General Discussion

General DiscussionStarcraft 2

Starcraft 2 in General Discussion

    Seems like fun game to watch, but I never played it. Someone play it? Seems like these micro stuff with moving units are extremely hard compared to farming with Naga Siren and using micro or is kind of a same?


      i played a bit of sc2 , like 60 hours or so and man it is hard , you have just so many thing to do and control and if you forget to make those things you can hurt your economy really bad, and sometimes the enemy will shit all over your economy with some move you didnt see coming, and on 3v3 or 4v4 the complexity of the games was just so much for me i would alway get stomped by the enemys making combos xd

      Primordial Soup

        The micro in sc2 is easier in my opinion. The macro on the other hand...


          I never found the micro to be that bad in starcraft 2, the farming isn't like dota where the resources deplete every few seconds and you need to keep giving commands, just make sure you don't have idle units or buildings that could be spawning new units but aren't and you will be fine. it gets a bit difficult to keep your economy up to speed while you are fighting, but its still not THAT bad unless you end up in some crazy 5 minute long drown out battle.


            its an rts. you are comparing it to dota. apples and oranges.



              edit: or cars and keyboards
              edit2: keyboards and mouse would also be a possible comparison between Starcraft and DotA.

              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                You can compare apples and oranges, though. One has a more acid flavor than the other, one gives you more C vitamin than the other, one is healthier than the other, etc. There's enough in common between apples and oranges to compare them, they're both fruit.
                You can't compare cars and keyboards because they have nothing in common, unless you state a comparison point (e.g. color). Same with keyboard and mouse, while they're both "gaming" devices they serve a different purpose unless, as I said, you state a comparison point (which could be, for example, their usefulness in a specific task).


                  sc2 is easy, i got diamond in less than 200 games by playing protoss and massing immortals, this was in WoL though, i only finished the campaign in the new expansion

                  Jay Ashborne

                    Sc 2 is easy. You want micro? Play broodwar, where you can't select all units on the map at once.

                    Primordial Soup

                      ^Fucking 12 unit limit.


                        Micro is easy. Macro is very very hard.

                          Този коментар е премахнат от модератор

                            I don't really pratice micro as much as I use too.

                            But I remember it being hard, then it get's easy, then macro just stays hard.

                            Hex Sigma

                              I wanted to pick up starcraft but it seemed like mountain higher than dota, and I didn't have the patience


                                I have it and have been playing it off and on lately from my dota break. I have the expansion but I play more of the original on multiplayer.

                                I typically play Terran, and try and get a quick win from some kind of cheese because I dont care for long drawn out battles that last forever. I typically win in the first 7-10 min with my "cheese" and if not, the game takes a lot longer.

                                Just some hints when you're setting bind keys for units/buildings:

                                1-5 I use for units (I like to break mine up by type)
                                6 all main bases for worker prod
                                7 barracks/war factory/starport
                                8 bio/mech upgrades
                                9. building exp. upgrades

                                Just an FYI you can hit "TAB" and tab through building types when you have them selected, then you can build different units or upgrades so you dont have to hunt for them on the map, or bind them to different keys all the time.

                                Its fun man its worth the $20 dollars to pull away from dota for a bit.


                                  Or even the story. Story in SC2 is well crafted IMO

                                  Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                    SC2 looks fun but when u actually get into it, it's a very mechanical game. Most koreans and pros don't like rush games aka cheeze games as they call it. Think warcraft 3 + 50% build luck or random early fight luck. Picking your race is like 30% of the win. Also scouting sometimes doesn't even help you win. I mean you could do 300+ APM, scout and still lose cuz of cheeze or wrong build counter. Not to mention, if you are a rush player lose to mechanical robotic players who farm til late game. IMO SC2 fanbase is dying, cuz of many reason. Bad expansion, stupid storyline to the D3 type caliber. As well as being balanced for 1v1. Just look at the current meta all korean pro games are 1v1. No 2v2/3v3 like warcraft 3 days with team vs. team games etc...

                                    Sure SC2 looks fun but everybody is waiting for wc4 or the next big RTS.


                                      i remember being good in broodwar, stomping all my friends xD