General Discussion

General DiscussionGetting out of 1k trench... (Tip. It's tinker)

Getting out of 1k trench... (Tip. It's tinker) in General Discussion
Kalyse (all mute)

    So, when I ended calibrated, I'm sure I deserved my 1.4k MMR because I didn't really take much of anything seriously but I knew I was a better player...
    I started playing a lot of heroes that I thought would help me solo win games...
    I went through quite a few... Ursa dominates, PA.. then I tried going support, but I would still find unavoidable 7 game lose streaks for things that were totally out of your hands...

    Eventually, I ended up playing 20 games as Tinker and actually did really well. I didn't know how to play Tinker properly to start, but now I can pretty much carry any game providing my team don't just feed and lose 4 towers by ten minutes.

    I also learnt that the best way to improve your MMR is to farm better than the other team. That's pretty much the sure fire way.

    Anyway.. even the games when I lose as Tinker I'm carrying hard. Eventually the MMR will catch up but if you are struggling like me, just pick a hero who has global map presence... that way you can make sure you are making the most impact on the game.

    I think for this month out of about 40 games I have 78% win rate. Learning curve was hard but it's really helped improve last hitting, map awarenes, mini map, dewarding, etc.. all skills you can take on to another hero.


      no its not tinker its a brain


        Getting out of the trench: do whatever works for you. I climbed 1k mmr playing carries when I was muted, dropped 400 mmr when I got unmuted.


          u can win with tinker cos nothing at all gets punished sub 3k and hes one of the most braindead heroes to farm
          if u actually want to improve pick many mid heroes (mid is easiest to climb) and improve your actual gameplay instead of tinker only

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          Kalyse (all mute)

            I don't think he's brain dead to farm. You have to constantly watch the clock. Picking to TP into the wrong creep wave spawn could potentially slow you down a few minutes. I totally agree that I don't get punished ever... no one ever tries to even attempt to lock me down on mid. On the off games that I play against another tinker, I make damn sure that I pick him off a few times to slow his BoTs.


              LOL I got out of the 1k bracket by spamming lich. up until about 2.2k chain frost= team wipe 100% of the time. people are such potatoes in 1k that they don't even move away from each other after you cast it, never mind spread out before you get a chance to cast it. they also just feed you in lane if you can sacrifice your own creeps when its off cooldown, cast your Q and not auto attack. hell even at mid 3k half the players don't know what to do against that hero. "sobs I am still a potato".


                I pick meepo.
                I pick meepo.
                I pick meepo.
                I pick meepo.
                I pick meepo.

                See what I did there?


                  u forgot to mention ur aghs ^

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