're going to max frostbite the next level

                  by not having even 1 point into crystal nova until 10 you can (and probably did) miss many kills from your lack of damage and extra disable, or miss farm that you would have gotten if you had an aoe nuke to use on a neutral camp on the way as you return to the fountain for example.

                  considering how many times you died, i assume you died a few times while you were trying to save up for blink dagger but could not afford it, when you should spend gold before you die so that you don't lose any. with the amount of gold you lost from dying 15 times you could probably have had an extra item if you had bought components for easy to build items before you died, such as mekansm, force or euls.

                  aghs is a bad item because you shouldnt be relying on your ultimate on CM because of how easily it can get canceled especially vs an enigma, lion and a silencer on the enemy team. also by attempting to get an aghs when you only have a blink makes you incredibly useless as a support if you don't manage to complete it. this is why getting small, easy to build core items before going for bigger items is good, because even if you don't end up completing said luxury item, you'll still be useful.

                  dagon on axe, and phase boots on what appears to be a jungle axe. you want tranquils so you don't have to go vanguard as a first item, allowing you to get blink instead, and having a very early blink on axe can be absolutely game changing

                  blink first instead of mek on enigma. one, you don't need blink in the early game, all you have to do is walk up to people and black hole them, cos they're thinking "theres no way an enigma will use black hole on 1 person" and two, with a mek at some retardedly early timing like 8 minutes, you don't even need to use black hole to win fights, allowing you to constantly deter the enemy from fighting with just the *threat* of a black hole, while you take their towers uncontested. if mek isn't enough to win a fight, then you also have black hole. having mek + black hole is way more game changing at 8-15 minutes than blink + black hole is.

                  you should get midnight pulse at lv 2 to destroy trees in order to farm faster, your eidolons are incredibly slow, so the best way to maximise their damage output and therefore your farming speed is to make them spend less time moving from A to B.

                  rubick game, max fade bolt by lv 7, not 8. also I consider 3-4-2-2 to be better than 4-4-1-2 because you don't get that much benefit from levelling telekinesis. the higher the current level, the lower the relative increase is of the disable + cast range, which are very slight anyway, whereas the second level into null field is the most effective point in it because the resistance doubles from 5% to 10%.

                  you have the lowest kills + assists of your team, so you need to participate more as a support, especially rubick who's a playmaker rather than a hero that should be passive.

                  im too lazy to watch 11 games but in most of them your item + skill builds are pretty bad and that leads to missing kills or farm in the early game, so the enemy win the early stage of the game which then results in them continuing the lead until the game ends. i personally think the easiest way you can improve is to improve item + skill builds. it isn't difficult to do compared to learning how to position well or getting better at last hitting for example, but it can make a whole world of difference.

                  to expand on what ragezeus said about invoker, the QE build focuses on forge spirits, not sun strike, which is unreliable. you want double forge spirits early on because they're good for farming, pushing, and getting kills. they're just ridiculously strong, and the earlier you can get double forges, the stronger you are.

                  the earliest you can get double forges is at level 9, with 4Q, 4E and 1 invoke. you won't need wex because you have ice wall as an escape instead, you lack the mana to be using all of your other spells and you can only use another spell once every ~20 seconds anyway. with 4 quas, ice wall slows for 80%, that's basically as good as a stun for stopping people chasing you when no one has a blink that early in the game in order to blink past the wall. plus you can make turn-around kills with cold snap + forge spirits, whereas with ghost walk once you break the invisiblity, the enemies are no longer slowed.

                  you don't want to get a second level of invoke at 8, because the 5 less seconds it takes for invoke to come off cooldown does not have a noticable impact in the early stages of the game when you only use 3 spells often as QE invoker anyway, which is cold snap, forge spirits and sun strike. with 2 of them pre invoked and invoke off cooldown you have all the spells you need 10-15 minutes into the game. the point into invoke is better off making your invoked spells stronger instead.

                  by not getting the second point into invoke until after level 13 means that at level 13, you can have max exort (7 points), which is the earliest you can have it maxed, 4 points into quas for double forge spirits, and 1 point into wex to have access to all of your spells. by getting a second point into invoke you can't have all of these things.


                    I was also bad with q w :)! You just have to gank some lanes and make sure your carry has a easy time but opponent carry does not.

                    one and half gun

                      another 3k mmr thread

                      Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                        11 losses isn't much. Try like winning 1-2 games then have another 10-11 loss streaks. Then having them again later. From 5k mmr back down to 3k lul. Next thing u know ur in 2.5k trash tier ;D

                          Този коментар е изтрит
                          Primordial Soup

                            You hate your life because you lost in a game. Yes.

