General Discussion

General DiscussionLook at my teams tower damage

Look at my teams tower damage in General Discussion

    o really?
    we picked es because lycan player asked for it, but he picked lycan instead of es and nerfed our aggro tri (which however we still won damn nice)
    he had 0/2 on lane
    he flamed me the whole game, while i died all 3 times in last 5 mins of the game.
    we got 2 team wipes and he went rosh after both.
    he didnt use his wolves once in the whole game. he just spawned them and let them afk attacking creeps or w/e


      lol how is it possible to not get at least 3k TD with lycan.
      just leavin' this here


        80 last hits at 38 min on lycan, jesus

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            we sent lycan top, invo mid and agro tri with mirana farming. mid and our tri won very nice. lycan was the only reason we lost. he didnt push anything, and we eventually lost vs doom and syla. but early was ours.

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                yap, it was lycan vs am, invo vs doom, and rubick roaming top-mid. we had 5-1 8-3 11-7 kills, after that they started catching up. at 20-20 they went over us. however, i had 3/0/15 when team had 22 total kills:D that game wasnt lost because of me for sure. i tried going carry, but too late. i couldnt catch up with the farm.

                i suck at tinker. you chose the worst possible example:D tinker/ta/legion are my weakest as you can see in stats. + bad mood after prev game.

                also, i suck at d2. still getting used with this 1v all system. i cant play with this shitty random matching. coming from d1 where i played for last 8 months with the same stack of ~40 ppl on a pretty high lvl (garena high rooms and clan wars) i find it very hard playing with randoms. however, im somewhere at high 3k-low 4k. not some genius, but im pretty good if i got a good team. i even won some local competitions in my region. i swear im not that bad:D


                  Way to go, write to report your team in all-chat every 30 seconds. Good job man!


                  Dire Wolf

                    That's nothing, sniper with 80 tower dmg. Literally you cast one rank 3 or 4 shrapnel on a tower and do more than that. Actually 80 dmg is exactly one level 2 cast. Probably what he did. Don't let maelstrom fool you either, his item build was 3 wraith bands, then a hood of defiance lol.


                    Or this beauty. TB rushes radiance, check out his amazing skill build!


                    Or this one, TB, 68 tower dmg.


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