General Discussion

General DiscussionPro Team Possibilities?

Pro Team Possibilities? in General Discussion
Froge of Legend

    I know i don't have a decent mmr but that does not determine your skill i just do not trust most people to play ranked.
    Well i was wondering if there were any teams out there looking for a good player.
    I can generally play any hero except invoker and earth spirit.
    I mostly play Nyx assassin and Sand king (swag king). So supports.
    I would like some replies and feedback plz or i report you noob.
    Oh and i do not flame i am not about that life anymore.

    I'm 14k mmr let me mid

      MMR determine your skill level.


        I am sorry to say this but you have a really long way to go before even a semi serious team will look at you. Its not just your low win rate (or the bad mmr you mentioned) I was looking at your last hits and they are always really low. your record for 20-30 minute games was 3.5 per minute, this is super low and it is your record. your item builds are kind of iffy too. I cant say much more about your game play with out watching games, but these things are a sure tip off that you aren't ready for pro play.


          ye bro we be llookin a good player for a seripus tournamnt here in pepru wan jpin?


            i noticed the same think as Zaby did.... ur lh and builds are not low " situational " they are generaly low

            anyway gl teaming up with the guy above me hes roadtoproteam too

            Miku Plays

              or maybe try an amateur tournament and see if you can handle it.

              Primordial Soup

                I'm waiting for Wave's flame.


                  ...mmr may not be the best judgement, but 2k is not even half what you should be at to look for an amateur team...much less pro...

                  NextStep ®

                    I'm waiting for Wave's retarded flame.


                      put it this way - solo mmr reflects about 60% mechanics, 20% attitude/picks, 20% teamwork

                      competitive (or equivalently party mmr if you play in the same team exclusively) reflects maybe 30% mechanics, 50% teamwork, 20% attitude/picks

                      many old school players have low MMR because their mechanics are not necessarily good but they have an edge because they have better understanding of the game and hence teamwork, etc

                      but you, who are still from the normal bracket - you have neither. Your mechanics are too far off the mark to even consider playing decently competitively by virtue of mechanics alone. You have a long way to go, and it is nothing to be ashamed about - keep learning and keep improving.

                      Този коментар е бил редактиран
                      one and half gun

                        solo mmr reflects luck

                        team with acc buyer = losing time

                        otherwise you're spot on if we are talking about the time when dodging was possible

                        Dune, the Desert Planet

                          Wave, can you give me list of ppl you sold accounts to? So I can dodge them if I meet them by any chance. Would be thankful.


                            ask navi mb u can replace xboct

                            BlueAngel (Trade Knife)
                              Този коментар е изтрит

                                I Also am searching for a team and and my MMR sucks as well.. we can play together if you want?

                                King of Low Prio

                                  he doesnt want to play with low MM players because only his MM is broken but for everyone else it is working fine

                                  one and half gun

                                    dont remember but i do remember ppl from australia and singapore added me a lot

                                    i only sold like 9 accs when i could get 6k+ by playing tinker in calibration


                                      @OP - You are not ready for a "professional" team and you probably never will be. If you like find some friends and play in amateur tournaments, but frankly you are't close to ready for that either.

                                      Lawl at wave selling 9 accounts and then complaining about account buyers on his team constantly. That is like drug dealers complaining that kids smoke weed in his neighborhood.