General Discussion

General DiscussionBest itembuild for Shadow Fiend?

Best itembuild for Shadow Fiend? in General Discussion
I'm 14k mmr let me mid

    Midas or not midas?

    Rush bkb or rush manta?

    Blink or ShadowBlade?

    Is Sange and yasha ok?

    AC desoll or both?

    Please help, i really have no idea about shadowfiend itembuild.

    My awfool itembuilds:


      the hero is so bad right now unless you have a team built around him that you should play him as carry instead and go for fast dmg and survivability shit

      Dune, the Desert Planet

        I'm a SF player, so I'll help you out.

        Don't play Nevermore unless you know exactly what you're doing. And if you know what you're doing, items you buy and order of purchase doesn't matter.

        But to answer your question:

        - Midas; I don't like it on SF. You gain gold and xp fast enough. It begs the enemies to kill you
        - BKB or Manta; Depends on the lineup. BKB vs Clock or vs SWM +hero that comboes with flare. Manta for DPS, EHP, dodging single target stuns and AoE spells. I usually get both.
        - Blink or Lothars; At lower levels Lothars definitely, but in real games go blink since it's way way better item. I didn't purchase WW for SF in... years? One huge advantage of Lothar is that you can buy it really fast and then blow up anyone you want, since the surprise factor.
        - SnY; it's ok if your winning the game and it doesn't matter what you buy, if game is even or playing from behind, do not get it.
        - AC or Deso; Deso, huge boots to your dps, you melt heroes. AC should be gotten by some1 else in your team. You should only buy it versus ET or versus a team of armor reducers.

        As for itembuilds check out my games (there are three pages):

        Dune, the Desert Planet

          @Drow, this account was a gift from a friend. It had 204 wins, 208 loses (sub 50% wr). Check WR now. Also all allpick games were not played by me. I play CM/CD only and I got in Very High Skill bracket really fast. Also boosted the MMR by 1500 points and still going up. So ALL PICK games on this acc are not played by me, but CM and CD are.

          MB you should look at your own games instead of shitting on others. 0-25 drow. Fucking l2p.

          inb4 smurfing. Nope. My acc is lvl10 cause I haven't played dota 2 all too much and I wanted to play ranked so I asked for acc from a friend. My xp comes from dota1 and various IHLs. So fuck off son, go mid and feed with ur Drow like you're already doing. And if you need lessons and tips, call me. :*

          Ego complex

            Bam, Benao wining again :o


              haha he srsly.... SRSLY thinks he's better than me... enough said


                I don't understand why someone would build Manta on heroes like SF, Sniper or Drow. Well, I get the idea, these illusions could save your ass once or twice in a few situations, but aside from that I don't see any synergy with this item. Aren't there better options?


                  i dont play much snipper so i couldnt say BUT its what you should go on sf and drow on an ideal case scenario which is how i play even if i lose :p cause i dont give a fuck about wins. its like this: both sf and drow need dmg/attspeed and mobility, nothing else to do their stuff, rest is mechanics of the hero and awareness/prediction/positioning yasha gives you mobility dmg and attack speed and manta gives you stats (durability/dmg) + mechanics outplay capacity while not increasing the item slots + fast to do and easily accesible since you only need an ultimate orn and then almost done. so thats it... covers the necessities, fast building path along the way and increases maneuvrability. And thats not even mentioning the fact that both sf and drow are the responsibles to take down structures so they help in dmg dealing and aggro/tankiness while still being useful in fights! i consider bkb situational and would only consider it when desperately trying to win, not giving a fact about counterplaystyle and just directly charging forward tanking everything, when the opponent is better and against heroes like tide that just fuck you up real good even when doing everything right. Ofc only this useful when you're an expert with the hero so you shoud go smth else if you're lacking

                  Dune, the Desert Planet

                    @Drow, didn't say I'm better or worse. I said look at CM/CD games then talk about brackets. Also check out my win rate now and note that I started with 204 won games and 208 lost games.

                    @kun, Manta gives nice stats(hp, dmg, ias...), and Yasha is amazing early-mid item and Manta is upgrade of it. With Manta you can dodge spells such as Magic Missile, Imaple, Laguna Blade, LSA, Ravage etc. And remove nasty spells from your status (silences, overgrowth, etc..). One more point is that illusions benefit most from stats, and AGI is best stat for DPS since it provides you with attack speed and dmg. Combine it with Butterfly and those illusions can punch hard. Good for push/split push also.


                      Sage and Yashga is okay with Desolator, or Madness+Daedalus(without deso then, ofc).

                      Midas is okay if you can take it fast-enough, or if you need extra levels/money, but it's really better not to go if you don't know what are you doing with it.

                      For your bracket, just coinsider SB a core item for SF. If you can at least, land 1 good raze, it's pretty much free kill

                      Desolator is awesome item on SF, also, it's cool to get curias because he doesn't have that much of armor.

                      Against Ursa, I'd go: Treads/Drums/Aquila/Curias/Desolator/Heavens, pretty cheap build if you can get out of control at the start...

                      Against squishy supports, I'd go desolator aswell. Against Sven, Naix, Void, Jugger, I'd go probably Madness/BKB/Deadealus build.

                      Take care of + 30% damage if you're going madness, aswell. Maybe Dominator is better choice for you, but then coinsider Yasha into manta core..

                      BKB is pretty core on SF, but as Benao already said, it's also pretty much only if you have to carry the game hard against some heavy or chain stunners..

                      Last, but not least, there's no way you can learn what item's are best for SF by just asking us.

                      Try out, test, practice. SF is anyway shit in this meta, but it's high-skill cap hero and I think he has his pros, even now.

                      With decent tema-mates, you can really wipe-out everything..

                      He just needs momentum and practice.

                      I'm 14k mmr let me mid

                        Thanks for the replies


                          IMO AC is a really important item to grab against DP.