General Discussion

General DiscussionBloodseeker

Bloodseeker in General Discussion
playinginursockdrawer mm soc

    Has he ever been in the meta?


      Yep, back in the days when Huskar was so ehm, no, he haven't.

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          teleport scroll cooldown lowered to 65

          that patch nerfed bs so hard

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              ^ even if he silenced od, thats still extra dmg for od so he will still get lasthit advantage, also low int pool hero vs od

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                  i used to pick him mid vs od and also as a distraction with ursa carry xd


                    More bloodseeker buff possibly?


                      There are a lot of heroes without disruption, whose ganks you can simply avoid by teleporting away.

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                          bs is a super good hero actually... just gotta risk banning and picking around him. i'd say the role that suits him best this meta is carry. you gotta play him apeshit mode too, with backup if they dare counter when seeker going straight for targets. i leave the healing ability on level 1/2 depending on enemies and go dmg tower/heroes destroying setup. you take down towers amost as fast as with drow. i'd say the best backup is chen or some accesible heal like sp and with void offlane that can take on the lategame carry role if game gets extended. ez 6 towers before min ~10 then straight throne :D (or buildup lead and gg)

                          Jorges Sanz

                            Jungling BS is no where as fast as enigma fast or even doom... you should never ever jungle unless its a last resort or you're playing dota with your feet.

                            I would only pick it up and play bs on off lane if my safe lane hero can start making rotations ~ 8-10mins...


                              Never seen a successfull jungle bs/ursa. Anyone has a replay? The ones I've seen get level 6 at min 12 something.

                              Player 103543943

                                Stronk counter to am, but otherwise he can replaced by better heros

                                Flat is Justice!

                                  when slark was popular as a carry competitively, bs would be the direct counter


                                    But Slark isn't popular carry in competitive, he's ez to bait and kill

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      I don't know, what is the current meta anyway? I keep hearing it's deathball, it's push, it's void setups. All I see is popular heroes (void, skywrath, doom, witch dr) and blood is a popular pick.

                                      And for good reason. He is extremely hard to zone out/harass mid with a stout shield and some regen and he is an excellent ganker. He's not the greatest late game carry but he can snowball hard and win games. He's a solid hero and I hate playing against him. He's also a direct counter to a bunch of mobile heros like mirana, slark, and a lot of heroes who like to use force staff like sky.


                                        BS extremely hard to zone out? i dont think so
                                        if you kite him properly he won't be able to get to lane and last hit because he would die. pick a QoP (for example) and harass the hell out of him, he won't be able to sustain in lane

                                        Quick maffs

                                          Yeah but if you pick QoP against bloodseeker you are kind of fucked :)

                                          Pick viper and you will see bloodseeker cry in all stages of the game

                                          Dire Wolf

                                            yeah but viper zones out a lot of mids quite well, he's like an exception. BS can hold his own mid vs qop, storm, tinker, OD, SF, invoker, sniper, most melees. Razor probably beats him. Viper beats everyone. Silencer not sure. TA beats everyone except viper.


                                              razor rapes TA


                                                Hello guys
                                                Please reported this guys, they do not know how to play, because they are even the team I always lose.
                                                My friend reported him.

                                                Dire Wolf

                                                  Well yeah cept razor. But my point was bs can fight pretty much any mid just fine except a couple, uber powerful ones who beat just about every mid. Saying viper rapes bs mid isn't a revelation cus viper kills every mid.

                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                    Ursa looks like a cat

                                                    playinginursockdrawer mm soc

                                                      HE MIGHT BE NOW

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                                                          actually as long as you dont get ganked seeker should win

                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                            You need to just shutup still time... good seekers beat qop and storm every time.


                                                              Good seeker can't beat, equal skill given:

                                                              1. Invoker

                                                              2. Qop

                                                              3. Viper

                                                              4. Huskar

                                                              5. SF

                                                              6. Razor

                                                              7. Axe/Ursa

                                                              Ta is no problem for me as Seeker (most played hero for me), Qop and Invoker are. Heros that harrass u slowly are easy to beat, since you simply heal. You can harrass ta or storm, since their range is not that good.

                                                              Coldsnap on invoker makes him a pain in the ass, cause he can get you rly low with it.

                                                              Qop can slow you, so you get too many hits.

                                                              A good sf will give u 2 razes in the face every time you go forward.

                                                              The orbwalkers just outzone u.

                                                              Axe and Ursa simply fuck every meleehero.

                                                              Razor drains your damage.

                                                              For me BS is best played safelane farm. I do not get, why we can't see him more often in comp, before Icefag shits on him like its planned in 6.82. Srsly, he comes online fast, has 7 sek silence, strong nuke and can deal tons of dps.

                                                              He is not so god mid, since he can't beat many midlaners till 6. Many are even with him, many beat him AND:

                                                              He is an easy ganktarget.

                                                              With Midas into Blademail, Mjolnir/BKB the hero is just awesome fun. I need to spam him till death, before Icefrog kills my fav hero.

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