                            Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                              like wave to use to say, "I"m 6k bracket, losing to 4k bracket", or, "playing on 3.5k smurf losing hard, blah, blah, blah".."but folks I am 5k MMR on my main!"


                                Take a break.

                                Wave will you please die by your boyfriends razorblade dildo already?

                                Primordial Soup

                                  Shots = Fired


                                    always ask for safe lane, get void ask team mates to get wd or sky and enjoy the win


                                      Don't hate your life, hate the game which is fucking waste of time.

                                      Yes father, I am winning


                                        that's some good advice but
                                        "or because you know you're on a losing streak, you're probably expecting to be handed a guaranteed win, which can make you play worse because you think "i don't need to play to the best of my abilities, since this game is in the bag anyway""

                                        hum... I wouldn't say that, but everytime I play a game,my mind is "I will win, because I'll try my best".
                                        I never surrend, I don't trashtalk (except when some kids get angry when the game is lost by my fault -and sometimes it is-, then I simply mute them)

                                        I will keep in mind what you said about invoker, cm, enigma etc... Will try this next time

                                        @ Spaniard

                                        I don't firstpick, I adapt with the picks of my mates (I can play every role -Even if I'm not good, at least I know how to- I don't mind with that) because I don't want to fuck our lanes with some guys who will just pick what they want

                                        Yes father, I am winning

                                          Ok so I tried Enigma first mek
                                          that was better as you said
                                          but.. I lost.


                                            Shit happens, I was 3750 (first time 3,7k+) and now Im 3,6k and I cant help but getting pissed over my team.

                                            Oh well, at least I know I do rather fine, at least I think so, didnt spot any major mistakes in most of my latest loses (in some of them I did, Im not the one to blame everyone but myself in most cases, sometimes it really isnt my fault, tho)


                                              doom and aa already have arcanes, so you don't need them. arcanes are not gotten on enigma for himself, they're for his team, because he has an extremely high intelligence gain meaning that even a sage's mask will give more mana regen than arcanes will.

                                              you can stay on browns and get travels later, or go treads which gives you a decent dps boost early on because of your really low agility gain, that having 30 extra attack speed is a huge deal.

                                              also sometimes you can skip lv 2 black hole until lv 14 when you have 4-4-4-1 skill build. EG.zai does this because the extra 1% damage per second is better than the damage from upgrading black hole, and makes enigma better at defending/stopping pushes. also levelling black hole increases the mana cost by 100 in return for a lower cooldown of 10 seconds. the damage increase is not noticable. so if you lack mana to cast black hole when it is needed then get stats instead.

                                              if you watch your enigma replays, see when you have lv 2, and whether the lower cooldown of 10 seconds mattered. if it did not then you were better off getting midnight pulse instead. small things but they make the difference.

                                              or why don't you just play zeus if you want the best chance of winning? it is your most played hero and you have a high winrate on him. you are probably playing worse because you are stressed because you are on a losing streak and you keep losing. just play what you're best at.


                                                Spam zeus xD

                                                Yes father, I am winning

                                                  "or why don't you just play zeus if you want the best chance of winning? it is your most played hero and you have a high winrate on him. you are probably playing worse because you are stressed because you are on a losing streak and you keep losing. just play what you're best at."

                                                  Just tried.




                                                      15 loss in a row, ofc when you feed every single game.

                                                      9,10,12,11,15,15,12,15,15 These are your deaths in last 9 games. Try to die less than 5-6 times and you ll easy win you are throwing a games by yourself.


                                                        spam Necrophos. He has the highest winrate in the game. Havent played him much myself so i dont know why but the numbers say you should win


                                                          doesnt matter what the overall average is if he isn't good at it.

                                                          for the best odds just keep playing zeus.

                                                          also against the puck and the es who both have blnks you need some form of defensive mobility, either a force or euls. with the enemy being a burst orientated lineup an aghanims for extra stats would have been better than a refresher since it does the same thing as refresher (increase ultimate damage) but gives you HP which is more useful in this scenario, whereas refresher would have been better if you had something like hex / shivas or something else to also refresh besides your ultimate.

                                                          but yes, you are dying way too often, probably because you're tunnel visioning too much on trying to kill one target which results in that person's teammates backing him up and then killing you because you're out of position.

                                                          looking at the heroes that you're playing and your death stats the likely culprit for most of your deaths is your poor positioning.

                                                          Sugar Show

                                                            relax, you're granted to get a free win strike from now choosing any hero, even techies! SPAM TECHIES.


                                                              Practice last hitting

                                                              Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                                Yea the noob rule is less than 2 deaths early game. If you die twice, then switch lane. That means jungle if you have too if nobody wants you. Also later keep ur deaths like less than 1 death every 3 mintues, that means warding, even if you're carry and hugging tower even if you're in a 2v1 lane.