General Discussion

General Discussion6.82 Coming Soon

6.82 Coming Soon in General Discussion

    reset cooldown rune + refresher

    no thank you


      or if a team has a big cooldown ult and they get the cooldown reset rune early on then it's basically a won fight because it's a refresher for 0g and 0 mana which is retarded.

      double ravage/black hole/rp et cetera at 10 minutes in, lol


        But isn't that what runes are for? To give you that extra edge to win a fight?
        Though you are probably right about the reset cooldown rune. On some heroes it would be just too strong.

        Pom Pom 🍕

          Armour buff rune would be nice. Would help tower diving more, and a slight RNG buff to some low armour mid heroes like tiny, silencer (base at least), huskar, pudge, drow. Unless it would be +100% base instead of a flat bonus, then it won't really help them much early on.

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          Quick maffs

            "but it may also come 2 weeks from now."

            U kidding right ?


              2 valve weeks.

              Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                ^ til wards are 175.


                  - ice gurl now starts with a free boots
                  - void's time walk stops if he collides with a unit
                  - lunar blessing damage bonus is doubled during eclipse artificial night
                  - aghs eclipse now gives luna obstructed vision, total beams increased from 4/8/12 to 6/10/14
                  - doom removed from the game due to pressing ceremonial reasons
                  - new spiritbreaker passive "Spirit of Will", if spiritbreaker kills a hero, he gains a "spiritual charge", each charge increases his bash chance and movement speed by 1,5%, for a maximum of 10 stacks, we LoL now
                  - added 4 luna sets


                    Maybe we'll finally learn who's the shitty wizard?


                      Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                        Yo I'd take a free boots upgrade on cm, she'd be broke as fuck.